Farming Happiness: Husband, Come and Plough the Fields

Chapter 971: tear open

"Li Haitang, what kind of thing are you? You don't know what to do. Why is it your turn to take care of the Zhang family's affairs?"

Xia Jixiang was interrupted before he finished speaking, and stomped his feet angrily. If she hadn't been afraid of Xiao Lingchuan and that thick maid named Wu Fu, she would have grabbed Li Haitang and tore them apart.

At this moment, everyone from the Zhang family and the Xia family are here, how can she be bullied?

Thinking of this, Xia Jixiang became more courageous, took a step forward, stood in front, and confronted Li Haitang.

"I'm really not afraid of death!"

That being the case, what else is there to say? Hit!

The elders of the Ruan family and Mrs. Ruan twitched their mouths at the same time, silently mourning for Xia Jixiang in their hearts, it is not good to offend anyone, offend Li Haitang, an idiot who uses force if he disagrees!

This person opened his mouth and kept his mouth shut, and he didn't even have the concept of superiority or inferiority. He beat his uncle and aunt, so he still cared about a person who was not related?

It was too embarrassing for two people to be beaten, and everything had to be covered up when they left the Ruan's house, otherwise outsiders would know and watch the joke, and they themselves were the **** of the joke.

To deal with such a person, it is absolutely best not to be explicit, and to stumble secretly is the best policy.

Xia Jixiang thought beautifully, no one cared about her, the people from the Xia family hated her for revealing the scandal, now they turned a blind eye and pretended not to see it.

As a result, Xia Jixiang was dragged down without anyone asking. A moment later, there was a crackling sound, and Xia Jixiang let out a miserable cry.

Everyone pretended not to hear, and all their eyes were on Zhang Ruyi.

"Father, you raised your daughter and you are my father. This will not change. Even if you don't recognize your daughter, she will still treat you as always."

Zhang Ruyi kowtowed again. What does the rest of the Zhang family have to do with her? She said what she was holding back in her heart, and she relaxed a lot.

"Ruan Shangshu, although Zhang Ruyi's background has not been confirmed by the combined blood method, she is not suitable to be the daughter-in-law of the Ruan family."

Mrs. Zhang was shivering from the cold, and she still had to maintain a high-ranking demeanor, thinking in her heart that it should be resolved quickly so that she could go back to the greenhouse to warm up.

"According to what we discussed before, how about letting Kisaragi take over?"

A second-hand piece of trash can never compare to a big girl with yellow flowers. Moreover, Zhang Ruyue's beauty is one of the most outstanding among the young ladies of the Zhang family. ,

His character is not good, but his appearance is absolutely nothing to say, so he can show it.


Mrs. Ruan glanced at the Wang family who came. The two families had already decided to form an alliance, and it was impossible for the Zhang family to meddle. In the case of the Ruan family, it was natural to find a more powerful party, so the Zhang family was ignored.

At this moment, in order to take advantage of the old lady of the Zhang family, she had the audacity to ask, but she really didn't expect it.

"Could it be that the Ruan family wants to violate the previous agreement?"

The old lady of the Zhang family's face darkened. If the Ruan family wants to hug the Wang family's thigh, it depends on whether the Zhang family agrees or not. Zhang Ruyue wants to marry, but she said it in advance. If the Ruan family backs out, the two families will be ashamed!

"Old Madam, the two families have agreed before that Zhang Ruyi is an adulterer and my son can marry Zhang Ruyue, but now, there is no proof at all!"

When they came here, they only saw that the method of confessing relatives by dripping blood was unreliable, but they really didn't see anything else.

Mrs. Ruan was not an easy-going lamp, she said with a smile, "As Master Zhang's mother, why do you always want to prove that he was cuckolded?"

Another point, is Zhang Ruyue stronger than Zhang Ruyi? Before, because of touching porcelain Yaohuazhai, he entered the Jingzhaoyi Yamen, and I heard that he was also served in prison.

