Ending Maker

Chapter 262: Flag (1)

Chapter 262: Flag (1)

Three hundred and several decades ago.

Ancient Black Dragon Malekith led the Dragonflights under his command and began a war of conquest.

In a continent where the ancient elves and ancient dwarves that built powerful civilizations in the ancient times had disappeared, no one could stop Malekith’s Dragonflights.

The southern region was instantly devastated, and Malekith’s forces did not only include Dragonflights as a huge army composed of orcs, goblins, fallen Lycanthropes, and so on in the tens of thousands also joined the war.

In normal wars of conquest, the conquerors tended to refrain from killing, burning, and looting to some extent because their purpose was to rule over the land and not to destroy it. But Malekith’s legion did not do that at all.

Because Malekith’s war of conquest differed from a normal war of conquest.

“To begin with, there are too many humans.”

Malekith had no desire to occupy a continent full of humans.

No, it wasn’t just the humans.

There were too many inferior races that were like bugs in his eyes.

The whole continent seemed to be a nest of bugs.

“So let’s clean it up.”

Clean the place he lived in.

That was the reason why he inducted orcs and goblins too.

Let the barbarians fight it out among themselves.

Get rid of bugs by using other bugs.

If the orcs and goblins fought with humans and killed each other in the battlefield, the continent would be clean enough.

Therefore, Malekith’s legion was ruthless.

They did not hesitate to slaughter the humans in their occupied territories as they ruthlessly destroyed towns and cities.

Malekith became a symbol of fear.

He and his Dragonflights caused immense fear and terror.

And ironically, that was how the south united. Their fear of Malekith and the Dragonflights was the catalyst for unity.

The great hero Carlos and his seven knights from the south rose against the oppressors.

The demigod Lion D. S?len who was known for his courage in the center of the continent also joined the war with the knights under his leadership. The Guardians of the Holy Cross that had been defending mankind from the demons were also added to the forces, declaring Malekith and his Dragonflights to be a horde of demons.

Humans, elves, and dwarves.

Different races united under the prominent heroes, Carlos and Lion, bringing about disastrous losses to Malekith and his Dragonflights who had been boasting of their invincibility.

“I… shall definitely return.”

Malekith was fatally wounded and fell due to the sacrifice of the great hero Carlos, falling into a deep sleep after leaving behind those words. And the half-destroyed Dragonflights fled to the far seas that were out of the humans’ reach in order to protect their defenseless ruler.

More than three hundred years later.

Malekith’s resurrection was nearing now.

Necromancer Sicilia, Malekith’s lover and one of the Three Knights, gazed nervously towards the north.

Because something impossible had happened.

“The fleet is gone.”

The southern army that had gathered at Argon Port suddenly disappeared without a trace.

It did not scatter to the surrounding ports, nor did it sail out the sea.

It literally disappeared.

“Calm down, Sicilia.”

Dragon General Orga was also puzzled, but he tried to maintain his composure.

“No matter where they disappeared to, they will all end up in this place. No, there’s no guarantee that they know of the location of this place to begin with.”

Orga paused for a moment and caught his breath.

He continued his words as if he was talking to himself.

“Time is on our side. All we have to do is hang in there until my father wakes up. So we block the sea. We just need to thoroughly monitor the sea around the island.”

Wherever they would be coming from, their destination was obvious.

If that was the case, it would be better for Orga’s side to strengthen their defense rather than getting caught up by their enemy’s tactics.

“Is that so?”

Having regained her composure to some extent, Sicilia awkwardly smiled before asking, and Orga nodded to her.

“It is. After all, the only thing they can use is a ship. It’s possible for them to fly in the sky, but it will be too much for them to transport a huge army with that. Moreover, we are the rulers of the sky and can easily take them down there.”

The more that he talked, the more that her anxious mind calmed down.

Because it was true that they only needed to closely monitor the sea around the island.

“Include some of the Dragonflights into the troops monitoring the surrounding waters. Even if those humans hide their appearance with illusion magic, they will be powerless in front of our dragons who can see through such magic.”

“I understand.”

Sicilia was finally relieved and brightly smiled, and Orga seemed to understand why his father made this elf his lover.

‘I want her.’

Orga was someone who strongly inherited Malekith’s blood.

No one in the Dragonflights was greedier than him.

But Orga restrained himself. He knew very well that his father was the greediest.

His future would only be death by his father’s hands if he rashly touched his father’s possessions, even if he was the child with the strongest blood or the leader of the Dragonflights.

“General Orga?”

