Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 260 Jian Xiaofei's Troublesome Help



From the crooked smile swarming on his lips, Jian Xiaofei could guess he wanted nothing more than to kill her.

To make matters worse for him, the question that followed from the two ladies standing close to them, made her want to choke on her concealed laughter.

"Oh my, this is so sweet. I never knew that Ye Yuan had a girlfriend. Wow."

"To think he would stop in the middle of his shoot just to do that for his girlfriend."

"True. He is such a nice man. I envy his girlfriend so much."

"Wait, shouldn't there be some sort of trending news?"

Although they muttered, Ye Yuan could hear their words. For a gossip duo, they did a lousy job in concealing their conversation.

Anyone who saw them and the way their gazes kept on lingering on him, would guess he was the subject of conversation.

'Thank you for the alibi Xiaoli. However, you are in soup for thinking of this kind.' Ye Yuan mentally appreciated it.

Whether or not he punished her as Ye Yuan or Liu Xueyi, he was sure going to give her a nice reward.

Although she could sense the bewitching cold gaze sent in her direction, she masked it off with a gleeful smile.

"Come on over, Stephanie. We should be on our way."

"Oh no. I thought you were shopping for your…" He bit his lips hard and let his eyes drop close before Andromeda finished her words.

He was tired and did not wish to hear it. All he wished to do right then was scream.

'Yes, yes. I want to shop for more lingerie for you. As though I would come here in the first place for that when one call and all the best-branded lingerie, bra and panties set would be before me.'

"Not anymore. I can always place an order online," Ye Yuan explained briefly.

"I see but you could also try since you are here already," Peng Xaioli added. "You can ignore us. We won't get in your way."

Letting her smile broaden, Jian Xiaofei stepped forward and cut in, "Okay, we would leave you to your shopping, Ye Yuan. But before then, do you mind signing an autograph for me?" Jian Xiaofei requested with an acerbic smirk.

He pried his eyes open and gave her a bone-chilling stare. 'Now this small fry is really pushing her luck.' He complained in his mind.

This was no time or place to ask for an autograph.

What was more, the second he agreed to it, only heaven knew what would happen to him.


Before he got the chance to refuse her request, she reached for her waist pouch and took out a pen and small notepad and presented it with a big smile on her face. "Please."

His jaw hung open for some seconds at her. One look at him and Andromeda could guess what he was thinking about.

In fact, she had the very same thoughts in her mind. To think she carried a small notepad with her for shopping.

It was like she knew such a fortune would befall her. But no one really could tell. Fortunately for her, it was a habit of taking such with her.

Most times the assignments given to her and tasks might be much and she jots important things down to avoid forgetting any.

Left with no choice, he pressed his lips into a thin line and nodded.

He proceeded to take the pen and notepad from her hands and appended his signature on it before handing them over to her.

"Oh, on my shirt, too."


Peng Xiaoli and Liu Xiao Xin had their eyes agape at her request. Indeed, she was acting like a fangirl and pushing her luck.

But what bothered them more was how the already bashed Liu Xueyi was going to escape her requests.

"That's enough Xiaofei. Let him be. I am sorry for her actions. Please rush it off."

Immediately she glared at Peng Xiaoli who instantly cringed from having Andromeda get mad at her.

"Thank you once more for all the help you gave me. I am sorry for ruining your present for your lady."

"No. It is okay. I better take my leave now before I get a ton more requests, hehe."

No sooner had those words left his lips than most of the ladies present scurried off in his direction all making the very same request.

"I want one too. Ye Yuan!"

"Sigh an autograph for me."

"Mine too."

"On my back!"

"Ye Yuan!"

Giving her an apologetic look, he announced. "That's my cue, Andromeda."

He did not wait for her reply and instantly rushed off, leaving them to handle themselves.

He had been stupid enough to remove his sunglasses and stay out too much in the open with fans present.

Now, he was going to get a nice scolding from his director.

Taking a glance at his watch, he noticed he had spent more time than he ever thought he would ever spend trying to save his woman.

,m No matter how things turned out, he was glad nonetheless that it worked out well for Andromeda.

More importantly, he spent time with her which to him was better than boringly sitting and waiting for his scene.

Seeing the chase from a few fan girls, Stephanie smiled at Andromeda before dropping the bra she was admiring and running off after him.


Everyone had their forehead creased listening to the bewitching laughter coming from behind them.

By the time they turned their heads in her direction, they were shocked to see Jian Xiaofei having the time of her life as she kept her pen and notepad away.

"Now what's so funny?" Andromeda questioned.

She did not bother to fix her expression and give a smile. Left to her what Joan Xiaofei did was too much and now he did not get to buy what he came there for.

Little did they know that all she had done was for a given cause.

"Now before you get pretty mad at me. I think you should understand that asking for his autograph loud and clear was to chase him off with ease."

Andromeda's brows furrowed further. "I do not understand."

"There was no way he would feel okay walking out of here after everything. And he definitely wasn't going to be buying any lingerie now that they had seen him. What kind of post do you think would be online by daybreak?"


"Yes. Having the fans chase him, would be preferable."

"You really thought this through. Nice way of helping him out," Liu Xiao Xin praised.

"Why, thank you. The secret, take note of your surroundings."

"Not so fast," she said and held her palm up. "Although, I think he would have preferred the other way. It is a pain in the ass with fans. This is exactly why most keep their life outside acting private."

A knowing smile flashed on her face, warming up her eyes. "Now, we have spent so long here. Shall we? We've got a movie to catch, ladies."

That was all she could say to their bewildered faces. Jian Xiaofei could not be bothered by the past anymore.

What mattered most was the fact that Andromeda was given justice. As for the consequences later if Liu Xueyi found out, she did not think about it.

'Only if he finds out.' She mentally noted. 'Till then, I am safe.'

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