Evolution: A Warlock's Rise To Power

Chapter 222: Departure

Chapter 222: Departure

As the hands reached through the crack in space that hung in the air, they gripped the edges before violently ripping them apart.

A bare foot stepped through first followed by the rest of the man.

Gahzan had entered the material plane.  He looked no different from a human male except for the fact that his skin was a dark purple.  He was wearing very common clothes that looked to be made from cotton.  Basic beginner clothes, as players would call them.  When the demon princes foot stepped onto the cobblestone square, the ground cracked and caved in.

Even though his frame was the size of a normal man, it didn't conceal his immense strength.  Before Gahzan's name and level appeared over his head, Super could already tell that this demon was powerful.


With a click of the demons tongue the rain and clouds overhead fled far away.  Gahzan took a deep breath before exhaling.

"Ah the smell of fresh blood.  What a proper welcome."  The demon said before looking around.  He finally looked eyes on the only other person standing in the square.  "You must be PapaSmurf.  Where are the others?"  Asked Gahzan in a tone that demanded answers.

"Oh, no.  I am afraid you are mistake.  PapaSmurf and his followers are dead."

Gazhan narrowed his eyes.

"Do you know that it is unwise to kill the servants of a demon?"

"Eh, they were weak and annoyed me."


"Indeed, but that brings us to our next problem.  My boss is saving this place for someone else so if you could turn around and go home it would be much appreciated."

A grin spread across the demon princes face.  "That problem is easy to solve.  If you don't want me here, then why don't you just go die."

Before Super could move a muscle, Gahzan disappeared from where he stood and reappeared in front of him.  The demon's arm plunged through Supers chest as he lifted him of his face.  Gahzan brought the lifeless body close to his face.  "Not so cheeky, now are you?"

"Eh, no.  Still as cheeky as ever."  Said a voice from behind the demon.

Gahzan's head jerked around to see Super sitting on a bench on the side of the square with one of his legs resting on his knee.

The demon looked back to his arm that was still stretched out to see shadows dripping off his flesh and puddling on the ground.

"No matter, it won't take long to deal with your little tricks.  You should feel honored to be able to make me get serious."


The demon snapped his fingers as his attire suddenly changed.  He wore a dark formal suit with shiny shoes.  Rings covered each of his fingers while a walking stick appeared in his hands.

"Don't worry, I won't make this too quick for you."  Gahzan said before he took a single step forward and crossed the entire distance separating the two.

His walking stick slammed down and smashed straight through the bench, but Super was already gone.

"Wow."  Super said in a bored voice.  "I am so scarred."

Gahzan whipped around to see Super standing in the center of the square where the demon had emerged from.

Super slowly drew his two scimitars while yanking and using his arm to cover his mouth.

"Geez, can you hurry this up?"

"You wretched creature, I will destroy you!!!"  Gahzan screamed before letting out a howl. 

The strength released in his voice was enough to crush the surrounding buildings.

Gahzan stepped forward to cross the eighty meters between them in an instant but was thrown off when a green flash suddenly appeared.

Super walked up to the portal and looked through.

"Sigh, so much effort and all for what?"  He muttered while looking at the demon who had just ran straight back into the Abyss.

Super turned his back on the portal and grinned towards Bubblegumfairy and DarkX_XAssassin who were running into the square to meet him.

"Ahh!  Boss, look out!"  Bubblegumfairy yelled.

A strong arm suddenly gripped his shoulder from behind.  The two running towards Super were surprised to his grin grow.


The portal closed and the arm grabbing his shoulder was severed at the elbow.

DarkX_XAssassin arrived first and pulled the arm off of Super.  "Boss, did you know that was going to happen?"

"I had a feeling."  He answered while motioning for DarkX_XAssassin to pass him the arm.  "Damn, it is a right arm.  Lucan needs a left.  At least we got some loot."  He said while starting to pull a ring off of each on of the demon's fingers.  Super took another look around the square.  "It really amazes me how much effort people put into summoning from other planes of existence when they could just buy a portal ability from Lucan.

"He, he, he.  Be real boss."  Bubblegumfairy said.  "You are probably the only one who can afford to pay this price for that ability."

"Eh, I guess I got you big spenders to thank for that."

"That's right."  Bubblegumdairy said.  "So don't forget us when it is time for the bonuses."

"Alright, alright, I won't forget.  Here, Assassin, you take all this loot back to the fortress we will go and check on SneakySnake before returning."

DarkX_XAssassin took the loot that both of them handed over and activated a return scroll.  Super looked towards the bell tower and motion for Tracker92 to head to his next position.

Tracker92 stored his rifle away and pulled out a throw axe.  He turned towards the direction of the graveyard and reeled back before tossing it out towards a building.

The moment before the axe left his grip, Track92 turned into a shadow and clung to the bottom side of the axe that was spinning through the air.  With a 'Thunk' the axe landed on a building below and the sniper materialized from the tiny shadow under the axe.

"So jealous."  Bubblegumfairy muttered as she saw Tracker92 move from roof to roof.

"Keep practicing and one day you will get the timing right."  Super said.

"Huff.  I have practiced three times longer than that guy and still can't get it to work consistently.  It isn't worth the time I lose to train it."  She said before running off ahead.

Super didn't run after her.  His image collapsed as the shadows around his dispersed.

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