“How much time do we have left?”

Orga changed the subject by asking a question, and Sicilia smiled again before replying.

“Not much time is left. Lord Malekith will wake up in three or more days at the most.”

Sicilia had been waiting for Malekith to wake up again for three hundred years.

What she desired was the complete destruction of the Forest of Eternity and the high elf royal family.

Malekith was the only one who could achieve this.

“I see, not much time is left.”

Only three more days or so.

Their time of hiding in this small island would soon be over.

Not much time was left before Malekith returns and conquers the continent.

And a day passed.

The second day passed.

The human fleet did not appear.

The wyverns under the Dragonflights led by the dragons took turns in monitoring the entire sea, but they could not find even a single boat.

But Orga remained vigilant.

As the time of Malekith’s resurrection approached, he had the sea monitored more thoroughly.

And another day passed.

The morning the day before Malekith’s resurrection.

Orga had mingled all night with his own sisters in order to increase the number of Dragonflights, and he stood by the window as he watched the rising morning sun.

The buildings on the island which the goblin slaves used were generally low, and the tallest was only three stories high.

Malekith was sleeping deep in the island’s underground, so there was no need for such tall and huge buildings in the first place.

“One more day now.”

Orga faced the morning sun and stepped forward.

It was to shift back from his human form to his dragon form and fly high into the sky.

For him, it was very much pleasurable to look down on the ground from a high place.

But at that very moment.

The moment when he was about to kick the ground and fly to the air.


A loud explosion was heard.

The whole island shook as if an earthquake had struck, and explosions resounded one after another.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

It wasn’t an earthquake. It was evidently a manmade explosion.


Orga shouted with Magic Words as he kicked the ground. After transforming into his dragon form, he flapped his wings and flew away in order to view the entire island.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

In the midst of that, the explosions continued.

Orga looked down the ground.

Explosions occurred in the buildings where the slaves lived. Fires were raging in all directions, and the incredibly frightened wyverns and slaves were scrambling to put out the fires.

“Catch them! They’re here!”

“Capture them! Capture them!”

Voices echoed from everywhere.

Women with reddish-pink hair and dressed in black were running around the ground and causing chaos.

Their numbers seemed to be in the dozens.

‘No! Those are illusions!’

The eyes of a dragon could see through magic.

Those women were all just illusions.

Then where was the real person?

“General Orga! Dragonflights!”

A few elves who were Sicilia’s servants shouted from the ground.

Because in their eyes that couldn’t see through illusions with a single glance like Orga, they thought that they were being attacked by the enemy.

‘No, we’re under a surprise attack.’

The exact number of their enemies was not known, but explosions continued to occur in all directions.

It seemed like the humans had sent an elite few.

“General Orga!”

Orga didn’t respond immediately to them.

Instead of trampling the elves who dared to urge him, he focused his attention to a certain place.

He sensed a gaze staring at him from someone standing on the edge of the island.

A human being.

No, a giant?

A man that was too large for a human was staring at Orga.

With crossed arms, the man grinned and raised his right hand. The man lightly moved his finger towards himself back and forth in a beckoning gesture.

‘Come here, black lizard.’

Orga didn’t hear any voice.

But he could understand what the man was trying to say. So Orga burst out laughing.

“How arrogant.”

He couldn’t help but laugh when something so absurd happened.

Orga fiercely laughed and did not hide his anger. At the same time, he detected all the humans that were running wild all over the island.

At least ten or so.

They weren’t that many.

But it was clear that each of them was quite a strong human. The slaves could not even properly resist and were being swept away.

“Dragonflights! Assemble!”

Orga roared and the entire island shook in a different sense than before.

The wyverns waiting in the sky flew to the ground, and the dragons that had turned into humans, elves, orcs, and so on reverted back to their dragon forms. Those who were already in their dragon forms in the sky then assembled on the ground.

To wipe out with their overwhelming power the humans who infiltrated the island.

To trample those humans!

“Crush them!”

When he ordered one more time, the Dragonflights responded with a roar.

Everyone raised their heads high and shouted, once again shaking the entire island.

And that was why they missed it.

Because the Dragonflights’ roars drew their attention, they did not immediately notice that something had changed.

“Oh my god, this is so scary!”

Kajsa said as she wandered among the goblins before she suddenly fell flat on the floor.

Scarlet also trembled at the roar of the dragons and crouched down in the place she had chosen beforehand.

It wasn’t because they lost to fear.

It wasn’t because their legs had weakened so much that they couldn’t even dare to run away.

Lena cast her magic.

