Fighting the Supreme Realm

Chapter 3876: Get stronger and stronger!

As everyone knows, the battle between Xiao Yan and the Valkyries is laying the foundation for him to break through immortality.

Cultivation is long and boring. Xiao Yan spends almost all of his time in the dream of nothingness, constantly evolving the Thirteen Godslayer and the Nine Phantom Wings, one is the Black Winged Valkyrie and the other is the Purple Winged Girl. Wushen Nine Phantom Wings killed.

In dealing with the Purple Winged Valkyrie, Xiao Yan does not have an advantage in all aspects, so he must also comprehend the thirteen types of God-killing Goddess of the Black Winged Valkyrie.

As for Xiao Yan's physical body, it has been a year, and the only thing that was destroyed was the physical body with broken limbs and broken arms. It was almost restored under the inextinguishable fire. Such a rapid recovery was beyond Xiao Yan's expectations. Extinguishing Fire learned that after Xiao Yan's body was destroyed.

There was a mysterious force that sent it voluntarily. According to the direction of the immortal fire, it was the direction that Xiao Yan came from, where the mountain man was. It was no accident that this mysterious force should have been sent by him. .

The physical body is fully recovered, and the inextinguishable fire still makes Xiao Yan's physical body as perfect as possible. This time, when Xiao Yan wakes up, his strength will definitely increase!

But at this moment, Xiao Yan's goal is to defeat the Purple Winged Valkyrie, so he will continue to stay in the Zichen Void Spirit Pagoda for a while.

A year passed quietly, Xiao Yan stayed in the emptiness and dream for a whole year, and evolved at least 10,000 times to kill the Thirteen God Slayers and the Nine Phantom Wings. Of course, in fact, within a few months, Xiao Yan He has completely mastered the two fighting skills, but Xiao Yan understands that it is not enough to defeat the Purple Winged Valkyrie.

In addition to mastering it, Xiao Yan also needs to develop it to a more perfect level in the nihilistic dream. Xiao Yan also smiled wryly for it, and this is the first time he saw that even the nihilistic dream, its improvement is not very exaggerated. .

It's just that some details have been adjusted to make the attack smoother, and that's it.

Xiao Yan sat cross-legged for a while, letting these complicated information sort out in his mind for a while, then slowly opened his eyes, and then moved to the actual combat door again.

Looking at the white combat gate in front of him, Xiao Yan tightened his fists slightly.

After pondering for a while, Xiao Yan looked at the white actual combat door, with determination in his eyes.

Xiao Yan's figure did not enter the gate of actual combat. In the illusory space, the figure of the Purple Winged Valkyrie condensed out. A fierce battle broke out without any warning...


"The body has recovered, why hasn't he woken up yet?" The skinny old man was a little puzzled, watching Xiao Yan naked and floating in the flames, especially when the two men stared at this scene, it was somewhat embarrassing.

"Cough cough... There is no "short board" on this kid's body, which is quite good."

Luo Tian didn't speak. It was estimated that the old man would get very angry again when he spoke, so keep it a little bit, don't make the old man really angry.

As for the countless mountain peaks, the man's eyes looked at the north from time to time, and when he waved his hand, several extremely **** nectar appeared in the palm of his hand. go.

However, these starlights seem to be spiritual, but they go along the north.

"Zu Hong, you help him like this, do you have a special relationship with you?" The skinny old man in the east looked at the far side and shouted directly to the void.

"Also, the Thirty-Three Realms are going to be destroyed. Maybe they can rely on Shenxi, which is a good choice."

"But even if you help him like this, people may not appreciate it. Don't use your passion to stick your cold ass. It's better to call Master Cao. If you want to go to any world and say something, Master Cao can arrange it for you."

The man on the mountain frowned slightly when he heard the words, raised his head and looked east, as if the two of them could see each other across the void.

"Cao Qing, you should die soon, so that I can bury you with my own hands, and tear up your mouth by the way." The mountain man said softly.

"Haha, Zu Hong's thirty-three worlds I like most is you. After so long, it's still so interesting." The skinny man named Cao Qing, after hearing this, he raised his head and laughed. As for the man named Zu Hong The mountain man had a dull face.

"But really, do you really want to go to Shenxi... If you really want to, just call me Master Cao, it's just a small problem..." Cao Qing continued, Zu Hong frowned and raised his hand , which directly blocks its sound.

"I don't know how many years the old man has lived, and there is still so much nonsense. It's really annoying." Zu Hong murmured, looking at one end, where there is a half-built mountain, which seems to be specially prepared by Zu Hong for Cao Qing .

At this moment, Cao Qing's voice came from Zu Hong's ears again, apparently Cao Qing broke his sound barrier.

"Zu Hong, you are too kind to me. People haven't died yet, so the graves have been dug for me. According to the fortune-telling, I can live for tens of thousands of years, but I have to let you wait." The moment he came, the blue veins twitched on Zu Hong's forehead, obviously this was not the first time.

"You say fortune-telling, it's not you who do the math for yourself." Zu Hong said angrily.

"Haha, I really know Mo Ruofu... No, it's Mo Ruoyou who knows him. This old man has done some calculations for himself. It is true that he can't die if he wants to die." Anything is fine, just a little too much nonsense.

He simply looked at the light curtain. Three years had passed since Xiao Yan was killed by the Purple Winged Valkyrie. Xiao Yan, who was suspended in the inextinguishable fire, was slowly opening his eyes.

"Huh? Are you getting stronger again..." Xiao Yan's voice slowly came out of his mouth, and then he sat up directly in the middle of the flames.

I saw countless scattered inextinguishable fires that rushed into Xiao Yan's body crazily, and at the same time, a powerful aura also emanated from Xiao Yan's body.

"Three hundred million!"

"Eight-star fighting **** late stage!!"

Xiao Yan's eyes that had just closed were suddenly opened again, and he felt the majestic Origin Qi in the Sea of ​​Origin Qi, which made Xiao Yan feel incredible once again. This time, his fall actually made him regain his strength. breakthrough.

Such good fortune, one after another, then if Xiao Yan defeats the Purple Winged Valkyrie and obtains the Supreme God Nectar on her chest, maybe he will be able to break through to the Nine Star Dou God in one fell swoop!

Xiao Yan originally thought that he was going to break through to the Nine Stars Fighting God, but it was still a long way off, but when all the time came, it seemed that it would come naturally.

However, such a rapid increase in strength caused doubts in Xiao Yan's heart, because Zu Hong, a man from Zhiqi Mountain, told him that all this was false, but Xiao Yan did not understand the true meaning of it.

What is the fake in his mouth, is it everything here...including his crazy strength?

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