Evolution: A Warlock's Rise To Power

Chapter 164: Palagar

Chapter 164: Palagar

Silent night woke early in the morning with her sister curled up beside her. She opened her interface to see a large number of messages sent to her from Lucan.

It was at this point she remembered what she done with her sister. She remembered that after a few drinks, the pictures she had taken turned a bit naughty.

Her face blushed red and she quickly closed the interface. She was too embarrassed to respond to Lucan, but from reading his messages, she knew one thing for sure.... he liked the pictures.


Heaven's Kiss stretched and sat up next to her sister.

"What are we going to do today?"

"I thought you were going to head back to your guild."

"What? Are you trying to kick me out."

"No, no, no. It was just that yesterday you said you were busy. I thought..."

"He, he. I am just messing with you." Heaven's Kiss said. "Sure I am busy, but I always have time for my sister."

The two left the castle and picked up a quick breakfast in the fortress.

Ash, the shadow elf who was normally in charge of Quilldrake Estate, Lucan's manor in Raze's palace, made an appearance.

"Miss Night, is Lord Quilldrake available. I have a message from the Supreme Leader."

"I am sorry, he is busy and won't be available for some time. Is there something I can help you with?" Silent asked.

"Aye, this isn't good. I guess I will just pass the message on to you."

"What is it?" Silent asked, worried that it would be news of some invasion or something of the sort.

"As you know, a new hand will be selected soon. I am supposed to invite Lord Quilldrake to the selection that will be held in three days time."

"Is that all?" Silent said. "You can let Raze know that I will be standing in for Lucan, he really can't get away from his current obligation."

"Very well, I will pass on the message. And just so you are aware. Their will be a banquet the night before the event and another after the event is completed. You are allowed to bring up to five guests. Well... technically it is Lucan who can bring five, but I don't think anyone will give you trouble."

"Alright, thank you for informing me."

With that finished, Ash turned around and departed through the teleporter, returning to Vertahadow.

"That sounds interesting, are you going to let your sister come with you?" Heaven asked.

"Don't you have a guild to run? How can you run around and do whatever you want?"

"Wait, are you mad at me?" Heaven asked.

"No... It's just that, last night, I ended up sending one of those completely exposed pictures to Lucan."

"What? He, he, he. You actually did it? Was that your first time sending something like that?"

"Of course it was the first time dummy, do you think I am taking pictures of my lady bits all the time and sending them to guys?"

"Why are you upset? Did Lucan not say anything back. Do I need to go beat up that punk?"

"No, he responded. Actually he responded a lot. I am just embarrassed right now. I don't know how I will ever stand in front of him again without blushing."

"Ha, ha, ha. Aren't you a married woman. How are you going to act when you do the deed? Or are you just going to do it once, then runaway and never face him again." Heaven's Kiss teased.


Lucan was kicked awake by Gillbuzz.

"Get to your feet. We are going." The horned devil said, leaving no room for discussion.

Lucan didn't argue and got to his feet. He followed Gillbuzz to the edge of the devil's camp.

When they arrived at the outskirts, purple flames rose from the ground, starting to spin. The flames merged together and started to form the shape of a passageway. When the flames died down, a large black metal arch stood in its place.

"Come." Gillbuzz said to the warlock before stepping through.

Lucan was right behind him. When he stepped through the archway, he was amazed.

The eye of Mentas, hadn't picked up any signs of magical energy before when he look at the archway. But now, here he was, clearly teleported to a new location. Lucan was amazed to see the magicless magic.

'Perhapse there is some trick to it, or maybe I can't see every type of magic.' the warlock thought to himself.

Lucan would have loved to experiment and ponder the issue but Gilbuzz was already walking ahead and the chain appeared again around his neck. He had no choice but to follow.

Looking around when he was able to, Lucan found they were in a large city now. From first impressions, he guessed it may even be bigger than Vertshadow.

Walking through the streets, the warlock encountered hundreds of kinds of different devils.

He saw short and fat devils dragging around sacks of gold. There were tall and skin devil's who opened up stalls to show off there wares, which mostly included different captured people that would be sold for the right price.

The devils had their own unique style of design and architecture. Sure most builds were build to have a scary or oppressive vibe, but they were still built by master craftsmen.

If he wasn't currently enslaved and being dragged around by a devil in the nine hell's, he might have actually enjoyed looking at the builds.

Gilbuzz continued to drag him through the streets untill they eventually came to the central district. It seemed like this part of the city was more crowded than the rest.

Not because it was the slums, no, in fact it was the opposite. This was where the most days distinguished devils lived. Only those with a certain status had a right to purchase the property here 

The shops sould the finest wares and slaves. Even those who couldn't afford would still slowly pass by outside while looking through the windows.

Their were guards present, but they weren't to keep order between the citizens. They tended to be a lawfully group. Sure they would get into arguments, but it was rare for a devil to cross the line when dealing with one of its own kind.

The guards were only in the city to prepare incase things got out of hand.

"This is the city of Palagar." Gilbuzz told Lucan. "A two day march from here is where the the nine hell's overlaps with the abyss. It is the city closest to the eternal battlefield."

"I see." Lucan responded.

He had been wondering why one out of every three people looked like a guard. It was because an attack from the demons could come at any time.

If a devil died outside of the nine hells, they wouldn't really die. There soul would be pulled back to hell and a new body would be formed. But if they were to die in hell... They would be dead for good. Only extremely strong magic could be used to bring them back from the dead, and even that had its limitations.

This fact led to the increased presence of the guards. If demons really did attack Palagar, then the devil's would need to respond immediately.

They normally preferred to fight in the abyss where they couldn't be permanently killed.

They took attacks on the nine hells very seriously.

Gilbuzz eventually stopped in front of a decent sized two story house.

"This is my home in the city. I haven't been here for a while so you won't ll have plenty of work to do." Gilbuzz said while pushing Lucan into the house.

And the devil was right, the entire place was covered in a layer of dust. Gilbuzz had said that he hadn't been here in a while, but it looked as if no one had been here for centuries. Lucan sighed, centuries might just be a little while when compared to the lifespan of a devil.

"What are you waiting for? Clean this place up, make it look nice. Do well enough and I might just let you sleep inside tonight."

Lucan didn't grumble or complain. He got to work doing as instructed. He hated being here and following the whims of Gilbuzz, but this was a mess of his own making. There was nothing he could do about it.

Lucan started by sweeping the floors clean, and dusting the house. He mopped and scrubbed where dirt had piled up. He really wished he could be back in Shadowsweep with Silent, but he currently has to work.

He busied his time while thinking about the pictures she had sent to him. He wasn't surprised that she hadn't responded to any of his messages.

Knowing his wife, Lucan was sure that she was embarrassed. He was determined to do everything he could to make her feel comfortable. He hopped that the future would contain many more pictures, but it was his wish that he would be the one taking them.

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