Evolution: A Warlock's Rise To Power

Chapter 219: He, he, he

Chapter 219: He, he, he

[Tracker92:  Good work Bubbles.  Dark Assassin, you are up next.]

[Bubblegumfairy:  :) ]

Tracker92 kept watch from the bell tower through the scope of his long range black powder rifle. After he sent his message, he saw Bubblegumfairy turn his direction and wink.

He swung the rifle towards the other end of the central square and kept his eye on the target DarkX_XAssassin called out and checked the surroundings to make sure no one was too close.  When a group of three split up and went their separate ways he sent a message.

[Tracker92:  Go for the second target.]

Tracker 92 kept his left eye open while his right looked through the scope so he could remain aware of the overall situation in the square.  He saw as Bubblegumfairy step away from the building she was leaning against and tripped, dropping her weapon as it clanked across the ground.

Most of the Dark Web turned to see what caused the noise and held back their laughter as bubblegumfairy scrambled back to her feet and picked up her weapon with an embarrassed expression.

What the didn't see was a poison cover blow dart shoot from a nearby shop and prick the neck of a Dark Web player.  Before the player could move his hand to slap what he thought was an insect that had stung him, the player was paralyzed.  DarkX_XAssassin sprinted from the store, grabbed ahold of the player and quickly dragged him into the store he had just sprinted from.  After taking away the paralyzed player, the assassin left a shadow illusion standing in its place.

Tracker92 quickly scanned the other Dark Web players.  And it appeared that nobody noticed anything, at least he couldn't see anyone react.

[Tracker92:  All Clear.]

[DarkX_XAssassin:  #2 down.]

[SneakySnake:  Received.]

[Tracker92:  Well done.]

Tracker92 scanned the square again to see who they should target next.

[Tracker92:  Bubbles, two players are going to be passing near you in less than a minute.  See if you can deal with them quietly.  The long re can remain in the dark, the easier it will be.]

[Bubblegumfairy:  Gotcha.]

[SneakySnake:  Preparing to receive #3 and #4.]


Chickenwire ran towards the super sized quadkong with his four teammates.  When they got close enough they were able to witness the slaughter.  The giant beast wasn't attacking with precision, but it didn't need too.

When Tango saw a player, he swung one of his gigantic war hammers in its direction.

Chickenwire saw a player hiding behind a building and was about to run up to ask if they had found the beasts weakness yet.  Before he could get close, the shop the player was hiding behind exploded into rubble as a war hammer smashed through the back of the shop and exploded out the front, directly connecting with the player and turning him into meat paste.

Chicken wire pulled back and turned down and alley to stay out of the quadkong's view.

"Damn it.  Don't hold anything back. Activate the artifact."  He said to his teammates.

Each of the five players pulled out a broken piece of a disk and poured their mana into it.  The five pieces began to glow before they were attracted to each other with a strong magnetism.  Four of the players released their grasp on the artifact pieces, letting them soar through the air and fuse with Chickenwire's piece.

Chickenwire didn't hesitate to throw the black glowing artifact the size and shape of a dinner plate into the air.

The artifact soared higher while being propelled by magic.  It flew straight towards the quadkong.

Tango might have been fulling enraptured by his slaughter and didn't notice the disk, but Tyrannical Kyp spotted it right away.

'Incoming, attack the flying object on your left.'  Tyrannical Kyp telepathically communicated with Tango.

The quadkong clenched one of his empty hands and hurled a massive fist at the incoming artifact.


The artifact didn't fly backwards.  Instead, it was Tango who was knocked over and flattened several buildings along with a few players that were hiding when he fell.

The quadkong shook his hand and let out a pained roar while looking for the disk.  Tango quickly searched for the object that hurt him but couldn't find it.

Tyrannical Kyp noticed it was still stuck to his beast's hand.

'It is on your hand, try to get rid of it.'

After Kyp's communication, Tango found the disk on his hand and tried to scrap the tiny object of by dragging his knuckle across the ground.  But no matter how he tried, the object clung to him.

'Damn it.'  Kyp cursed to himself when he saw his pet's health constantly falling.

It had only been stuck for five seconds but the artifact had already drained away half of Tango's health.  Seeing that there was only twenty seconds left on Tango's transformation, he decided to call it.

The beasts dispelled his weapons created from shadows.  When the massive war hammers disappeared, the shadows that formed them collapsed and spread into the street, blocking the nearby view before dissipating.  Tango shrunk back to his normal size before he was unsummoned.  When the quadkong disappeared, the artifact fell to the ground before breaking into five pieces.

Kyp tried to pick them up but found he could only hold one at most.

'Oh well.'  He smirked before activating a return scroll and disappearing before the last of the shadows dissipated.


SneakySnake stood in the graveyard waiting to receive his next guest.  As soon as the Dark Web member revived, he stepped out of the shadows directly in front of the player and put a hand on his targets shoulder and looked into their eye's.  Before they could respond, SneakySnake's eyes flashed.

[SneakySnake:  Received.]

He said into the group chat before he spoke to the player.

"Everyone is waiting for you, please take a seat."

The player didn't hesitate to walk to a table and sit with his nine guildmates.

"He, he, this secret tea party is so fun."  Said a player before taking a sip from his teacup.

"It is only fun because it is a secret."  Said another player to the new arrival.  "Make sure you don't message anyone.  If the boss found out, we would be in trouble and the tea party would be over.

"That is right."  SneakySnake said while pouring a cup of tea for the new player.  "You don't want to get in trouble for not working.  Just relax and enjoy the tea party.  Here, try some cake."

"Wow, this is so good.  You guys don't have to worry about me, I will make sure to keep the tea party a secret."

"Good, good, good.  By the way, your friends and I were just chatting about what Dark Web has been up to the past couple of days and what PapaSmurf intends to do from here.  If you have anything to add, don't be afraid to speak up."

"Sure, sure, no problem."  The new player said after taking a bite of cake.  "Did you guys already tell our new friend about the boss's deal with the demons?"


Tracker92 scanned the central square again.  They had already gotten rid of the three Dark Web players on the rooftops and six more who were on the outskirts of the square.

[Tyrannical Kyp:  I Have done everything I can.]

[Tyrannical Kyp has left the party.]

[Tracker92 has been promoted to party leader.]

[SuperSleuth has joined the party.]

[SuperSleuth has been promoted to party leader.]

[Bubblegumfairy:  Ah!!!! :D Boss you have already made it to Avalon?????]

[SuperSleuth:  I can see that you all have done a good job.  Let's stir some shit up.  He, he, he.]

[Bubblegumfairy:  He, he, he.]

[DarkX_XAssassin: He, he, he.]

[SneakySnake:  He, he, he.]

[Bubblegumfairy: ]

[Bubblegumfairy:  :( ]

[Tracker92:  . He, he, he.]

[Bubblegumfairy:  :D :D :D]

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