Ending Maker

Chapter 265: The Golden Sun (1)

Chapter 265: The Golden Sun (1)

The two episodes were quite short, so I combined them. Enjoy the double chapter~!

Ancient Black Dragon Malekith.

As the only Ancient Dragon that appeared in Legend of Heroes 2, he was almost like the final ordeal for the playable characters from the S?len Kingdom.


His roar covered the sky and the earth.

A crushing silence dominated the surrounding area.

Seeing a gigantic creature with a body length of 150 meters as it roared high in the sky was like a myth in itself.

Most of those on the island were in awe and fear.

To them, the current Malekith was almost like a god.

And it was the same in the game.

This godlike being from the south was much bigger in the game than he was now, but that didn’t mean his status was lower.

‘The southern region’s greatest ordeal.’

Malekith’s appearance itself was in the first half of the game.

It was he who caused the destruction of the south, which became a decisive factor in the S?len Kingdom’s fall, following the great invasion of the northern barbarians and the annihilation of the royal family.

One could possibly fight Malekith right in the first half if one wanted to, since Legend of Heroes was a series with a considerable degree of freedom.

But even if one played as Maximilian, the main protagonist of the game, confronting Malekith in the first half – no, even confronting him alone in the middle to second half of the game was just a suicidal act.

‘It’s possible to fight him in the second half.’

It was only possible after almost all the playable characters joined forces to form a raid party.

Facing Malekith alone was impossible for any playable character.

‘One who is like a god.’

No, he was truly a god.

A being who slaughtered all the southern humans and burned the Forest of Eternity was then reborn as a wicked god as a result of devouring many deep-seated grudges and vindictive spirits.

Obviously, all of these happened in the game.

The present Malekith had yet to become a god.

Far from devastating the southern region of the country, even his Dragon Sleep had not been properly completed.

But even so, he was an Ancient Dragon.

As what was emphasized over and over, he was like a god.


Malekith let out a long breath and looked down at the ground.

The huge and gigantic being towered over the creatures on the ground.


His voice reverberated through the sky and the earth.

At the same time, his vicious and ruthless will was conveyed to the minds of everyone on the island.


“Aack! Aaaaah!”

There were those who shook in fear just from hearing Malekith’s angry voice.

It was the result of the powerful Dragon Fear destroying their wills.

“Please forgive me. Please forgive me.”

“Spare me. Please spare me.”

The weak-minded fell to the ground and begged. Some bowed their heads, and some burst into tears.

It wasn’t just the humans.

The same happened to the goblins and orcs.

Rational thinking became impossible for them as their fears crushed them.

Malekith spoke again.

At his call, Sicilia stepped forward with tears in her eyes.

“Here I am, here is Thy humble woman who serves the great Thee.”

Sicilia shouted as she bowed her head to the floor.

The distance between Malekith and Sicilia was over hundreds of meters, and she was too small and slender compared to Malekith’s huge body that was reminiscent of a giant, but Malekith did not miss Sicilia’s voice.

He clearly identified her among the thousands present here.

[What happened?]

His question contained anger and rebuke instead of affection and friendliness.

Having received the wrath of a godlike being, Sicilia trembled in fear as she removed all the barriers protecting her mind. She opened it and welcomed his will before it got broken and crushed by Malekith.

Memory transmission.

Sicilia conveyed everything that she had seen, heard, and felt.

It didn’t take much time for Malekith.

Shortly after Sicilia opened the door to her mind, he understood all the recent events at once.

Therefore, the anger he expressed was even greater.

[Stupid and weak bugs.]

Malekith’s wrath was not focused on Sicilia alone.

But Sicilia, who had fully opened her mind to him, felt like she was being crushed by just a part of his anger. She was so lost in indescribable fear and terror that she was unable to notice the facts.

Her series of mistakes.

The disappearance of Gamorr Khan and the death of Madhur.

The loss of one of the Ten Great Swordmasters whom she had worked so hard to recruit, and their defeat at Argon Port.

She also failed to steal Ascalon in the end.

It wasn’t just her.

Sicilia and Orga even failed to protect the island.

