Eternal Villain: I can enslave Reality!

Chapter 167: Greed

Chapter 167: Greed

"Why can't you people allow me to have an easy life?"Xu Shan asked the group before him.

"Absurd!" The old man roared, unable to even react to Xu Shan's audacity. He came to their city and killed their people, including the City Lord, and now he was asking them why they didn't leave him alone?

Either the man before them was crazy, or he was taunting them.

Everyone present here was important! They were either heads of the Major Clans in the city, or they were wealthy businessmen. None of them were weak. Yet the man before them was being so audacious before them, as if they were insects who kept troubling him.

One of the old men couldn't take it anymore. He didn't like Xu Shan's tone. Moreover, if he could take the killer of the City Lord down, then it was something to be proud of. What better place to show off and earn some credits than this?

He tossed the chair away and rushed towards Xu Shan, reaching out his hand to grab Xu Shan's throat and smash his head on the ground to show him his rightful place.

The other guests remained in their place, watching the old man attack.

"See? You can't allow me to have a peaceful life." Xu Shan sighed.

The old man's hand passed through his neck but he didn't feel anything. It was as if what he touched was just an afterimage

Instead, the old man felt a cold hand wrap around his throat. Before he could react, his view changed. The roof appeared before his eyes as he felt his feet rising in the air.

His balance was broken and the next moment, a loud thud was heard. The floor cracked as the back of the old man's head smashed against the hard floor, making him cough blood.

"See? The world doesn't let me be a good person. And then they call me a villain," Xu Shan commented, sighing as if he had been wronged.

"Am i right?" He raised his head and asked the others. However, right then, he thrust his dagger down.

Blood splashed everywhere, some of which fell on his mask and clothes, but he didn't care.

"Last night, it was the Guards and the City Lord who attacked me, and tonight you people. What a pitiful life I have..."

He stood up after wiping the blood on his dagger from the old man's clothes.

Hearing the masked man mention her husband and how he killed him, the City Lord's wife felt rage fill her heart.

She was temporarily City Lord after her husband's death, yet the only thing she could think about was revenge.

"You think no one here can kill you?" she asked. "You think you are a god?!"

"Am I god?" Xu Shan repeated the question. It was as if he really thought about that question.

"Not... yet," came his response, his voice tinged with desire.

The City Lord's wife gazed at Xu Shan with great disgust.Her fists tightened in rage to the point where she wanted to rip him apart.

"Kill him!" Her cold voice spread through the entire hall. "Whoever kills him will be the next City Lord!"


Hearing her words, the eyes of everyone there lit up. The position kills him will be the next City Lord!"

Hearing her words, the eyes of everyone there lit up. The position of a City Lord was incomparable to any treasure, especially since it was one of the top five cities in the Kingdom!

Becoming the City Lord of this place meant special rights and authority, along with the right to approach the Divine Queen directly!

Usually the previous City Lord's wife was to be the next City Lord, but if she willingly gave this position away, then it was a legal transfer!

Even the Head of the Major Clans had their eyes filled with greed.

The atmosphere in the hall became charged with anticipation and greed. The guests, driven by their ambitions, eyed Xu Shan with a newfound determination.

They saw him not only as an obstacle but also as a stepping stone to their ultimate goals.To them, Xu Shan wasn't just an enemy. Instead, he was a key... A key to a treasure trove inside which was the Throne of the City Lord!

Xu Shan, masked and unfazed by the sudden turn of events, looked at the crowd before him.

"A contest for power and authority? A contest for a position that will soon be worth nothing?" he asked, remembering what the Divine Queen had planned for this world.

The City Lord's wife clenched her fists, her eyes burning with anger and defiance. "Scared? You, who killed my husband and wreaked havoc in our city?!"

As the tension reached its peak in the grand hall, a sudden wave of malevolence filled the air.The atmosphere crackled with suppressed energy as over twenty powerful cultivators, all from major clans, prepared to unleash their wrath upon him.

"Enough of your nonsense! Today I shall take revenge for the innocent lives you took! I shall rid the world of evil!" Without a moment's hesitation, the first man lunged forward, a surge of fierce energy emanating from his clenched fists.

Xu Shan's movements were a blur as he sidestepped the attack, his agility and speed surpassing that of his opponents.

"You will rid the world of evil? With what strength?" Xu Shan mockingly asked.

In a whirlwind of motion, Xu Shan retaliated with lethal precision. A swift kick to the first cultivator's abdomen sent him crashing into a nearby pillar, the impact causing the stone structure to crumble.

Blood sprayed through the air as the man gasped for breath, his body wracked with pain.

Before he could stand up, Xu Shan appeared before him, stomping on the skull of the man, crushing it under his feet, leaving only a gruesome sight.

The remaining cultivators, witnessing the brutal defeat of their comrade, exchanged glances filled with a mix of determination and caution.

Undeterred by the display of Xu Shan's power, they unleashed their most devastating techniques, intent on overwhelming the masked man.

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