Full Attributes Martial Arts (All Attributes Martial Path)

Chapter 2342: detour! Mechanical territory and chaotic sky star territory! Jie Yan Compass…

Chapter 2342: detour! Mechanical territory and chaotic sky star territory! Jie Yan Compass…

Chapter 2345 Detour! Mechanical territory and chaotic sky star territory! Tribulation Yan Compass! (Please subscribe)

At that moment, the Blood God clone felt like the world was spinning, and there were colorful streams of light all around, as if time was going backwards.

Like a dream!

But more of it is a dark background, deep and eerie, making it impossible to explore.

The Blood God clone has seen similar scenes. After all, he has also carried out space teleportation many times.

The only difference is that this is so... so fast!

Compared with previous space teleportations, this time's space teleportation was incredibly fast, making him feel a little uncomfortable.

This is somewhat...well, how should I put it, very special.

Because no matter what, he is also a person with space talent. Even if this space talent is given by himself, but he can use it at ordinary times, which is far beyond ordinary warriors.

And if you regularly use space talent, you will naturally become extremely adaptable to the power of space.

Therefore, every time he performed space teleportation, his reaction was minimal or almost nonexistent.

When others were retching and dizzy because of it, he acted like nothing happened.

So it was really torturous.

For certain geographical locations in the bright universe, the dark species do not know very detailed information. Generally, they will only deliberately understand it when it is used.

Only the Blood-Slaying Demon Lord was better, and he also recovered quickly.

But this risk cannot be taken.

Now that they are directly transported to this place through space, they are even more unable to distinguish their location, and they are naturally filled with doubts.

"Where is this?" The Blood God was startled. He felt very familiar, but also found it unbelievable: "Why does it look like it is in the void turbulence zone?"

I never expected that the space teleportation performed by the Demon God would be so fast!

Fortunately, this state did not last long. In just a few breaths, a light suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, and the Blood God clone felt himself rushing past like a stream of light.

If he hadn't seen Him standing there, he wouldn't even have noticed the other person's presence.

Demon God Sayanluo did not answer in a hurry. He seemed to be still observing the surroundings. After a moment, he smiled with an unknown meaning and said, "Do you know where this is?"

It's a bit incredible when you think about it.


The next moment, the feeling of being on the ground appeared, and he couldn't help but staggered before he could stand upright.

Fortunately, the people present were either Demon Lords or perverts like Blood God clones, so they were able to hold their own for the time being and not panic.

Unfortunately, he was no exception this time. The feeling of rapid teleportation made him feel a little bad.

It also saw the state of the Blood God's clone, and a trace of surprise could not be suppressed in its eyes.

After a while, less than half of the meteorite was left.

How did the other party do it?

Could it be that his mastery of the power of space can be compared to that of a high-ranking demon?

But now is not the time to explore these things. The Blood-Slaying Demon Lord and the Blood God clone did not talk in a tacit understanding, but began to look around.

Although the spaceships of the dark species are also very good, they are obviously far behind the ancient warships.

But what makes the Blood God's clone strange is, why did Demon God Sayanluo bring them here?

In the previous conversation between Demon God Guguo and Demon Lord Sayanluo, they did not clearly state the specific location, as if they already knew it, but it made the Blood God clone and others confused.

In this void turbulence zone, you may not be able to get any benefits.

He couldn't be sure. The capabilities of the demon **** level and true **** level were not something he could speculate on now.

Soon they found themselves standing on a huge meteorite, surrounded by terrifying and turbulent energy torrents. At the moment, the meteorite was being consumed, countless gravels were shattering, and it seemed that it would turn into powder at any time.

This blood son recovered so quickly under such a high-intensity space transmission, even faster than the Blood Orchid Demon Lord and others, and could be compared with it.

The Blood God clone quickly looked at the Blood-Slaying Demon Lord on the side. He also saw a hint of shock in his eyes, and obviously noticed the changes in Demon God Sayanluo.

The Blood God clone frowned, trying his best to adapt to the discomfort caused by the space transfer. The power of space in the body circulated to dispel the physical discomfort.

The Blood God clone quickly looked forward, and saw a majestic and majestic figure standing there. His aura was completely restrained, and he could no longer sense the terrifying pressure belonging to the Demon God.

What's more, if he doesn't speak, won't others stop speaking?

Not much time left.

At that time, even a demon-level being would have to pay a huge price if he wanted to cross the void turbulence zone.

The first thing that caught his eye was the Blood Slayer Demon Lord, the Blood Orchid Demon Lord and other vampire dark species. Their conditions were similar and not much better.

The meteorite suddenly fell into a dead silence, with only the friction sound of the meteorite being washed away by the surrounding rapids, and the sound of the meteorite shattering.

"Is it coming out now?"

This rapid spatial transmission not only affects the body, but also places a huge load on the mind.

Demon God Sayanluo seemed to be observing the surroundings and did not speak in a hurry. He did not turn around, so everyone could not see his expression or guess his thoughts.

"If the true god-level existence of the bright universe comes, can we discover his existence?" The Blood God couldn't help but think in his mind.

Weak and humble, it is difficult to imagine that this is a superior demon-level being.

Then he immediately looked around.

The meteorite is getting smaller and smaller, and at the same time it is also rushing towards an unknown direction under the torrent of energy.

When the meteorite finally could only accommodate all of them standing, Demon Lord Bones finally couldn't help but speak and asked carefully:

"Lord Demon God, do you have any plans next? Please just tell me to wait."

The void turbulence zone is a very dangerous place, and ordinary spaceships cannot sail at all. Only ancient warships can shuttle through it and come and go freely.

However, he did not speak in a hurry. Naturally, he did not forget the warning of the demon **** before. Although he sneered in his heart, there was no need to get into trouble with the other party now.

Fortunately, his soul was strong enough and he had the space talent at his side, so he recovered quickly.

"I don't know!"

A group of demon-level beings looked at each other and shook their heads.

"This is a forbidden area in the mechanical territory of the bright universe, called the Chaotic Sky Star Territory!"

Its named because of the chaos of time and space!

Demon God Sayanluo finally opened his mouth to explain: "This place is located in the north of the junction of the Mechanical Territory and the Tianlan Territory. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net is still some distance away from the void turbulence zone."

"But the level of chaos here is not weaker than the Void Turbulence Zone, and is even more terrifying."

"It is rumored that there are many unknown dangers here, which we still can't figure out clearly, even for the machine race."

"In addition, there are many space-time vortexes in this star field. If you are involved, no one knows what the consequences will be."

"Therefore, even if a demon-level being or an immortal-level being from the bright universe enters this place, they may not be able to get out safely."

The Blood-killing Demon Lord, the Bone-killing Demon Lord and other dark species heard this, although they were secretly frightened, they also became excited.

Lord Demon God has indeed been prepared to ambush those powerful men of the bright universe here.

They were afraid that the devil was not prepared and would use them as cannon fodder.

This kind of thing may be very incredible in the bright universe.

After all, they are all Demon Lord level, which is equivalent to immortal level existence. With such combat power, it is impossible for the bright universe to sacrifice at will.

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