The Dragon Sleep was not complete, and Malekith’s own wounds were not fully healed.

He even had Ascalon embedded in his chest.

[I will personally punish you.]

At Malekith’s declaration, Sicilia felt like her soul was being crushed.

Because she knew how ruthless Malekith could be. The suffering would be so terrible that one would rather long for death.

“I’ve made a mistake. I’ve done wrong. Please forgive me.”

Sicilia wept and begged, but Malekith’s attention had already left her.

He saw Orga.

He burst into laughter at the sight of that man’s fallen and wretched appearance even though that man was of his own blood.

The Dragonflights.

They had been almost destroyed.

His army, which he thought he would see after 300 years, was broken and destroyed, and even their bodies were unrecognizable.

So Malekith laughed.

It rocked the entire island.

[You insignificant bugs!]

His anger did not subside.

His anger towards Carlos and Lion rose again. The very existence of these bugs swarming his island infuriated him.

Erase everything.

Destroy everything on this island.


The dragon’s anger spread to the skies.

The will of the godlike being caused a supernatural occurrence.


The climate changed.

Dark clouds gathered in an instant and covered the sky, and a strong wind blew under the darkened sky.

The waves around the island became rough and stormy.


Lightning struck from the sky.

Dozens of lightning bolts hit the ground.


Malekith roared amidst the white flashes of light.

He released Dragon Fear again, and the weak fell as they grabbed their heads. Rain poured down from the darkened sky.

Crack! Boom! Bang!

Lightning struck in succession.

The ground cracked and the whole island shook. Most of the humans on the island couldn’t even stand on their two feet due to the devastating earthquake.

“Haa… ugh… haa…”

Kajsa couldn’t even properly speak.

Even letting out her usual swears was impossible. All she could do was gasp in fear. And it was the same for Scarlet who was beside her.

“Haa… haak… ugh…”

Scarlet couldn’t breathe properly.

She choked and burst into tears as if she had forgotten how to breathe. Panting was all she could do as she crouched on the floor.


Sebastian Leguin looked up the sky but couldn’t think of anything.

Count Kagehama didn’t even dare to look up the sky as he fell on the floor and covered his head with his hands, while Marquis Ophand gritted his teeth and looked up the sky, but that was all he could do. Even though he had inherited the blood of a divine creature, he still couldn’t do anything.

Lightning flashed.

Earthquakes and storms ravaged the island.

Most of the battleships that were submerged rose to the surface, and the Sirens could no longer sing. Siren Queen Iliana Calacanis wept like a child as she embraced the staff she inherited from her ancestors.

Pure Dragon Fear.

Malekith had a view of the ground again. In order to personally exhale fire to purify the ground.

However, when Malekith looked down the ground, a strange sight was reflected in his eyes that had the transcendental cognitive abilities of an Ancient Dragon.

There was a man with his head up.

Despite the Dragon Fear dominating the place, there were people who were standing and facing him instead of crying and trembling in fear.

“Ancient Black Dragon.”

Velkian narrowed his eyes that were covered by his beak mask.

Instead of shivering in fear, he made a hand seal and summoned a mighty and powerful Phantom Steed. The black ghost horse engulfed in green flames had a piercing glow in its eyes.

“He’s weakened.”

Lena did not lose her reasoning even as a lightning storm swept through the island.

She passed by Sicilia who was crying and trembling with her head bowed. She spread her white wings and flew straight up the sky.

“It’s not a god. It’s just a giant monster.”

Kamael lowered his sword.

He had already fought against a transcendental being called the Demon Prince.

He did not lose himself even in the face of an Ancient Dragon’s formidable presence. He stepped forward unaffectedly.

Like Velkian and Lena, he headed towards one person.

“A mind of steel, an indomitable will, and an invincible body.”

A man muttered and raised his head.

The man stood tall on his two feet and confronted the horror in the sky.

He was like the sun.

A person who never lost his light amidst any despair and fear.

One who dispelled the darkness.

One who delivered light to those who wandered in the dark.

So Velkian was able to go straight anywhere and anytime.

