From Dusk till Dawn!

Chapter 425: You held his hand

Chapter 425: You held his hand

"You are holding grudges on my behalf," Mark laughed, "I was planning to do the same."

Tang Li massaged her forehead. 

"What's wrong with you?" Mark glanced at the dark circles under her eyes. 

Tang Li glanced at him helplessly before explaining yesterday's events in detail. 

The current status being that Lan Xingyu was living with them in Grace Villa. In a fit, she did say that she owed her one and the woman took advantage of the fact. 

Mo Yuhan ended up dissatisfied about it but what could she have done? Even if she prevented her from staying at Grace Villa, that woman would still continue to pester him. It was better to end this once and for all. 

"You reap what you sow," Mark clicked his tongue, "What now? Are you waiting till she seduces your man?"

"You think he will be seduced by her?" Tang Li glanced at him. 

"Is the woman beautiful?"


"Then, why not? A man is a man after all. Even if it is Mo Yuhan, he can lose his calm," Mark shrugged. 

"If he would have been so easily seduced by others, he would not have been my man," Tang Li shook her head, "I trust him. It's not about him. I could not sleep for the whole night properly. Every 30 minutes, she will come knocking at the door to ask for something. This Lan Xingyu is really something."

"Lan Xingyu?" Mark frowned. 

"What? You know her?"

"If you're talking about Lan Xifan's younger sister we've rolled in the bed twice," Mark spoke up with a hint of doubt in a voice. 

"Yes, I am indeed talking about Lan Xifan's sister," Tang Li was amused, "So, she is your ex?"

"Nope. Just flings. We had no hard feelings. She is madly in love with someone....wait, don't tell me that someone is Mo Yuhan?"

Tang Li massaged her forehead. 

Mark was simply speechless at this turn of events, "In fact...I can help you with this."


"As much as I know Lan Xingyu, she might not have informed her brother about this. And it possible that Lan Xifan must be looking for her at this moment. I can tell him about her whereabouts."

Tang Li raised an eyebrow, "And why would he listen to you?"

"Because we are good friends," came the twist in the plot!


"Yuhan, are you still angry?" She shook his hand. 

He came here to pick her up while he did not even speak a single word till now and it got her confused. 

While yesterday, she was badgered by Lan Xingyu the whole night, Mo Yuhan slept peacefully without budging an inch from his spot. 

"Why would I be?" He indifferently said. 

The driver quickly pulled the partition when he couldn't bear this mighty man's 'I need to be coaxed' tone.

Tang Li sighed, "She is my classmate. So how could I have denied her when she said she didn't have a place to live in?" She was too ashamed to mention that love letter story. 

Mo Yuhan frowned, "She is your classmate?"

"You don't remember her?" When he shook his head, she raised an eyebrow. It was just as expected. To him, females were invisible. He even treated her like a wall for a few times and later she clung to him. Where would he have the patience to know others? How would Lan Xingyu feel if she comes to know that her crush did not remember her existence?

"Her brother was your classmate."

There was an undertone of jealousy in his tone that she missed, "Lan Xifan?" She straightened up trying to recall how he looked. 

But the Royal school was a school for elites and while a few were known by their original names, most of the students used alibis like her and Mo siblings did. So, while Lan Xingyu was known by her real name, that might not be the same case for Lan Xifan who is the heir.

"Can you tell me how he looked? Maybe I can remember? Or what was he called back then?"

"Lu Yifan," Mo Yuhan narrowed his eyes.

"You are talking about Yifan?" Her eyes widened, "I can't believe it's him," She sighed. The corner of her lips tugged up slightly. He was her first male friend in the school.

She dropped her homeschooling and joined Royal school around 4th or 5th standard if she did not remember wrong.

The first day when she stepped inside the school, the boys kept a distance from her as she did not fit in the mold of that cute little girl. Her grandfather and brother dressed her up in a baggy school uniform, her hair was tied in messy braids, large glasses, a few freckles here and there made with a marker, she looked like an ugly duckling and the boys were repelled at the sight of her probably but Lu Yifan took the initiative to talk to her and they became friends later. She got to know that the blondie was a famous guy in the school. They were not that close to be called best friends but he was probably her only male friend for a long time until she met Mo Yuhan and Qin Jingze.

From the 6th class onwards, they studied in a separate building which was meant for secondary classes, and there she first saw Mo Yuhan.

"You even held his hand once," Mo Yuhan snapping her out of her daze.

She remembered the conversation they had on her birthday where he was going on and on about this, being jealous of the blondie. At that time, she had wanted to know how he got to know all that when they hadn't even met during that period but he had swiftly dodged the topic.

Since her memory was sharp, she did remember it. What happened back then was Lu Yifan was called by the teachers for beating someone and fighting in the school premises but the boy had deep fear towards teachers and refused to go at any cost.

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