"I heard that Miss Zhang Ruyue is beautiful, but why did I hear the maid say that she has pockmarks?"

Mrs. Wang came late, and when she saw that her family was there, she immediately cheered up and revealed, "It seems that you still used the wrong makeup?"

Before meeting Ciyao Huazhai, she insisted on pretending to be an ugly girl, cheated tens of thousands of taels of silver, she was still not satisfied, and she didn't stop, which shows her greed. This is great, she became a real ugly girl, she was really happy what!

"What pockmarked face?"

The old lady of the Zhang family didn't even know that Zhang Ruyue had been taken care of by Li Haitang in advance. She thought Mrs. Wang did it on purpose, she squinted her eyes, and looked at Mrs. Wang, "For a woman, the most important thing is to have children. Old hens can't lay eggs, lose their value, and have been slaughtered early. If a woman can't give birth What about raising children? The Ruan family is afraid

Is it to cut off the incense of the emperor? "

Jiang is still old and hot, and the old lady of the Zhang family stepped on Wang into the mud pit and buried him alive with the mud.

"You don't need to worry about this, the old lady of the Zhang family. Our Wang family also feels sorry for the Ruan family. We will choose one of Wang's cousins ​​to marry as a dowry..."

Someone from the Wang family expressed their attitude. These words shocked the Wang family, and she didn't know about it.

The two sisters married the same person, and the children they gave birth to were not divided between you and me, but the Wang family didn't want her man to be shared with others. She thought she would recognize the fifth son and raise her as a legitimate son, but she didn't expect the Wang family to push her back. Keep a hand behind you.

Li Haitang didn't care about all of this. She stepped forward, pulled Zhang Ruyi, and asked in a low voice, "Ruyi, are you okay?"

"Haitang, I'm actually breathing a sigh of relief now."

Instead of trembling because of this, it's better to expose her. She thought wrong before. It doesn't matter what others say about her mother. She can't sew other people's mouths. As long as her mother is in her heart and is always beautiful, that's fine.

The resolution of the matter, even if it is not satisfactory, is already the best result.

On the carriage, Zhang Ruyi changed her clothes and carefully put the dress on the first floor in the package.

"Then what are your plans? About my cousin..."

At least for now, the two are still husband and wife. The Ruan family doesn't admit it, but they didn't give a divorce letter.

Li Haitang couldn't think of any solution at the moment, she could only support the good sister's decision.

"No, let him."

Zhang Ruyi thought for a while, she was reluctant to part with the fifth son, although she had not been with the fifth son for a long time, she really loved him as a son, the fifth son was sensible and caring, Zhang Ruyi liked it very much.

What she was afraid of was that if Xiao Wuzi returned to the Ruan family, he would be eaten up and wiped out by those wolfish and ambitious people.

"Originally there was the Wang family, and if the Wang family didn't give birth, he would treat the fifth child kindly. I have nothing to worry about. Now, the Wang family has other plans, just in case..."

In case something happens to the Wang family, there will be no place for the concubine, and the fifth son will be in danger.

That child is sensible and pure-hearted, he is not suitable to grow up in a high school, not to mention that the Ruan family and Wang family are so shameless.

"Not only them, the Zhang family and the Xia family are also shameless, which simply refreshed my three views."

There is no more ironic farce than today. For the sake of profit, several families don't care about this face at all, and they look ugly.

If possible, she would never want to have any contact with Gaomen for the rest of her life, so as not to feel bad.

In a blink of an eye, two days have passed since the Zhang family opened the ancestral hall and confessed their relatives with a drop of blood.

On the fifth day of the first lunar month, there is a folk custom of breaking the fifth day, eating dumplings, setting off firecrackers, sending off the **** of poverty, and receiving the **** of wealth.

The family is preparing to make dumplings to eat, and we gather for a table, which is very lively. Li Haitang planned to go to the cold storage in the shop, get some mackerel back, and make dumplings stuffed with mackerel at home to eat fresh.

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