He was sure that he was on the right track just by following that man’s back.

Lena was the same. She always found hope in him. Because as long as he was with them, an eternal and absolute darkness could not exist.

Two people stood next to him.

And one more person joined them.

Ghostblade Kamael.

He rarely smiled.

Even in front of a godlike being, he smiled instead of shaking in fear. He looked at their own sun who had already cleared the darkness called the Demon Prince once. He stood next to that man and gazed up the sky.

“The seventh door of the Ninth Heaven’s Nine Doors.”

The man said.

He unlocked its true power.

By itself, it erased from the surrounding area Malekith’s binding curse, their fear of that Ancient Dragon.

“Supreme Sun Divine Art.”

The Golden Sun.

Landius clenched his fists. He met the gaze of Malekith who was staring right at him, and shot forward to the sky by condensing his energy to his feet.


A golden beam of light soared up.

The golden light from the ground struck the sky, leading to a miracle.

The dark clouds that covered the sky parted, and sunlight shone down.

That single ray of light.

It stood out even more in the dark.

Those who trembled in fear saw the light.

The single ray of light shone down from the sky, and the golden beam of light that was soaring up from the ground.

And in between those, Landius opened his clenched fist.

He summoned it as the sunlight shone down on him.

“Solar Blade.”

The sword of the sun god Solari shined gold.

Malekith unconsciously shuddered at that moment. Instead of attacking or showing his anger, he just watched. He couldn’t help it.

The Golden Sun.

A man like the sun.

Landius held the sword in his hand.

He grasped the Solar Blade.

Three hundred years had passed.

Malekith clearly felt the flow of time after waking up from his Dragon Sleep.

Carlos no longer existed.

The demigod Lion D. S?len must have eventually died too.

So it was over.

There should have been no more human beings who could stop Malekith himself.

Carlos and Lion were beings that truly caused miracles.

But at this moment.

Malekith had an indescribable ominous feeling.

He saw Carlos and Lion in the man who bravely stood alone in front of him instead of kneeling down.

How did this happen?

Did a miracle occur again?

He recalled Sicilia’s memories.

The information she found out.

The five heroes of Paragon.

A huge event that occurred while Malekith himself was asleep.

Demon Princes also had differences in power. A Demon Prince who was just below an Overlord of Hell, and a demon who managed to rise to the position of Demon Prince, were not of the same level. Their difference in power was enormous.

But even so, it was a Demon Prince.

It was clear that it was a transcendental existence that a human’s strength could not even dare to surpass.

But humans defeated such a Demon Prince.

It wasn’t just a normal fight either as these human monsters achieved victory in an unfavorable battle at a place that had already become the domain of the Demon Prince.

Malekith decided to not let his guard down.

He assumed that the humans in front of him were comparable to Carlos and Lion. Therefore, he did everything he could without hesitation.


At the center of the golden beam of light.

Malekith blew his Dragon Breath towards Landius who was holding the sword of the sun god.

The sight of a black beam of light that was around 40 meters in diameter as it fell down the sky was truly astounding.

But Landius did not blankly stare at it. The moment Malekith fired his Dragon Breath, he unfolded the Seraphim’s Wings.


The pitch black beam of light swept across the ground. It left a deep scar on the earth as it advanced forward, and split the sea after it reached the shore.

Its power was truly incredible. Those within the attack range of the Dragon Breath were completely annihilated without leaving a single trace.

Even those who were outside the range were mesmerized b the terrifying sight created by the transcendent attack. It was so shocking that their mind went blank.

But the heroes of Paragon were not like that.

When the Dragon Breath touched the ground, Landius soared into the air. The Phantom Steed carrying Velkian hurriedly flew to the side, and Kamael jumped on the Phantom Steed’s back too. Lena flew in a different direction from Landius.

The attack missed.

However, it was impossible to immediately cut off the Dragon Breath that had been fired. So Malekith perceived Landius by turning his eyes as his breath split the sea. As he did to Carlos in the past, he sent a threatening aura towards the man rushing towards him.

Dragon Fear.

Malekith’s will was added to that.

