Godly Base

Chapter 334: Internal Strife

Chapter 334: Internal Strife

The Bretania Republic is the core of the alliance of western states. When it withdrew from the Hollow Demon Battlefield, the alliance of western states had no choice but to also withdraw to the homeland.

When the territories of the Bretania Republic fell into enemy hands, the Qianyuan Republic and the Grason Republic as well as their allies felt great pressure.

The elite armies of the Qianyuan Republic and the Grason Republic have begun to retreat slowly.

The frenzied offensive of the Hollow Demon armies made the retreat of the elite troops of the two republics very difficult. They had no choice but to go through several fierce battles every day.

The Hollow Demon Battlefield, in a palace, at a round table, there sat six Hollow Demon grand dukes. The six Hollow Demon grand dukes are rulers of the Hollow Demon Battlefield.

The six Hollow Demon grand dukes are Bloodseeker Grand Duke Christian, Werewolf Grand Duke Urto, Souleater Grand Duke Ponce, Devil Grand Duke Malik, Apparition Grand Duke Arcelou, and Parasitic Spider Demon Grand Duke Zhuhan.

The six demigod realm grand dukes are the strongest combatants on the Hollow Demon Battlefield.

Grand Duke Ponce, you suffered a crushing defeat at the hands of the trashy Qianyuan Republic. Do you have anything to say for yourself? Everybody, I propose we throw Grand Duke Ponce into the death slave camp, strip him of all his rights, and have him perform meritorious deeds.

Devil Grand Duke Malik, a dashing powerhouse with a horn and short blue hair, stared at Grand Duke Ponce and spoke with a cold smile.

The other four Hollow Demon grand dukes watched quietly from the sidelines.

The Devil clan and the Souleater clan are mortal enemies. If it wasnt for the big shots backing them, Malik and Ponce might have started a fight to the death already.

If Malik and Ponce fight each other, the other four Hollow Demon grand dukes wont stop them. Since the Bretania Republic was crushed, the Hollow Demon clan has gained the upper hand. Even if the two kill each other, the human clan of Blue Star wont be able to stop the formation of the Hollow Demon Heavenly Pillar. Unity is no longer a must.

In the Qianyuan Republic, there are many experts, including Liu Lang, who is a sky realm spirit ability user and has the ability to predict the future. I failed because that idiot An Guonan didnt destroy the level-1 Spirit Force Tower of the Qianyuan Republic.

Malik, if you continue to talk nonsense, I will tear your head off and put it up your butt!

Grand Duke Ponce said coldly, a fierce flash in his eyes.

Ponce, you smelly monster that stinks to high heavens. Ill tear you to shreds! Then feed you to my pets!

Grand Duke Maliks eyes flashed fiercely, and he suddenly sent his hand barreling toward Grand Duke Ponce.

I have tolerated you for long enough!

Grand Duke Ponces eyes flickered with a ferocious shade, Hollow Demon force billowed behind him, and he sent a hand shooting toward Grand Duke Malik.

Boom! Boom!

The two Hollow Demon grand dukes fought with each other like crazy, and frightening shock waves spread in all directions.

The other four Hollow Demon grand dukes watched the fight quietly and tasted various of fine liquors and delicious food. They looked at each other, and their eyes surged with veiled murderous intent.


In the palace, a statue of Jie King opened its eyes and looked at the six Hollow Demon grand dukes, and a terrible aura spread in all directions.

Greetings, Jie King!

The complexion of the Hollow Demon grand dukes changed drastically, and they saluted the statue of Jie King.

Grand Duke Malik and Grand Duke Ponce separated and saluted Jie King.

Jie King is a god realm powerhouse. Even if its in the Realm of Hollow Demons, he is an overlord who must not be offended.

After you capture Blue Star, I dont care if you kill each other. Now you must unite and capture Blue Star. Otherwise, I will turn you into wax figures and have you spend the rest of your lives in pain and despair.

Jie Kings eyes shimmered with a sinister shade, and he spoke cruel words in a soft voice.


When they heard that, the Hollow Demon grand dukes felt their blood run cold, and they responded respectfully.

Even if its in the Realm of Hollow Demons, Jie King is a terrifying existence. He likes to make wax figures and has a wax figure palace. In the wax figure palace, there are countless wax figures made from powerhouses that were captured alive, including a wax figure made from a god realm powerhouse.

After giving a warning, Jie Kings consciousness attached to the statue disappeared.

Before the Hollow Demon Battlefield is completely fused into Blue Star, a god realm powerhouse like Jie King would need to consume a massive amount of power to talk in here.

Grand Duke Ponce, Grand Duke Malik, why dont you two attack the Qianyuan Republic together? Of course, one of you can be responsible for the main forces of the Qianyuan Republic. While the other can be responsible for other defensive lines of the Qianyuan Republic.

The side that obtains victory first will win. What do you think?

Bloodseeker Grand Duke Christian suggested with a smile.

Grand Duke Ponces eyes flickered, and he said, This is a pretty good proposal! I will deal with the main forces of the Qianyuan Republic! Ill leave the other defensive lines of the Qianyuan Republic to you, Grand Duke Malik!

Grand Duke Maliks eyes shimmered, and he said with a sneer, No, I will deal with the retreating main forces of the Qianyuan Republic! You deal with the other defensive lines!


The two Hollow Demon grand dukes exchanged a look, smiled coldly, and then got up and strode toward the outside.

The other four Hollow Demon grand dukes looked at each other, and their eyes flashed with faint hostility. They also left the place.

A few days later, a Devil clan army took over the position of the Souleater clan army and began to besiege the 300,000 elite troops of the Qianyuan Republic who were trying to retreat.

Wu Zhongchao, Luo Tiangang, and other top powerhouses of the Qianyuan Republic took turns fighting. In the end, they were forced to return to within the range of the level-1 Spirit Force Tower, unable to proceed with the retreat.

The main army of the Qianyuan Republic was forced to use the tortoise tactic and begin to build another simple level-1 Spirit Force Tower within the scope of the first level-1 Spirit Force Tower. Through the tortoise tactic, they moved toward their lair step by step.

Once the main forces of the Qianyuan Republic return to their lair, they will no longer be afraid of the siege of the Hollow Demon army. After all, within the defensive line of the Qianyuan Republic, there are many level-1 Spirit Force Towers.

When the Hollow Demon grand dukes enter the range of the level-1 Spirit Force Towers, they will be weakened greatly. Their combat power will drop to the Spirit Saint realm or even lower. Under these circumstances, the Hollow Demon clan can hardly do anything to the defensive lines of the Qianyuan Republic.

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