Forbidden Zone of the Human Race

Chapter 254: Bellowing Tiger

Chapter 254: Bellowing Tiger

See that yellow beast mech? Do your best to support him. After passing down the order to Lu Shiyu and Liu Ruoxue, Xiang Ning led Li Zimo toward the outpost. They communicated through hand signals, because they werent sure how good the enemy was at intercepting radio transmissions.

Whether it was the demons mistake or because of their overconfidence, there were no guards outside of the outpost. Xiang Ning welcomed the pleasant surprise. He immediately signaled to Li Zimo. Minimal guards, throw a grenade and rush in!

Li Zimo nodded as he stared at Xiang Nings hand signals. Alright, I'll leave the rest to you.

Xiang Ning was confused. Huh? Why me?

Before Xiang Ning could ask him what he meant, Li Zimo had already charged into the outpost. An explosion rang from inside shortly after.

Xiang Ning! Its up to you now!

WHY DID YOU SELF-DESTRUCT?! Xiang Ning was exasperated, but there wasnt much he could do. He rushed into the outpost as all the guards on the inside were confused. Every time he saw an enemy mech he would destroy it with a single slash. After destroying seven of the enemys mechs, he finally saw an elite-class mech. It was slightly smaller, with an octopus-like bottom and a humanoid top. It was a Scylla.

Looks like youre the commander! Xiang Ning licked his lips as he felt the animosity from the enemy.

Fury Points +999

Die! Xiang Ning roared. To be able to provide the maximum amount of Fury Points meant that the enemy had a deep hatred for him. As such there was no reason to show it any mercy. His slash was capable of releasing 70% of the strength of his Mountain-Splitting Slash.

Truthfully, it was just an estimate on Xiang Nings side, as he was piloting a mech. Being able to manifest martial techniques while controlling a mech was already on par with a master pilot. The only reason why Xiang Ning could do that was that he had spent Fury Points on learning Intermediate Mech Piloting.

Initially, Beginner Mech Piloting had only cost fifty thousand Fury Points, but learning Intermediate Mech Piloting required two hundred and fifty thousand. If it werent for Xiang Ning stopping in time, he might have accidentally spent the rest of his Fury Points learning Advanced Mech Piloting.

The Scylla pilots eyes were a dark, deadly silver as it controlled its mech to brandish two longswords. It swung with blinding speed, one toward the neck and the other toward the waist of Xiang Nings mech.

Xiang Ning saw it coming and smiled in anticipation.

Keen Observation was still active, and he had already moved to avoid the attacks. He pushed the mechs capabilities to the maximum as he twisted and dodged the sword aimed at his waist in the final half a second. Using the momentum, he spun in the air and slashed upward. The sound of iron clashing against iron rang through the outpost as the arm of the Scylla mech was sliced off.

Fury Points +999

He suddenly received a prompt from the virtual system.

Energy levels at 90%.

While he was traveling, he had only consumed 1% of his mechs energy. But in just two seconds of combat, he had consumed nine times as much. It could be seen that the maneuver had cost him a lot of energy. Then again, it was only possible because he had learned Intermediate Mech Piloting.

The pilot of the Scylla was warily staring at Xiang Nings mech. It knew that Xiang Ning was an outstanding pilot, as a demon mech was always superior to a human mech of the same rank.

That was made evident by the fact that a human mech only had four limbs. None of them had six limbs, as it would be too difficult to pilot even though the advantages were huge. Even the best human pilot could only handle five limbs, tops, and even then their strength would be halved. Thus, there was no reason for them to add more limbs.

On the contrary, the demons had the advantage as they were more than capable of controlling mechs with numerous limbs.

The eight legs of the Scylla mech exhibited their biggest advantage as Xiang Ning closed in for the kill: speed!

Xiang Ning had just raised his sword before the Scylla mech had already run out of Xiang Nings range. Xiang Ning had no choice but to shoot it with his Gatling gun.

With the assistance of Keen Observation, Xiang Ning landed almost all of his shots. Unfortunately, the Scylla mech was still an elite-class mech, so there was nothing that Xiang Ning could do if it wanted to run away.

Thus, an unbelievable scene unfolded on the battlefield, and that was Xiang Nings Dark Blade mech chasing down a Scylla mech with one remaining arm.

The demon mech pilots who saw that sprang into one of two actions: they either turned their backs on the enemy and rushed over to help their commander, or they fought even harder against their current opponents so as to end the battle quicker.

Regardless of their actions, their morale had already fallen. Their commanders mech was damaged and there was no one giving out orders. It was a miracle they didnt flee as well. Thus, the tides of battle soon turned and favored the humans.


Thanks to the covering fire from Liu Ruoxue and Lu Shiyu, the Bellowing Tiger was able to exert its full potential and destroyed the two elite-class black octopus mechs. Without the stronger mechs, the Bellowing Tiger was able to suppress all of the other mechs and ran to assist Xiang Ning. The two worked together to destroy the Scylla mech, then they rushed into the thickest part of the battle.

The sound of iron violently meeting iron rang across the battlefield as the demon mechs were obliterated, their limbs sliced apart as their main bodies groaned and buckled under Xiang Nings and Bellowing Tigers strong attacks.

Within twenty minutes, Li Zimo had returned with a new mech to help clean the battlefield. In another five minutes, the battle was truly over. All 327 of the demons mechs were destroyed, among them three elite-class mechs.

Thus ended their small-scale battle.

Mission complete.

You are awarded a hundred thousand contribution points.

When they planted the flag of the Federation into the ground of the outpost once again, the system declared them the winners.

The Bellowing Tiger slowly approached Xiang Ning. Hey, lets add each other as friends on the Battle Network! Its not every day I meet an experienced pilot like you.

Im not an experienced pilot. Its just that my team and I were late in departing and narrowly missed the ambush. Lets add each other if we have the opportunity to meet again. Compared to me, youre the expert here, as you were able to face off against two elite-class mechs without much trouble.

Sure, let's meet again on the battlefield, the Bellowing Tigers pilot laughed as he took special note of Xiang Ning. To be able to fight and win against a Scylla meant that he wasnt an ordinary pilot. He looked forward to meeting him again.

Doge & Chacha's Thoughts

Li Zimo be like techies+leroy jenkins combined lmao.

Wait, why did MC receive Fury Points from the virtual reality? Unless...

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