Evolution: A Warlock's Rise To Power

Chapter 204: Insincere Offer

Chapter 204: Insincere Offer

Brax and Jenna left the restaurant and headed into the parking lot towards Brax's car.

"Wait! Please wait!" The man yelled while running after them.

Brax ignored him and opened the car door to let Jenna take a seat before he moved and got behind the wheel.

The man came up and knocked on the window. Brax rolled it down.

"Mr. Tomlin, I apologize. Let me introduce myself. I am Jason Turnbell, the assistant district attorney for Flower city. The city has prepared a generous deal for you. As long as you are willing to sign these papers, all this mes will be put behind us and you will be able to go on your way undisturbed. It will take only a minute."

Brax didn't say anything but stretched out his hand to receive the papers.

Mr. Turnbell excitedly handed over the document. He could see hope of completing his assignment. His smile faded when Brax didn't take the pen that was provided to him.

He handed the papers to Jenna while he started the car.

"I will have my lawyer take a look. If the deal is acceptable then I will sign it."

Anxiously, Mr Turnbell pleaded. "If you want this deal to happen, it needs to be turned in by the end of the day. Please just sign it, so we can all move on."

Brax frowned. "What kind of district attorney tried to force people to sign legal agreements without letting them read it over? You guys are ridiculous." He said before driving away.

Mr. Turnbell stood there dazed, he didn't expect that Brax would take the papers and just leave.

"This This is really awful." Jenna said while she flipped through the pages, reading everything.

Brax kept driving and shook his head. Just from the nature of the situation he could tell that this would be an awful deal.

"They want you to agree to never speak of this incident and are willing to give you ten thousand dollars. If you sign this, you are also unable to sue the city, the police department, or those two officers. These people are really evil. They attacked you, framed you, and took you away and are complete unwilling to even apologize or make things right."

"Just ignore it." Brax said. "These people have no sincerity. Let's not ruin our time together thinking about these things."

Jenna nodded and tossed the papers into the back seat. She was mad about how these people treated her husband, but he was right. She also didn't want to think about or deal with these people today.

After their meal, Brax and Jenna went to the movie theater to watch one of the new releases.

What the people from Starlight had said about the dying movie industry was easily seen by them. Even though they went to a movie that was screened for the first time today, there were only five other people in the theater. The whole place was dead and void of any business.

Brax and Jenna didn't mind. They snuggled together and watched the film. Afterwards they headed out. Brax brought Jenna around to a few places and they did a bit of shopping.

Jenna had come from money and didn't really need or want anything. But it was different today. Her husband was buying things for her, how could she not be happy, regardless of what they were.

After spending the day out and about, the couple returned to Brax's place where Jenna proceeded to drag him over to have dinner with his aunt and uncle.

Bo and Marie spent the whole night basically ignoring Brax and talking to Jenna. It was only after all the dishes were cleared from the table that he was able to leave with his wife.

Although he wanted to keep her to himself, Brax was very happy that his family got along with his wife.

"We could have stayed and talked to them longer." Jenna said while taking a seat next to him on the couch in Brax's place.

"Eh, we don't have much longer before we have to log back in. Can't I spend some time with my wife alone."

"What are you talking about, we spent the whole day together." Jenna said with a chuckle. It was a little chilly, so she grabbed a blanket from the side and spread it across the two of them while they sat on the couch.

"it's not enough." Brax said while pouting like a spoiled child. "We should just tell your parents that we are married. I want to live with you. It would be so much better if we shared the same house."

Jenna frowned. She felt bad, it was because of her that they were living separately.

Brax saw that his words put her into a bad mode. He didn't mean to put her on the spot, he was just randomly complaining.

He pulled her into his arms. "If you don't want to tell them right now, then let's not. Ignore what I said, I was just whining for no reason."

Jenna lowered her head. "I am sorry, I will tell them soon."

"Shh, don't be sorry. Tell them whenever you want, I will support your decisions."

Seeing that she just laid in his embrace without saying anything else, Brax decided to change the topic of the conversation.

"How are things going in Destol with the resort project?" He asked.

"Things are going well. Since it isn't a construction project in the real world it is moving fairly fast. I already have a set of designs and blueprints. The construction company have pretty much been decided. And with the help of a few wizards and mages, completing the buildings in a couple weeks isn't going to be an issue. The hard part is going to be furnishing everything."

"Mmm, if you need any more money, you know where it is in the vault."

"I think we will be alright for now. Oh right, I forgot to tell you, but your uncle wants to invest. I told him he could buy into one of the buildings. I didn't think you would have a problem with that."

"Not at all. I have no problems with that. Hopefully we can turn the area into a decent resort, we just need to get some more attractions in Destol, but I don't think that will be too hard."

"It should be easy enough." Jenna said. "I was also thinking about asking my mom and dad to see if they wanted to invest."

"Sure, make them an offer to see if they have any interest. Has your sister settled into the city yet?"

"All the people of her guild have already moved to the shadow realm, but their new guild headquarters is still being constructed. It will take a few more days."

The two continued talking about their plans for the next hours. Eventually Jenna picked up her phone and looked at the time.

"If we want to log in on time, then I have to leave in thirty minutes." Jenna said.

When she turned to look at Brax, she could help but laugh at his overly exaggerated pitiful expression.

"You won't hear my complain as long as you don't cross the line, but I really do have to leave in half an hour." Jenna said.

Brax understood what she meant. He didn't waste any time and pulled the zipper on her dress while she pulled the blanket higher to cover them up. They spent the next half hour making out and fool around.

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