Fantasy: My Skills Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 139: respective experiences

Chapter 139: respective experiences

Hearing this, Holander trembled all over, but still did not get up.

Please forgive me, sir! We admit defeat!

Jiang Heng paused. Just when Holander was about to feel happy, he heard an indifferent voice echoing in his ears.

Ill give you a chance.

All underage demons, please go back and hide in the house. I can leave you a way to survive.

Other adult demons, attack them all!

Otherwise, I will kill without mercy!

Hearing this, a large group of demons suddenly became commotion, but Holander gritted his teeth and shouted: "Yes!"

Then he stood up and shouted to the demons behind him: "All minors, please return to the house, and the rest, follow me to fight!"

Perhaps Holander's prestige was high enough, or perhaps Jiang Heng's intimidation was too strong, so a large group of relatively short demons ran into the village.

Soon, there were only dozens of strong demons over two meters tall left on the field.


Holland took the lead and charged forward with his sword, and the other demons immediately followed.

Jiang Heng's expression remained unchanged, and he flashed in front of one of the demons. He punched out and killed him. Then he dodged again, and one demon after another exploded to death.

In the village not far away, nearly a hundred demons were hiding in the house. Looking at the tragic scene, they could not help clenching their fists, but not a single demon came out of the house.

After a while, when Jiang Heng's fist fell on Holander, all the demons on the field had been slaughtered.

Jiang Heng took out the magic cores one after another, turned around and walked out of the village.

After a long time, all the demons who were hiding came out of the house one after another, crying, picking up all the broken heads, and buried them outside the village.

There was a demon looking at Jiang Hengyuan's direction from afar, with hatred on his face, but he did not dare to pursue him.

After leaving Del Village, Jiang Heng randomly chose a direction and flew there.

Not long after, Jiang Heng was surprised to see the outline of a city in the distance.

He originally thought that the demons had a lifestyle similar to that of primitive savages. Even if there were settlements like villages, they would not form prosperous cities like humans.

But now, at a glance, the social system of the demons is actually quite complete.

After all, having a city means that there is a high probability of a relatively complete trading system and social order.

This is a completely new civilization.

Jiang Heng looked at it for a while, then turned and flew in another direction.

He knew that the number of demons gathered in the city was definitely not comparable to that of Del Village just now. If he rushed over rashly and was attacked by the souls of countless demons, his soul-suppressing tower would probably be unable to withstand a few hits and would be damaged.

By then, my soul defense ability is probably about the same as that of other contestants. Facing the joint attack of dozens of demons, I will probably be stunned if I meet them.

After flying for a short time, we passed near an official road.

On the official road, a dozen docile beasts similar to horses were seen pulling the cart slowly. In the convoy were dozens of tall demons wearing various animal skins, looking warily in different directions.

Several of the demons saw Jiang Heng coming from the sky, and immediately exclaimed: "There is a man with red blood!"

All the demons turned their heads and looked over.

I saw Jiang Heng speeding up and heading straight for the convoy. All the demons immediately knew that the person coming was evil. The leader of the demons roared: "Fight!"

All the demons took out their short spears and were on alert, waiting for Jiang Heng to enter the range of the soul attack.

Soon, under Jiang Hengs rapid flight, the distance between him and the demons quickly narrowed.

At this time.

Jiang Heng's figure suddenly flashed and appeared in another direction. When all the demons looked over, Jiang Heng flashed again and appeared in a new location.

For a time, countless afterimages appeared in the air. Even the many demons with the ability to sense souls were unable to quickly distinguish Jiang Heng's position, and it was even more difficult to accurately release soul attacks.

For Jiang Heng, the initial battle in Del Village was more about feeling the method and intensity of the demon's soul attack, and it was also a way to verify his soul defense capabilities.

But now, since everything has been figured out clearly, there is no need to stupidly directly resist the opponent's soul attack.

Possessing the super-god-level perfect [Great Movement in the Sky], the speed of movement is far beyond the reaction ability of dozens of demons below.

Suddenly, another brutal killing began.

the other side.

At the foot of a certain mountain, two groups of red-haired demons were roaring and fighting fiercely. Their swords were swung wildly, flesh and blood flew everywhere, and the demons fell one after another.

Suddenly, a petite human girl appeared out of thin air and fell to the ground naturally.

It was Wen Qingxue who had just entered the secret realm.

The two sides fighting fiercely on the ground were shocked by the sudden appearance of Wen Qingxue.

The next moment, a demon roared: "Kill the red-blooded man first!"

The two groups of demons separated slightly, watching the falling Wen Qingxue attentively, ready to attack with their souls at any time.

By this time, Wen Qingxue had already controlled her figure and saw dozens of tall demons waiting intently below.

Wow! Is this the devil? So ugly!

Wen Qingxue immediately turned around with her sword and ran away.

The demons below roared one after another, and even a dozen of them jumped up and shot towards Wen Qingxue like cannonballs.

After the distance reached a certain level, the translucent shock wave suddenly flew into Wen Qingxue's mind, and then disappeared silently.

More than a dozen demons suddenly landed on the ground, watching helplessly as Wen Qingxue flew out of sight.

Then, the two sides fought fiercely again.

What a bad luck! I met so many demons as soon as I came in, and I dont know how strong they are?

After flying far away, Wen Qingxue did not leave. Instead, she quietly returned to a distance and watched the fierce battle between the two groups of demons from a distance.

When both sides were dead and less than thirty demons were left, Wen Qingxue quietly approached.

Without deliberately releasing the power of their souls to investigate, the demons did not notice Wen Qingxue's approach at all.

At this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Wen Qingxue thought, and her long sword turned into a bolt of lightning, striking one of the demons with lightning speed.


The demon's head flew up instantly, and blue blood spurted out.

Under the shock, the other demons suddenly became angry.

The soul shock was sent out immediately, and more than twenty translucent shock waves almost instantly disappeared into Wen Qingxue's mind and went straight to the core of his soul.

At this time, a transparent crystal that looked like a substance suddenly rotated, and the translucent waves spread out, eliminating all incoming soul impacts.

The outside world.

Wen Qingxue's figure was not stagnant at all, and her god-level perfect body technique [Great Thousand Illusionary Body] was operating at full strength, turning into dozens of afterimages, and instead surrounded the opponent's more than 20 demons.

A sword energy suddenly shot out from the hand of a certain afterimage, fell on the two demons who were caught off guard, and cut them in half.

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