Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 249 Convincing Her



Feeling satisfied with the answer Peng Xiaoli' gave, Andromeda proceeded to call Jian Xiaofei as well.

The second the young lady answered the call, she wasted no time and attacked her with her proposal.

Just the thought of going out with them was making her feel so happy.

To her it was something she should have tried a very long time ago but being who she was, she remained a shut-in and swallowed every other encounter.

And because she was one who cherished the love of a companion, she declined other guys who came for her in the university.

She had her eyes on Xie Tian, thus any other guy became unseen before her. Furthermore, her enchanting beauty earned her enemies amongst the ladies who felt she was acting up and did not want to mix.

Some also felt that the attention guys gave to her got into her head and so she snubbed them and the guys.

Unknown to them, she personally as both an introvert and a bit of an extrovert struck out at different times and depending on people

With the way and manner, she got treated in High School, the young Andromeda stuck with the few friends she had and focused on her studies, not needing anything.

Now, however, she was determined to take life by the horn.

"Xiaofei," Andromeda called her name with glee and eagerness laced in her tone.

"Yes, Miss. Afternoon."

Reaching up to her hair, Andromeda let her fingers cascade through her hair as she released a soft sigh. "I told you when it is just you and I, call me Andromeda."

"Aye, aye. It would take a bit of time but I am sure I would get used to it."

"Now that is more like it. Anyways, how is your day going?"

"Pretty normal. And you? Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Why do you say that as though only work-related stuff would make me call you, huh?"

"My apologies. It is just unusual for me as well. I usually don't have people calling me on weekends except for work. Forgive me."

"I understand. Anyways, yes."

"Okay," Jian Xiaofei shifted on her seat and readied herself for whatever Andromeda was going to request.

"Are you free today?"

"It depends. Why? Let me know what you need my help with. If it's something I can squeeze out time for, then yes. If it's going to be more tasking than what I already have, I would let you know."

"Stop acting stiff," Andromeda pointed out. "This is not the office. You do not need to be so rigid."

"Got it."

"Good. It is actually more like umm a relaxation time, a hangout, shopping kind of thing."

"Oh, then I am sorry, I would have to respectfully decline, Andromeda."

A small smile tugged at the corners of Andromeda's lips as she listened to her.

Two things from what Peng Xiaoli said made her smile.

The first was the fact that she could easily decline her invitation while the second was how quickly she adjusted to the first name calling.

"Hmm, may I ask why?"

"I would tell you. Right now, I am saving money for a lot of things and so I cannot spoil myself at the moment. And if I go with you, I may be tempted to buy a thing or two."

"Interesting," Andromeda stated in a rather amused tone.

"It is. Hahaha," she giggled softly. "Do not mind me. Perhaps another time."

"Okay. I thought it would be fun if you, Xiaoli and I all hung out after the girl's lingerie shopping and stuff but now I can see..."

"Wait, Peng Xiaoli is going?" Jian Xiaofei inquired quickly, ignoring the fact she had interrupted her.

"Yes. I thought I just said that," Andromeda said and let out a mild chuckle.

"You did and... She is coming, hmm looks like I have to compete with..."

"Do not be silly. If you are not so busy and have free time to spare, then come and join us. In fact, whatever the two of you pick today is on me. I want to have fun and you two are the closest female friends I have."

"Ma'am Andromeda... I-I... uh."

Instantly her eyes brimmed with tears as the words Andromeda said to her touched her.

This was one thing she wished to do with an older sister if she had. Sadly, she didn't and now she got the opportunity.

Although she was clustered with doing freelance work to save up more money for her project, she was glad that Andromeda offered it.

"So, tell me, are you still up for it?"

Rather than responding with her lips, Jian Xiaofei bobbed her head happily with her phone close to her ear.

"I know you are nodding, Xiaofei. You are not a lizard. So, speak with your mouth so I can understand better."

Slowly tears began to fall freely from the confines of her eye sockets. Still, her lips failed to move and she was at a loss for words.

"Sigh," Andromeda breathed out sharply and let her eyes come to a close as well.

"Alright, I would ask once more," she let out more calmly than Jian Xiaofei had expected.

"Jian Xiaofei!" Instantly, the young lady jolted up from where she sat down on her bed and gulped hard.

"If you let me ask you this a second time I..."


Her eyes twinkled as a soft satisfactory smile smeared over her face.

Now that she had gotten through to the latter, she felt satisfied enough. "Good. I would pick you up in an hour's time. Better get your cute self-ready by then, okay?"

Honestly, Jian Xiaofei did not know what to expect anymore. She was thinking Andromeda would scold her while telling her to get ready but surprisingly that was not the case.

"I rarely drive out one and to make matters worse, I don't know most places in the city. Send me your address. I would use Google Maps to locate your place."

"Okay, to make it easier for you, I would drop the nearest landmark close to my place and walk out to wait for you at the bus stop."

"You sure?"

"Certainly. Besides, I won't even use twenty minutes to get ready and leave. An hour is much except you want to delay."

"Naughty. Alright, in thirty minutes then. I would be leaving home in like 10."

"Got it."


Having completed her task, Andromeda felt satisfied in more ways than one.

Normally she and Liu Xueyi would have been spending the time together but he called that morning saying he had some business to attend to that day.

As such, she had to spend her weekend alone. Now with this, she wouldn't be lonely anymore.

Also, she had her reasons for going to this sale. She wished to get a new set of sexy lingerie just to set the mood for when he returns and enhance their sexual experience.

Not that it was bad, to begin with, she just wanted to make it extra.

With that Andromeda set out to prepare herself before leaving the house. All the while her mind kept recalling her time with Liu Xueyi.

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