Everyone Wants to Pamper the Lucky Daughter

Chapter 48: Flute fluttering

"Hey, our sister Yu is a cow, a virgin of good fortune in the sky, reincarnated, born with precious life and long-lasting luck."

Su Hu spoiled his daughter's vanity, and couldn't help but start bragging.

Su Qingluo smiled sweetly: "Father goes to bed early tonight, and will go to the town tomorrow in good spirits, and has planned his speech in advance to compete with the Lexing people."

"Haha, you have to think about it."

Su Hu was amused, stroked the beard on his chin, and smiled happily.

"Your father has become much stronger than before in the past two years. He has a sharp tongue and can hold his breath."

Li Xiu'e glanced at him and joked with a smile: "It's not like when I first sold ginseng, I took out all the bottoms with one mouth."


Su Hu rubbed his nose and said happily: "With our little Fuwa, you can learn and sell now. You can learn the tongue like a parrot. After four or five years of learning, it's time to learn the essence."

"You're the one with the thick skin."

Li Xiu'e couldn't hear him boasting, so she gave him a white look with a smile: "If you praise you, you won't be able to find the north, and your two brushes are ashamed to say that you have learned the essence of Miss Yu."

"Daughter-in-law, don't believe it."

Su Hu didn't take it seriously, and his face was flushed: "I will learn from Sister Yu bit by bit, and sooner or later I will learn the essence. Maybe that day, I will also be able to open a shop, do business, and have a lot of money, so that you three can live with me." A golden and precious day."

"Okay, okay."

Su Qingluo clapped her little hands in response to the occasion, and smiled happily: "Father made a lot of money in business. Our family went to the capital to buy a big house, a carriage, and a maid. My sister and brother passed the autumn exam and became high officials."

"Oh, Sister Yu is really Daddy's obedient baby, so it's in Daddy's heart."

Su Hu was elated when he heard this, his face was flushed, and he rubbed his little daughter's pink and tender cheeks with his big rough hands, smiling from ear to ear.

"It hurts, it hurts."

Su Qingluo leaned back vigorously, saving her poor face and cheeks from the torture of rough palms.

"Okay, go to sleep, I have to go to Lexing tomorrow, and fight with them."

Li Xiu'e looked at the small movements of the little daughter secretly rubbing, and couldn't help being amused, and patted Su Hu's arm, urging him to rest earlier.

"Okay, go to sleep."

Su Hu guarded his wife and children, feeling very warm and reluctant to leave. Under Li Xiu'e's urging, he reluctantly left the main room and went back to his room to wash and rest.


In the afternoon of the next day, as Su Qingluo expected, someone from Le Xing followed Su Hu to the house to fetch the bamboo flute.

According to the instructions of the youngest daughter, the couple invited a group of people into the courtyard to demonstrate the craftsmanship of the bamboo flute.

Just when Su Hu's loving father was stirring up trouble, and he couldn't help showing off his precious little daughter, the melodious and long flute sound came from the river bank outside the courtyard.

Everyone in the courtyard heard the prestige and looked around, only to see a little girl with pink makeup, wearing soft and comfortable little hexagram pants, combing two maid hairpins, like a little fairy in a New Year painting, riding a maroon pony , playing the flute, leisurely playing on the bank of the river.

The melodious flute sound, the rhythm is cheerful and comfortable, crisp and melodious, and the relaxed and lively tune, as if the children of the peasant family are playing wantonly in the field, and the pure and melodious laughter is continuous, which makes people feel comfortable.

"Chirp, chirp, chirp."

The sound of the flute fluttered with the wind, and flocks of birds suddenly flew out from the mountains and forests. Led by a little flaming kingfisher, they flapped their wings and flew to the bank of the river, singing cheerfully, circling around the little girl's head.

As soon as the song fell, the birds around the river bank seemed to be reluctant to part with them, and they sang crisply and circled around the little girl several times before flying back to the forest in an orderly manner.

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