For Malekith, an Ancient Dragon, using magic was the same as breathing. There was no need for hand seals or incantations. He could automatically cast magic the moment he expressed his will to do so.

Thus, as many as seven magic spells attacked Landius at the same time.

Starting with , six curse-type magic spells attacked Landius’ mind and body. Hundreds of magic missiles floated around Malekith’s head and sped towards Landius.

And Landius acted as always.


He shook off the curses in one move. For Landius who had a mind of steel and an indomitable will, mental curses didn’t work on him. He was truly like the sun with his invincible body.


His golden aura swept around as he swung the Solar Blade. Hundreds of magic missiles shot towards him, but none of it ever harmed Landius.

Malekith was not flustered. He had already assumed that Landius was equal to Carlos, so he quickly moved on to the next step.


Malekith’s body suddenly disappeared.

It was magic. Malekith, who had moved from high above the sky to down the ground, caused disaster with just one movement. His lower body not only trampled the humans, but also the dragons and wyverns, and instead of focusing his magic on Landius, he unleashed a powerful ranged magic.


And the storm that followed.

Dozens of lightning bolts flashed through the sky and struck the ground. It blew up the humans, orcs, and goblins as it swept the surrounding area.

It was a trick he learned three hundred years ago.

When he destroyed the surroundings like this, Carlos and Lion couldn’t concentrate on him. They had used excessive measures or even reduced their own power in order to protect the people around them.

Dozens of lightning strikes hit the ground again. A lightning storm centered on Malekith struck within a 500-meter radius.

“Run! Run away!”

Kajsa who was outside the lightning storm shouted desperately, but her voice was buried by the thunder. Moreover, it was already impossible for those in the lightning storm to escape.

Kajsa moved her hand. She grabbed the person close to her and blindly ran. The commanders, including Calix Ophand, also ordered everyone to run away.

“To the shore! To the sea!”


The lightning storm gradually expanded its range. Malekith turned his eyes, and at some point, he sensed a powerful magic energy.

It wasn’t Landius. The magic he felt was on the ground.

One person.

A person who did not stop even if he was distressed by the horrors in front of him. A person who could do cold-hearted judgments.

Malekith smelled an intense scent of death in that person. It was a kind of power that an average human being should not have been able to use.


Velkian declared.

The corpses responded to the command of he who was born with a human body but was more skilled than the high elf Sicilia.

The zombie dragons that were already under his control flew towards each other.

Bang! Boom! Boom! Bang! Boom! Bang!

Flesh and bones intertwined. They were originally different entities, but they all intertwined and became one.

It wasn’t just the zombie dragons.

Orcs and goblins were added too in order to fill the gaps.

Flesh Golem.

A terrifying monster.

But it was huge and strong. The monster, which was up to a hundred meters tall, rose from outside the lightning storm. And towards that, Lena ordered. As a powerful master of golems, she brought to life the golem created by Velkian.



The Flesh Golem roared and charged towards Malekith. It let out an overwhelming presence amidst the pouring rain and lightning.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

The ground rang. Having narrowed its distance with Malekith in just a few steps, the Flesh Golem clenched its fist.


The ground was broken. At the same time, the Flesh Golem’s right fist was also shattered.

Malekith was not there. He had used and headed to the back of the Flesh Golem, grabbing its neck as he rotated his body and swung his tail.


His tail split the golem’s waist. Malekith was good at fighting, and he knew how to use his body.

The Flesh Golem collapsed after having its waist split, and Malekith turned his eyes towards the necromancer who emitted the magic of death and the angel who controlled the golem. Just as Kamael wished.

“Slaying Moon.”

Kamael swung his sword.

He fired a slash, generating a sharp and huge sword aura.


It targeted Malekith’s wings.

But Malekith didn’t give him a chance even though he was looking away. Due to the sharp senses unique to a dragon, he sensed the danger the moment Kamael swung his sword. He blocked the slash by activating twelve magic shields in one breath.


Kamael’s sword aura lost its power at the tenth shield. And at that moment, Marquis Ophand who had barely overcome his fear then ordered.

