Feasting Lord in Another World

Chapter 18

Chapter 18

#When it's hot, food goes bad, doesn't it? (3)

Watching the soldiers' late-morning training, Count Sinclair couldn't resist and halted the exercise. The soldiers, drenched in sweat beneath the scorching sun, heaved sighs of relief at the conclusion of their training and cheered enthusiastically towards their lord.

"It appears they've been attentive in the kitchen."

"Excellent. Come over here. Oh, and remember, the soldiers go first."


The nearby soldiers erupted in cheers once more at the lord's words.

Patrick Sinclair, the current count, differed from his father, Theodore, who had not been unfeeling. The elder lord, a highly esteemed knight in his own right, had earned the respect of both knights and soldiers even without attending training sessions. However, Patrick consistently sought to create opportunities to engage with the soldiers through various events.

"Loyalty must be earned."

He was someone who endeavored not to forget the lessons imparted by his father.

"My lord, I apologize, but there isn't much prepared!"

The chef presented the lord's meal.

In contrast to his usual lavish table settings, there were notably fewer dishes. Yet, given the outdoor setting on a military training ground, the unfamiliar presentation, and the unique aromas, it felt quite satisfactory.

The chef, visibly nervous in the circumstances, continually wiped his hands on his apron, ready to answer any questions.

"What is this?"

"This yellow dish consists of crushed oysters mixed with a few vegetables, coated in egg wash, and generously fried in oil. It's called 'Guljeon' (oyster pancake). The red soup is made from chicken and a spice called chili pepper; it's quite spicy, so be cautious."

"Oh, I see."

"You can scoop up the noodles in the soup."

Adding noodles to the spicy chicken soup (Dakgaejang) had been Dominic's idea.

[Getting enough rice to feed all the soldiers at once is difficult... Flour noodles will do!]

Although the dough hadn't fermented due to time constraints and had a faint floury scent, he believed the robust aroma of the spicy chicken soup would likely mask it unless someone had an extremely sensitive palate.

Dominic's intuition was right on the mark.

"Wow! This is delicious!"

"Phew, phew! It's spicy, but I can't stop eating."

"What's so spicy about this? If you can't handle this, you're no man, tch."

"Hey, wipe the sweat off your forehead before you say that!"


Soldiers all around were seen slurping up the noodles and savoring the broth.

The cathartic effect of the spicy flavor spread across the training field, filling the area with lively laughter.

Dominic, the main contributor to this situation, stood on one side of the kitchen tent, arms crossed, nodding in satisfaction.


The lord also scooped up a spoonful of the red soup.

His eyes widened instantly.

'It's spicy...!'

The initial taste that touched his tongue was incredibly fierya spicy intensity he had never experienced before! Furthermore, the soup was boiling at least 20 degrees hotter than usual. As he swallowed, the rich chicken flavor, the subtle sweetness of well-cooked vegetables, and the slightly distinct savory notes melded together, creating an explosion of flavors in his mouth.

Despite the searing sensation, he couldn't stop eating. After several spoonfuls, sweat began to bead all over his body.


A single drop of sweat trickled down his forehead.

Nevertheless, the lord, without wiping away the sweat, drank the soup directly from the bowl.

"Ah, this is exquisite. Truly remarkable."

Setting the bowl down, he expressed his satisfaction.

A smile graced his face.

'It's been quite some time since I've savored something so flavorful.'

The early, unrelenting heat of the season had left the lord feeling drained. Yet, this single bowl of hot, spicy, and savory soup seemed to reinvigorate his weary body.

The chef, who had been trembling with anxiety, let out a sigh of relief at this sight.

Dominic, on the other hand, still stood calmly in the tent's shade, silently observing the scene.

'Is he not going to step forward?'

Was his motivation genuinely rooted in goodwill?

A fleeting confusion crossed Ian's eyes as he gazed at Dominic. From the beginning, he had been observing the unfamiliar structures taking shape in the village, Evergreen.

He had often heard from the villagers that it would be an expensive undertaking.

'Considering all he's accomplished, I thought he might seek assistance...'

After winning the lord over with his delectable food, if he had expressed concern about the village's challenging economic situation, he might have negotiated for some initial funds.

However, Dominic seemed to have no intention of taking such a step.

'I must have... misjudged him.'

A sense of shame began to well up within the honorable knight.


"Hahaha, the lord even granted us a special bonus!"

"Aren't you going to wipe your mouth?"

"Of course not! My portion is all yours. I'd love to hand over the entire bonus to you, but I can't neglect the kitchen staff's share. You understand, right? Hahaha!"

The lord appeared just as delighted as the cheering soldiers.

The fact that he sent a steward to the kitchen with a sizable pouch made it abundantly clear.

"We've been seeing a lot of gold coins lately."

Dominic, happily tucking away the gold coin handed to him by the chef, held it up to the light, speaking to himself.

"...I'm sorry."

At that moment, Ian approached and quietly apologized to Dominic.

"What? Why? Did you speak ill of me somewhere?"


"Wow, did you really gossip about me? I don't come across that way."

"I apologize."

"Well, it's alright. Everyone talks behind someone's back, right? But what did you say that you're apologizing for?"

