Fighting the Supreme Realm

Chapter 3846: snatch promotion

Xiao Yan didn't care about the threat of Chi Mi's soul's anger, and he didn't need to care about it. Soldiers came to block water and earth to cover. Today, since Xiao Yan chose to deal with Chi Mi's soul, he never feared its revenge.

"When my deity arrives, even Shenxi will tremble!"

Xiao Yan remained silent, and Chi Mi's soul seemed to feel that the situation was over. After all, the existence of Jiu Ying made it impossible to escape today, but for Chi Mi's soul, it was just a split.

At this moment, Chi Mi's soul is madly attacking the body of the original **** avatar with the power of the soul, causing the blood in his body to be disordered, and a large mouthful of blood spurts out. stand up.

Xiao Yan frantically used his power to seize the house. Only by recapturing the original God clone as soon as possible could he be able to stop it in time.

The power of Chi Mi's soul to seize the body is strong, but Xiao Yan's soul-devouring avatar's yin and evil energy can achieve precise strikes. Among them, it is generally peeled off.

Under the involvement of Chi Mi's soul in many aspects, Xiao Yan was able to take back control of the original God clone under his powerful power of seizing the house. The point was squeezed out of Yuanshen's body.

"You are very good... When you take Shenxi to fight, when you see my deity, I will shock you enough." Chi Mi's soul was already powerless, and he watched the Yuanshen, who was finally captured and returned. The clone was still not warm in his hands, and he even promoted Xiao Yan to a 2-star Primordial God, and let Xiao Yan take it away.

Under the short-lived stalemate, under the constant pressure of the Soul Eater clone and the shock of Jiu Ying's whistling, Chi Mi's soul was squeezed out of the original God's body, and Jiu Ying saw the moment when Chi Mi's soul broke away from the body, The nine heads were restless, and they opened their mouths and devoured them.

Chi Mi's soul didn't give up either. When Xiao Yan was squeezed out of the original **** avatar, his soul swept out without any pause, and roared directly towards Xiao Yan's deity!

The weakest person here is Xiao Yan's deity. It is only the strength of the fighting god. What Chi Mi's soul has to do is not even to take away Xiao Yan's deity. What it really wants to do is to destroy!

As long as it can destroy Xiao Yan's physical body, it can at least be willing.

Xiao Yan was also immediately startled. The soul-devouring clones had ten million souls to protect the deity, and at the same time, Jiu Ying's huge python body was squirming, opening its **** mouth, and the huge mouth swallowed it instantly.

"Wait a minute!!" Xiao Yan said immediately, but it seemed that it was too late.

"Memory... I want its memory!" Xiao Yan hurriedly said, Xiao Yan needs the memory of Chi Mi's soul more than the memory of the Soul Eater Emperor. This Chi Mi's soul is not simple, the deity it mentioned, I am afraid that he will also participate in this Shenxi invasion.

In other words, its deity is likely to come from Taixu!

Jiu Ying seemed a little unhappy, but his body was still squirming, and two streams of light appeared in front of Xiao Yan's deity. Seeing these two streams of light, Xiao Yan's eyes suddenly lit up.

One of the streamers is not a memory, but it is the power of Chi Mi's soul to seize the house! !

Xiao Yan was ecstatic in his heart. He never thought that Jiu Ying would be able to divide all his abilities and only swallow his soul.

Touching this stream of light with his fingers, the power of home grabbing belonging to Chi Mi's soul was integrated into his soul along Xiao Yan's fingertips, and the power of home grabbing that originally existed was further enhanced!

For Xiao Yan, this is definitely a big surprise in the unexpected harvest!

The improvement of the power to seize the house is also very important to Xiao Yan. The stronger the power to seize the house is for Xiao Yan, the future development, the strong power to seize the house can even become an attack by Xiao Yan. one of the means.

As for the other streamer, that is the memory belonging to Chi Mi's soul. When he first seized the original God clone, he searched Chi Mi's soul once, but got very little memory, apparently it was feeling that he was about to When it died, some important memories were destroyed.

The power of Xiao Yan's soul penetrated into this stream of light, and the memory of Chi Mi's soul appeared in Xiao Yan's mind, but its memory was not as mottled as the Soul Eater Emperor imagined by Xiao Yan, but very simple.

It is so simple that there are almost no truly meaningful memories, and there are very few about the original God clone.

"The Chi Mi clan... This mental city is really terrifying." Xiao Yan murmured, obviously even if the soul is destroyed, all important information will be erased, and the enemy will not get more useful information. .

Originally, I thought that I could get some more questions about the cultivation of the original **** avatar from Chi Mi's soul, or, in other words, about the unique cultivation techniques or fighting skills of the original **** avatar.

However, in the end, the bamboo basket was empty, and Chi Mi's soul was scheming and did not leave a trace to Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan could only take a long sigh. Although he didn't get more information about Yuanshen, the good thing is that the original God clone was not lost. This time, it was considered a near miss, and even the original God clone was further improved. .

But at the same time, when Xiao Yan regained control of the original **** avatar, he immediately felt that the original **** avatar seemed to be different from before. This difference made Xiao Yan think about some problems.

"There is actually a sense of disobedience in the original God clone, is this self-will?" Xiao Yan was slightly surprised, but the will is not strong, otherwise the original God clone is very likely to appear to Xiao Yan's deity backlash.

"Is it because the deity is too weak and the clone is too strong..." Xiao Yan thought, recalling the first time, Xiao Yan's eyes suddenly became clear.

"So that's the case... The original plan of Chi Mi's soul was to let the original God clone absorb the power of the stars of the five-star corpse. When the clone is too powerful... I will be attacked by the clone, and it can take this opportunity to seize the original God. Destroy my deity!"

Xiao Yan's eyes flickered, and until this moment, he finally understood all the plans that Chi Mi's soul had laid out for him, and Chi Mi's soul knew how to give up. soul.

All it takes is to reach its ultimate goal.

It's a pity that all of its plans eventually went wrong. Of course, in fact, it can be considered a success, but because of its last touch of greed, it fell short.

Until the end, Chi Mi's soul was full of remorse. If it wasn't for the power of the stars in the corpse of the five-star Yuanshen, I'm afraid he would have left this place with the Yuanshen clone. Leaving here Xiao Yan would be looking for a needle in a haystack. It is almost impossible to find it again. .

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