Kamael created an ice barrier while Landius let out a wild laugh.

And Jude and Cordelia held each other’s hand.

The magic was activated while they hid behind a large rock.



And when they counted three.


The water surface broke.

It clearly became noticeable even amidst the Dragonflights’ roars.

Some of the Dragonflights ceased their roaring.

Several of the orcs and goblins that had been distracted by the explosions everywhere now looked in the direction where they heard the sound – at the coast located on the southern side of the island.

Orga’s eyes widened.

Sicilia was shocked.

Above the sea.

Huge battleships soared from below the water surface.

And at the forefront, Marquis Ophand laughed out loud in his extreme delight.

He shuddered before shouting.

“All cannons! Fire!”

The flag was waved at the same time as his command.

More than 600 cannons installed on fifteen battleships fired all at once.


The rain of cannon balls did not aim at the ground.

It was slightly higher than that.

At a low height.

High enough to hit the dragons that had reverted to their true forms and the wyverns that had been descending to the ground.

“Fly up!”

“Get down!”

Two opposing shouts were heard.

The bodies of the wyverns that were hit by the cannonballs exploded, and the dragons who could not open their shields were struck in the head or torso and fell to the ground.

The dragons that were close to 30 meters tall were no different from huge targets that could be hit with any shot.

“Fly! Fly up! Attack them from the air!”

At the moment Orga ordered.

The moment when some of the dragons made their way through the fired cannonballs.

When everyone was preoccupied with the battleships on the southern coast.

“Hahahaha! Wipe them all away!”

Battleships soared from the east side of the island as well. In accordance with Count Kagehama’s orders, all the remaining battleships fired their cannons.


It was a little higher than before.

The dragons and wyverns exposed to the cannonballs in the air were swept away, and Marquis Ophand did not miss this gap.

Instead of reloading, they fired their second shot with the cannons on the opposite side that had been loaded and moved in advance. This was possible because it was a random bombardment without a specific aim in the first place, but in any case, the effect itself was outstanding.


A crossfire.

The dragons and wyverns exposed to the crossfire suffered immense damage.

Since it was an unexpected and unimaginable surprise attack, a lot of them were fatally injured and even the Adult Dragons who were good at magic were killed.

Dragons with torn wings and blown heads fell to the ground, and the blood and flesh of the wyverns covered the sky and earth.

“Attack! Do not give them the time to reload!”

Orga himself flew up and shouted.

The remaining dragons soared following him, and Sicilia hurriedly controlled the remaining wyverns.

Marquis Ophand and Count Kagehama saw that.

Therefore, as they agreed in advance, they made their second move.

“All troops! Advance!”


The battleships weren’t anchored on the shore.

In order to disembark on land, they had to use a small boat.

But they didn’t do that this time.

The Siren’s songs resounded between the commands of the two family heads who shouted at the top of their lungs.

Instead of disembarking from the ships, the elite of the south rushed over the water surface.



Calix Ophand and Ricardo Ophand took the lead.

Except for the minimum number of troops required to fire the cannons again, thousands of troops rushed to occupy the island.

“W-what the f*ck!”

Orga was speechless for a moment before he gave his orders.

And at the same time, he turned his gaze towards the place where his father slept.

It was obvious that their goal was his father, so the strongest of them should head to Malekith instead of fighting here.

His decision was right.

Orga’s choice was not wrong.

It was a very logical decision.

And because of that, Jude could predict how Orga would behave.

Jude was startled by the bombardment and the landing, but did not miss the fact that Orga was heading to the place where Malekith was.

“Found it! Over there! I’m sure he’s there!”

Cordelia could tell the direction and approximate location by just looking.

She focused her consciousness on a specific point and felt Malekith’s energy at a distance.

Then all that was left was to dash there.

It was Jude and Cordelia’s mission to stab the sword into the chest of Malekith who was still sleeping, and give him an eternal sleep.

It obviously wasn’t easy.

Orga and the enemy’s most elite forces would be guarding Malekith.

“Because that’s reasonable.”

Because it was a logical move.

So Jude had also prepared something to intercept Orga.

High in the sky.

There was someone rushing towards Orga.

A person who shattered the magic with a punch and kicked Orga’s head.

“May the muscles always be with you.”

Jude recited like a prayer and brightly smiled.

After firmly carrying Cordelia who had jumped in her excitement, he used Hyper-Fast Thunderbolt and became a bolt of lightning.

They headed to where Malekith was.

A blue light rose from the tip of Dragon Sword Ascalon.

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