"...I misunderstood you."


"I thought you would step forward and emphasize your contributions to the lord."

Ian's head hung low as he spoke, as if embarrassed by his own assumptions.

Any observer would have felt sympathy for the golden-haired, handsome knight in self-reproach. However, Dominic's expression remained unaffected.

"Why did you think I would do that?"

"...So you could be rewarded."

"Tsk, tsk."

Ian's embarrassment deepened further. Dominic clicked his tongue, observing him.

"You're so naive. How do you survive in this tough world with that mindset?"


"Listen, knight. I'll say this as if you were my own brother."

Dominic shook his head and spoke, imparting wisdom.

"When you've clearly achieved something, what's the next step?"

"...I don't know."

"The answer is, 'Do nothing.'"

Dominic almost blurted out, "You naive knight who knows nothing of the world," but luckily, catching sight of the hilt of Ian's sword reminded him to choose his words wisely.

"But from what I can see, you and your village need the lord's assistance."



"I don't plan on accepting help. Perhaps if it's an investment."

Dominic smirked.

"Village Chief of Evergreen, Dominic, come with me. You need to meet the lord, so I suggest dressing appropriately."

In a timely manner, a servant arrived with a message from the lord.

They traversed the grand corridor to reach the lord's office, a place Dominic had visited on prior occasions.

"I've come to meet with the lord."

"Heh, I can't count how many times you've come to our aid."

"It's nothing."

Warmth resonated in the lord's voice.

"Indeed, without your intervention, the soldiers would have faced a tough situation, right? Was it clam flu?"


"You don't seem surprised. Aren't you curious how I found out?"

"Any reasonable person would expect a discerning lord to inquire about the origins of unfamiliar spices and cooking techniques."

"Hahaha! I like your attitude."

Dominic had anticipated this scenario from the beginning.

In addition to the Hong Kong-style oyster stir-fry, he had also prepared spicy chicken soup using chili powder, which was unusual in this region. While the hungry soldiers might simply think, 'The chef has outdone himself today,' the lord would undoubtedly draw a different conclusion.

'Having the chef's meals daily, the lord would immediately recognize that this isn't his usual style of cooking.'

Since it was the day of the village chiefs' regular meeting, it was entirely reasonable for the lord, who had tasted Dominic's dishes multiple times, to remember his face.

'Yet he already confirmed the clam flu so efficiently.'

Well, this situation was even better.

Working with a competent, albeit demanding, boss was always preferable to dealing with an inept one.

"If I were to offer you the role of overseeing the kitchen and household affairs of the lord's castle, would you decline?"

Deep in thought, Dominic was presented with an offer, accompanied by a smile from the lord.

"I appreciate your high regard, but doesn't the castle already have a skilled chef? Additionally, we are currently involved in a project in our village, which makes it difficult for me to leave."

"Haha, I suspected you might decline. This kitchen might be too small for you. But it's a shame. Even during my studies at the academy in the capital, I never encountered anyone with your knowledge of ingredients and culinary expertise."

"You flatter me."

"Would you reconsider? I'm prepared to offer generous compensation."

"Why would I refuse your lordship's offer? However, I am currently committed to a project that holds the fate of our village in the balance, making it impossible for me to leave."

"A project?"

Finally, the moment Dominic had been waiting for arrived.

Curiosity sparkled in the lord's eyes.

"Yes. Thanks to your lordship's generosity, we are working diligently to revive Evergreen and proudly represent it as part of your esteemed domain!"

Dominic's manner of addressing the lord and his tone underwent a significant shift towards extreme reverence. If it seemed a bit overdone, was it just an illusion?

'Isn't this how the courtiers in historical dramas behave?'

His sudden change in demeanor even caused Ian, who was standing by the office door, to blush with embarrassment. But Dominic remained shamelessly brazen.

What's the harm in ingratiating oneself with someone who will provide funds?

"I understand your sentiments, village chief. You may speak in your usual manner. However, I heard that Evergreen's situation has significantly improved recently thanks to seaweed sales. Was that an exaggeration?"

"No, it wasn't. Thankfully, with some divine assistance, we are currently able to sustain ourselves through seaweed harvesting. But Evergreen, which falls under your lordship's domain, was originally a barren fishing village without any specialty products."


The lord paused at Dominic's words.

In reality, the region ruled by the Sinclair family for generations was undoubtedly more prosperous compared to other areas.

However, that didn't imply that every village enjoyed the same level of prosperity.

'Especially newly established villages like Evergreen naturally lack in various aspects.'

This was to be expected, but from the lord's perspective, it was also a point of concern.

"While it's true that the village benefits from seaweed sales, this good fortune will vanish once the abundant season comes to an end. As the village chief, how can I solely rely on luck? I have contemplated and pondered extensively on ways to ensure that our people won't go hungry and that our prosperity becomes lasting happiness."

"So, is the project you're currently pursuing the outcome of that contemplation?"

"Yes, my lord."

"You've been doing the work I should have done. This is... Very well, I will support the initiative you're planning."

"I appreciate it, but we don't need assistance."

The lord's eyes widened at Dominic's refusal.

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