Everlasting Dragon Emperor

Chapter 147: Dongyi

Chapter 147: Dongyi

Biquge , update the latest chapter of Emperor Wandao as soon as possible!

Lu Ming pondered for a while, then walked to the mission hall.

He is going to take over the task of destroying Dongyi.

Killing the monsters together with the Dongyi people and the Dongyi people not only has the corresponding contribution points, Lu Ming can also devour the essence and blood, improve the cultivation, and achieve both.

When I came to the mission hall, I received the mission easily. After receiving the mission token, Lu Ming rushed towards the east city.

He didn't ride a mount, but hurried over with his body.

With his current body style, he does not know how much faster than the green scale horse, and the process of rushing is also the process of practicing body style.

Performing a volley step, Lu Ming's body was like a ray of light wind, as light as nothing, and his toes stepped on the grass, and his body flew forward for dozens of meters. If he was shocked, he would disappear in the blink of an eye.

Such a speed, just three days, Lu Ming came to the east of the city.

The city lacking in the east is undoubtedly a large city with a wall of more than 30 meters, which is many times larger than the Wind and Fire City.

At this time, the city gate of Dongqian city was closed, and all the soldiers wearing iron armor were guarding the city walls.

"Stop, who are you?"

When Lu Ming reached the gate of the city, an iron armor general shouted loudly.

"Under Xuanyuan Sword Disciples!"

Lu Ming took out the identity jade card and gently waved it, and the identity jade card flew up to the city wall.

"It really is a disciple of the Xuanyuan Sword School, open the city gate!"

After seeing the identity jade card, General Iron Armor threw the identity jade card back to Lu Ming, and then ordered.


The city gate opened a crack, and Lu Ming walked in.

After Lu Ming entered, the city gate closed again immediately.

Behind the city gate, there were a large number of armored sergeants, more than the city walls.

There is a lack of city in the east, and a legion of the scorching empire is guarding it. It has 50,000 soldiers, all of whom are elite.

Now that the royal family is declining and the Zongmen is rising, although the military of all parties in the raging empire still listens to the royal family, in fact, it is more about listening to a certain sect.

Just like the army in the east of the city, it shows that the royal order is still under the command of the Xuanyuan Sword School, so if anything happens, it is also reported to the Xuanyuan Sword School.

"This young hero, the disciples of the Xuanyuan sword faction are all in the No. 1 camp, let me take you there."

A sergeant approached Lu Ming.

"it is good!"

Lu Ming nodded.

Follow the sergeant and go to the No. 1 camp.

As soon as I entered the camp, I heard a loud noise.

"It's ridiculous, some of you martial arts masters who can't reach the fourth level, actually dare to take this task. Is he really crazy about contributing?

"It's really lifeless. I tell you that when you get to the battlefield, you will be ashamed of the Xuanyuan sword faction. I can't spare you."

"Several martial arts under four-fold garbage, hum, no one will save you by then."


Arrogant voices came into Lu Ming's ears.

Lu Ming walked past the voice.

After approaching, I saw a bunch of people gathered together, but I was young, and I knew at a glance that it was a disciple of the Xuanyuan Sword School.

"big Stone!"

Lu Ming saw Pang Shi in a small group of people at a glance.

At this time, Pang Shi was blushing, and was blocked by another group of people along with three or four others.

"Our cultivation base is low, but we don't rush ahead, can we kill some scattered Dongyi people?"

Pang Shiweng said violently.

"Kill the scattered Dongyi tribe? It turned out that I came to pick up the bargain, and immediately went back to the Zongmen. My Baihuyuan's bargain, how can you pick it up?"

Opposite Pang Shi, a triangle-eyed young man froze.

"Nonsense, who said we are cheaper? I won't pick your cheaper."

Pang Shi replied loudly.

The eyes of the triangle-eyed youth were cold, and said: "Bold, you dare to talk back, is it right?"

There are other disciples of the Xuanyuan Sword School on the side, none of them intervene, all with a look of lively expression.

"Look for a fight? Who have you fought?"

Lu Ming walked over and said lightly.


The triangle-eyed youth drank coldly, and his shimmering eyes turned to Lu Ming, but when he saw Lu Ming's appearance clearly, his expression stiffened.

"Lu...Lu Ming!"

The youth of the triangular eyes froze.

The faces of the other people changed slightly.

However, some people watched with interest. This time it was not just bronze-level disciples, but also silver-level disciples.

"Brother Lu Ming, you are here too."

Pang Shi was overjoyed when he saw Lu Ming.

"Big stone!" Lu Ming smiled and walked over.

Then he looked at the triangle-eyed youth and said, "Just now, who did you say you want to fight?"


Triangle Eyed Youth I haven't said a word for a long time.

"Lu Ming, Master Ming is also for their good. Are they a disciple of Suzakuin? The cultivation base is too low, and the martial arts master is not fourfold. Such cultivation base is very dangerous if it is on the battlefield. Think about their safety."

At this moment, behind the triangle eyes, a young man came up to the road.

"Yes, that's it!"

After seeing this young man, the triangle-eyed young man was brave.


Lu Ming snorted, and then asked Triangle Eye: "What are you doing for?"

"Me? The Sixth Peak of Martial Arts Master!"

Triangular Eyes confidently replied.

"The Sixth Peak of the Talented Martial Artist? Such a low cultivation level is very dangerous to go to the battlefield. Hurry up and go back."

Lu Ming said lightly, and finally added a sentence, I am also for you.


The flushed eyes of the triangular eyes.

"Lu Ming, you don't want to be complacent."

Another young man drinks coldly.

"Which green onion do you count?" Lu Ming squinted at him.

"Bold, Lu Ming, don't think that you are the first in the bronze list, you can be arrogant, no matter how genius you are, you can only prevail in the bronze class. Brother Du is a silver class disciple, a master of the double martial arts. Its easy to suppress you. Now Im talking to you loudly. Dont be ignorant.

The triangle-eyed youth pointed to the landing ringing and shouted loudly.

Although Lu Ming's previous performance was extremely powerful, it was only a martial arts realm.

Although the talent is against the sky, he can defeat or even kill the master of the heavy martial arts master.

But the first martial arts master and the second, that are two concepts.

The first warrior faced the second warrior double, almost no strength to fight back, this is the confidence of the young triangle eyes, he does not believe that Lu Ming can fight the first war with the second warrior.

"Is the Grand Martial Artist Double? No wonder it's so arrogant."

Lu Ming flicked the corner of his mouth slightly, sneered, and waved a slap.


The triangle-eyed youth's body flew out directly.

"I just don't know what to do, what's wrong?" Lu Ming's faint voice sounded, and with the sound of the touch, the triangle-eyed youth fell to the ground heavily.

"Lu Ming, you are too arrogant, do you really treat you as nobody?"

Brother Du's face was gloomy. Lu Ming didn't give him a face at all. In front of him, he slapped his triangular eyes in a slap. That was to hit him indirectly.

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