Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 191 Your Care Be Damned



As soon as Beatrice Zhang left Wu Bai's office, she briskly returned to her own office to carry out her plan.

Ever since the scandal Andromeda had caused during their fashion show, she had gotten less respect from the people in the company.

And although they did not say it openly to her face, she knew they were jubilating at her defeat from the sinister stares she got.

As soon as she arrived at her office, Beatrice scurried to her table and picked up her phone

Without any more time to spare, she searched out a number and dialed it.

After waiting for a few seconds, the receiver on the other end of the call answered.


"Good afternoon ma," her voice hurried greeted. She knew there was no time to spare as regards this matter.

At this point, any help she could get would be greatly appreciated and used.

"Yes, Beatrice what can I do for you?"

"Miss Fang..." She halted in her speech for a few seconds while her mind quickly conjured a good explanation for what she called and how convincing she would be to get the needed help.

"Speak Beatrice, I do not have all the time in the world."

"Yes ma'am. Okay, it is about Andromeda," Beatrice confessed.

"What about her?" Fang Mei's cold voice rang out.

"She is clearly being backed up by someone and has the strength to fight me."

For the next few seconds, no response came from the other end. Before long Beatrice's heart began to thud wildly in her chest.

She did not know why but she could not understand it actually she expected Fang Mei to react better.

Suddenly her thoughts were caught short when she heard a deep sigh being released.


"Yeah. I thought you could easily handle Andromeda. I have been expecting your call honestly. I knew that for the situation to get to this stage, something must have happened."

"I am trying. However, I need your help to counter her," Beatrice explained.

"I was taking care of it but apparently, Andromeda had help else she would not have gotten what she did."

A soft breath was released from the other end of the phone but still Beatrice had to wait for a response.

As much as she that the idea of being at someone's beck and call, she could not do anything about it. She needed help.

"Fine. I would see what I can do to discourage her. And if that doesn't work, we would use other measures," Fang Mei informed her.

"Sure. Thank you."

"No worries, Andromeda must not rise actually. We would have to bring her down using any means."

"I concur with you. If she rises, it spells doom for us."

"Sure. Anyways, goodbye. Keep me posted on anything and always inform me on time, Beatrice."

"Yes ma'am."


Following through with her plans, Andromeda remained unperturbed by whatever route her decision would bring.

Arranging the documents on her table, she finished with what she was doing and picked up her sketchbook.

Since the incident with Wu Bai, she had refrained from drawing and sketching out new designs as she would on an average day.

More than anything, her fingers itched to do more than just stare at the book.

To her, it felt like she had been detached for some days from drawing but now, she got that tingling sensation she always had when an idea was coming to mind.

Quickly, she picked up her pencil and rushed back to her seat to begin something in her sketchbook when suddenly her phone screen lit up with an unknown number calling her.

Andromeda's brows knitted together as her gaze lingered on her phone screen.

With each passing second, she made several guesses of who the caller might be coming to mind and after a few seconds more, it ended.

A soft sigh fell off her lips when it did and she lowered her pencil to her sketchbook ready to draw.

No sooner had she begun than the call came through again.

This time she did not want to be bothered and finally, she decided to answer the call after considering her options carefully.

"Hello?" Her voice held extreme bore to it, a signal to whoever the caller may be that she wasn't interested.


At the sound of the familiar voice, Andromeda's eyes widened briefly while she gathered her thoughts quickly to form the right words to reply irrespective of how her anger rose at that instant.


"Andromeda Kai," Kai Beifang called out her name more angrily than he had used before.

She was left to wonder what other lies had been fed to him to make him wish to lash at her.

"If you are going to call me and throw tantrums like a child, I would have to ask you to refrain from doing such from now on. Go throw your tantrums to your darling mistress. This girl here is busy."


"Speak and stop yelling old man!" She hollered in return.

At this point, she had no form of regard whatsoever for him.

A man who could treat his darling daughter in such a manner and take the sides of outsiders, people he had not known for long.

"Hmm," she heard him heave a heavy sigh before speaking once more.

"Andromeda, why is it that every scandal and news going on in the city right now must have you either at the centre of it or as a supporting factor?"

"That is a truly a surprising question. I thought you had maybe heard another disturbing news from your parrot wife, but here I am worried for nothing."

"Andromeda, show some respect."

"Respect isn't given freely. It is earned, old man. And since you love listening to gossip, I believe the gossip birdie can tell you how people love trying to frame your daughter and use her."

"Nonsense! Who is trying to use you? You are just creating so much mess to get attention," Mr. Kai Beifang finalized.

"I see. So that is your opinion of your child. Hahaha," a burst of sarcastic laughter tore through her lips quickly from his weird manner of reasoning.

"Oh, Lord. I am so ashamed to be related to you. Yes, if you would not give me the attention as my father, I guess I may have to get it elsewhere. However, why do I bother you? Are you by any chance jealous of my progress or the fact that my success is not associated with the Kai family?"

Instantly a frightening glint flashed in her eyes as every form of laughter and smiles disappeared from her pretty face, making her look like a dangerous vixen.

If looks could kill, then the look Andromeda had in her eyes would definitely do her fair share in tormenting her father and his useless new family.

She had had enough of all his scolding and quarrel and honestly, it was getting old.

She knew more than anything Fang Mei was behind all of his recent actions and that she wished he would disown her so that her son could keep the family's inheritance.

"Andromeda, how dare you say those words to me!" Mr. Kai Beifang yelled at her.

"I would repeat it since you lost your brain when mum died."

For Mr Kai Beifang, listening to her accusing him, made his blood boil and he did not fail to lash out.


"No, stop right there, father. I have had enough. You are not my beneficiary. I owe you nothing either. So please, you have no right to come and barge into my personal affairs."

"How dare you! I am your father."

"Last, I recall, you wished to disown me and now I wonder why haven't you done so by now? Or is it that you are secretly broke and wish to hug my thighs?"

She knew him going broke anytime soon was a big lie considering the Kia family held a high stand in the city.

If he was going broke, however, then it would be because he has leeches for a family.

Secondly, she only said those words to piss him off more. The angrier he got, the quicker he would wish to cut ties off with her.

"I do not blame you and I did not call for that," Kai Beifang's voice rang out, pulling her out of her own wicked thoughts.

"Ah, I see. Then be useful and let me know why you called. I have work to get back to."

"I would ignore all your insults, Andromeda. But if you still regard me as your father, you would stop making trouble."

"Trouble?" Her brows knitted together as she narrowed her gaze to the sketchbook in front of her. "Trouble you say."


Another elated laughter fell off her lips at once. She could not believe this.

"Wait, Mr. Kai, is my personal life causing problems for you? Are you ashamed of being affiliated with me?"

"Andromeda, I did not…"

"No. You have said enough. Too much in fact," she said interjectively.

"Rather than you having my back and supporting your daughter when people are plagiarizing my work you are telling me I am causing trouble?"

"Yes. If you are wise, you would drop this lawsuit and clear up the air between the company with whom you are fighting. I care which is why I am saying this to you."

The more he spoke, the angrier she got as she balled her hand into a fist on the table in front of herself.

"Your care be damned, old man!"

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