Forced Marriage: Escaping Her Monster

Chapter 196 - Important Thing

Chapter 196 - Important Thing

Jeremy saw the little woman hiding inside the duvet. He pouted. He really wanted to check where else she got hurt... at first.

But when she tried to hold on to the towel, he wanted to take that towel off her.

But what's with her? It's not like this is the first time he'd be seeing her...

Well, it would be the first time he'd see her chest in bright light.

Till then, there would be only dim lights and clothes covering here and there. He has never seen her bare naked.

What is wrong with me wanting to see her? I wouldn't mind showing her my body...Why doesn't she want to?

But... now is not the time to tease her. I'll tease her later.

"Jerlina..." he poked her above the duvet.

She didn't come out, but he could see her moving around inside.

"Come on out, darling..." he kneeled on the bed and tried to pull her out. "You'll suffocate if you stay in for long..."

Jerlina heard him and she did feel stuffy. But she didn't want to get out. She knew she'd have to see that smug look on him. Her pride stopped her from conceding,

What the competition was... she had no idea.

"Look at my cute little caterpillar inside a cocoon... Come on out, butterfly... Emerge out and let me admire your beauty..." he tried to tickle her.

Jerlina tried to hold on, but she couldn't. Just as she was about to peek out laying down her pride, she heard his soft whisper.

"Alright... I'll leave if you don't want me here..."

What followed was some footsteps trailing towards the door and Jerlina wondered if he is leaving the room for real.

"No, wait!" She got out of the duvet.

She fixed her messy hair covering her face and before her eyes could adjust to the bright light outside after being in the duvet for some time, she felt a hard feeling on her face. The next moment, she was lying on the bed with Jeremy on her side.

Her ear was on his chest and she could hear his rhythmic heartbeat. She loved that sound. Like him, his heartbeat was strong and steady. It made her feel secure.

The towel has loosened by now and she thought he'd try to pull it once more, but his big hands wrapped her tightly. One of his hands was holding the back of her head as she rested on his arm while the other hand gently rubbed her back.

They lay in silence for a while and Jerlina couldn't help but think of the happenings earlier.

"I didn't think that he'd do this to me..." she said. She could hear his heartbeat getting a bit irregular but then he took in a deep breath and then it became normal. "I didn't like his touches at all and I tried really hard..."

"I'll be more careful with him in the future." She added. She wasn't sure if she can speak of this to him, but she wanted to talk to someone. And she trusted he'd understand her.

"Hmm," Jeremy hummed.

His hand on her back pulled her closer to his chest conveying his feelings. He knew she needs to talk about it to get over it. And if he can be a listening ear, he wanted to be of help.

If he acted upon his instincts, right now, he'd be burying Gerard under an unsuspecting tree where no hikers or joggers would come across his body. But he decided to stay by her side.

He wanted to be with her and be her support however he can when she is suffering. After seeing a psychiatrist for almost two decades he can be considered a professional himself and he knew certain things.

For now, she needs a listening year.

If she still is deeply affected, he decided to bring her to a psychiatrist for support.

"He still thinks I am his to take whenever he pleases... He's...pathetic." Jerlina let out a sigh.

She still couldn't accept Gerard bringing up her dead baby just after she said she's happy. That was a pretty cheap shot that hacked her heart. She wouldn't have expected Gerard to use this tactic.

Jeremy was not that happy she is talking about that guy but hearing her say that she got over him with certainty, he was delighted.

Route Cleared!

"I felt guilty to look at you for some reason..." she buried her face in his chest and he felt sad.

"You have no reason to feel guilty. You did nothing wrong," Jeremy's voice was clear.

He felt guilty for not protecting her and for trying something similar on her before. But he understood her guilt. That day, his guilt was one of the reasons he barged into her room and did that despicable thing.

"I know..." Jerlina was sure of that.

"Keep telling yourself that. And I know you tried your best. So let go of all the negative feelings and try to move forward..."

"Okay..." she scooted closer to him. He always knows what to say to make her better.

"And... I did something similar..." he didn't want to bring that up again as he apologized for it. And with their relationship turning better now he didn't want to open old wounds.

But there was a nagging feeling in his heart scrapping away his conscience and he wanted to know what she thinks of it.

"Hmm... You did..." Jerlina thought of that day. "I was sleeping and had to wake up to-"

"I am sorry," he let out a sigh. "I am despicable."

"You were..." Jerlina let out a short chuckle.

Jeremy couldn't understand what she means. She calls him despicable and laughs?

Is she mad at me or not?

"I didn't have any good opinion about you back then. More than you attempting to force me, what surprised me was how you could get turned on by someone you hated."Jerlina said with a smile.

"But I never hated you," he mumbled.

"I know that. Sparing that abhorrent thing you did, I saw your vulnerable side that day and things started to change between us after that day, right?"

"Hmm..." Jeremy nodded. "I deeply regret what I did. I will never hurt you in the future. Trust me."

She is not dismissing what he did as nothing but she is not mad about it anymore. She has forgiven me, right?

He was glad he clarified it.

"Okay," Jerlina didn't doubt his words. He has proven that he regretted what he did that day by his acts till now.

"Get dressed...I'll take a shower and come-"

"No!" Jerlina hugged him closer. His scent was pretty strong and she wanted to get soaked in his scent enough for her to smell like him.

She didn't want to be left alone. She feared she might remember Gerard's touches on her if Jeremy is not with her.

"I wanted to tell you something important but you ruined it," she said with a pout.

"What is it?" Jeremy relaxed as he hugged her. He could understand that she didn't want to be alone.

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