Fantasy: My Skills Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 115: The robbery and murder of two Nirvana realm powerful men

Chapter 115: The robbery and murder of two Nirvana realm powerful men

As soon as these words came out, Bai Haocang's body shook violently.

The organizations previous conjecture can be considered to be confirmed for the first time.

There are indeed beings above the Nirvana realm in the Holy Land, so as the higher level of the Holy Land, Tai Sui Mansion must have even more terrifying beings.

In this case, what can we do to resist, even if we have a narrow escape from Nirvana?

Bai Haocang felt sad for a moment.

The strongest people in the Dawn Society are only a few who have reached the Nirvana realm, and due to resource constraints, there is almost no hope of breaking through to a stronger realm.

If the strongest person in the Holy Land is only in the Nirvana Realm, then Tai Sui Mansion may be just one level higher than the Nirvana Realm.

In that case, Dawn will continue to hide in the dark and accumulate strength, and maybe there will be a possibility of counterattack.

But now, Bai Haocang suddenly lost confidence.

Perhaps, the organization should be advised to change its strategy and no longer just stay hidden.

Its better to take the risk and try to use the power of the Holy Land to cultivate our own people.

In this case, we dont have to worry too much about resources, and we also have the opportunity to find out more information about Tai Sui Mansion.

Its just that such words are too easy to expose, which can bring disaster to the organization.

Just when Bai Haocang was concentrating on thinking.

Wen Qingxue nodded and said, "I agree to join the Holy Land."


Elder Li smiled heartily.

"Then you two might as well pack up first and say goodbye to your relatives and friends. How about we set off together tomorrow morning?"


Jiang Heng and the two agreed to come down.

Somewhere on the top of Daluozong Mountain.

The residence of the Supreme Elder Wang Chengye.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Heng would choose to join the Holy Land.

"In this way, the possibility of the organization being exposed will be greater, and he must not be allowed to survive!"

President Xi shouted angrily in a deep voice.

"President Xi, the Holy Land elders are here. If they alert the other party, it will be a big trouble."

Wang Chengye looked sad and had no solution for a while.

After President Xi pondered for a moment, his face darkened:

Jiang Heng must be killed!

Since the Holy Land Elder is here, its a good idea to try killing an Holy Land Elder!

Wang Chengye was stunned by his words for a moment, and it took him a while to react, and said repeatedly: "President Xi, even if we can really kill them, Daluo Sect will definitely be exposed, which will bring disaster to the organization. this"

President Xi shook his head indifferently and said, "Don't worry, of course I won't do anything here."

"After they leave Daluo Sect, I will arrange for people to surround and kill them together without leaving any traces!"

That night, Jiang Heng practiced quietly as usual.

After accumulating potential points to 100 million again, he decisively upgraded his body technique [Great Teleportation].

Ding! 100 million potential points have been consumed, the technique is being deduced, please wait!

Ding! The exercise deduction was successful, please name it!

In an instant, countless information streams poured into his mind out of thin air, and even some subtle changes occurred inside his body.

Jiang Heng raised the corners of his mouth, showing a satisfied smile.

Having reached the level of super-god-like movement, there was a qualitative change that surprised him.

Name the skill as [Great Movement in the Sky].

Then Jiang Heng moved his feet, and his figure appeared several meters high in the air, moving around as if he were stepping on the void.

Just as he named it [Great Movement in the Sky], he can now run wildly in the air as if he were walking on flat ground.

Previously, he originally wanted to apply for a spiritual weapon long sword from the sect to use it for flying.

Just considering that he had just beaten up the sects senior officials and it seemed inappropriate to apply for sect benefits in the blink of an eye, he gave up for the time being.

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, he would have the ability to fly in the air.

This is much more convenient than flying with a sword, and it does not affect the combat performance at all.

In this way, even if you face a stronger person at a higher level in the future, you dont have to worry about being unable to do anything to the opponent because of the problem of flying methods.

Early the next morning.

A group of four people went down the mountain and left.

It is impossible to fly with a sword in the Linghai Realm. When he came here, Elder Li flew out of thin air by himself, and flew with the saint girl with his sword, but when he returned, he could not bring three people with him.

So, everyone used their body skills and rushed on their way with all their strength.

Fortunately, the four of them are all top experts above the Linghai realm. With their physical skills and physical strength, they can easily travel thousands of miles a day.

If it were not necessary to follow the official road to identify the direction, I am afraid that traveling tens of thousands of miles a day would be more than enough.

It didnt take long.

When the four of them reached a wilderness, Elder Li suddenly signaled them to stop with a solemn expression.

"somebody is coming!"

Elder Li turned his head, and Jiang Heng and the other three also looked in the same direction.

I saw two flowing figures coming from the distance.

Everyone had sharp eyes and saw clearly who was coming immediately.

They were two burly men wearing night clothes.

One of them has a conspicuous bald head and holds a big knife.

The other person has a delicate bun and holds a long sword tightly in his hand.

The most important thing is that there is nothing under their feet, and they are actually flying out of thin air.


Elder Li and Saint Ruan Baixues expressions changed at the same time.

Jiang Heng and Wen Qingxue looked at each other, their faces serious.

Use the emergency signal quickly!

Elder Li shouted in a deep voice.

Ruan Baixue immediately took out a cylindrical object from his arms and crushed one end.

Suddenly, a red ball of light flew out from the other end of the cylinder and went straight into the sky. After crossing a blood-red light trail, it exploded in the sky, leaving a huge light ball that lingered for a long time.


The sound like muffled thunder spread for hundreds of miles, immediately alarming countless people in distant places.

The huge and dazzling light group can be seen for thousands of miles.

Tianyuan Holy Mountain in the east of Xianfu City.

A disciple who was walking on the road accidentally saw the faint red light group in the distance. After being stunned for a moment, he saw that the light group had not dissipated, and he suddenly came to his senses.

Emergency signal! Someone high up is in danger!

This disciple was shocked and immediately ran away to find the elder to report.

In the wilderness.

After the saint released the emergency signal, she and Jiang Heng took a few steps back and looked at the two masked men flying over.

Elder Li, however, flew up and took the initiative to greet the visitor.


At the same time as he unsheathed his sword, a fierce sword light hundreds of meters long slashed horizontally, bringing the two of them into the attack range at the same time.

The bald and masked man pushed his right hand forward, and then a huge palm of infuriating energy was slapped forward.

The figure of another masked man holding a sword fell downwards, and then continued to fly in the direction of Jiang Heng and the others.


The sword light and the giant palm of true energy annihilated each other. Until the giant palm collapsed, the sword light was only a little illusory and continued to slash forward.

In this confrontation of moves, Elder Li obviously had the upper hand.

But his face was very ugly.

Because the opponent's strength is not much weaker than him, he can definitely entangle him in a short time.

The other masked man holding a sword is also in the Nirvana state. With the strength of the three saints, they are absolutely unable to deal with it.

At that time, the three saints will die soon.

After that, under the siege of the two men, I am afraid that I will not end up well either.

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