“Shoot! Cannons, fire! Shoot!”

The commands and repetition training were for times like this.

The moment Marquis Ophand shouted, the sailors aboard the battleships acted reflexively. Although they were a bit slower than usual, they performed the mechanical actions in the midst of their fear and trembling.

Boom! Bang! Babababababang!

After the first one and two shots, hundreds of cannons fired one after another. Their numbers nearly reached eight hundred even considering the time difference. Since Malekith was huge, it was unnecessary for them to aim it properly.

Cannonballs pierced through the rain. And Malekith perceived this again. He lowered his body, raised his head, and then roared.


The sailors aboard the battleships screamed and collapsed at the roar that shook the world. The pouring raindrops bounced sideways or upwards, and powerful waves swept the entire island.

But Malekith did not intend to stop the cannonballs with his current roar. He was merely expressing his strong will in order to unleash a more powerful magic.

Malekith’s large-scale magic.

It empowered a very natural law of this world.


The barrage of cannonballs all fell to the ground at once.

Some of the cannonballs drew a parabola, but most of the cannonballs that were already weakened by Malekith’s roar plummeted to the ground.


A massive gravity magic.

Malekith clenched his teeth. He stamped on the ground once more and expanded the range of the . The Flesh Golem, which was trying to stand up with its broken upper body, fell again.


Malekith immediately expanded the range of the . It consumed a lot of mana, but he did not care.

Fall, be broken, sink.

Bend down and crawl on the ground like a worm.

Malekith’s commands were already magic. The powerful dragon’s magic captured even those who were outside the range of . Some of those who managed to reach the shoreline plunged their heads into the sea, and the Sirens also sank down below the water surface.

Kajsa awakened the divine creature’s blood, but it was useless. Her body shook in fear. The legends about Carlos did not lie. Malekith was truly like a god.

An absolute being whom one could never resist.




Kajsa sat down. She gasped like a person who had forgotten how to breathe, and Scarlet was no different. Everyone on the island fell into a deep and profound despair regardless of identity.

But Malekith was not satisfied. Rather, it angered him.

Because there were those who never gave in.

Because just like three hundred years ago, there were those who resisted the orders of a godlike being.

“Lightning of Divine Punishment!”

Lena spread her wings.

Her knees never gave in despite staggering from the immense gravity, and she eventually raised high the Heavenly Judgment. She turned towards Malekith and invoked Day of Judgment.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Instead of a hundred spears, ten gigantic spears of light rained down on Malekith.

“You bugs!”

Most spears were blocked and destroyed. But Malekith roared in anger, and Kamael fired his sword aura again at that very moment. His sword aura flew up towards Malekith.


Malekith’s body was nearly 150 meters long, and the natural thickness of a single scale transcended common sense.

However, Kamael’s sword aura split the scales. It inflicted a wound on the scales and thick leather, blowing cold air to the wound with its extreme Yin energy.

The wound was small.

In human terms, it was just a scratch.

But Malekith was someone who was unable to wake up in a fully healed state in the first place.

Moreover, Kamael’s attack reminded him of Lion.

Malekith lost his composure and began to let out more of his power at random.


Having resisted to the end, Lena knelt on the ground.

Kamael’s sword aura could no longer reach Malekith, and the Flesh Golem was completely crushed as its form was already unrecognizable.

Orga who was within the range of the let out a weak moan. He called out to Malekith, but Malekith ignored him. Sicilia who was in the underground also gasped and suffered, but Malekith ignored her too.



Erase everything in this world!


Only Malekith should survive alone.

Anger, rage, and a sense of liberation filled Malekith’s mind. Lena screamed, while Kamael also fell to the ground as his body trembled.

But Velkian smiled under his mask. He forced out a laugh.

Because they were successful.

Because they had succeeded in grabbing Malekith’s attention!

It was the glory of the morning.

No matter how deep and dark the night might be, the golden sun always drove it away!


Kamael shouted to the sky. He cried out.

And the sun, the invincible hero who could destroy even despair, answered them.

A dazzling light shone high in the sky.

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