Empire of the Ring

Chapter 425 - Soar (1)

Chapter 425: Soar (1)

“So what?”

“Even though Switzerland is where many ethnical groups live together, they always manage to live in unison. It’s because homogeneity is based on their thought. But, Kazakhstan is not like that. If you step down from power, minority opinions that had been suppressed will burst out.”

“They predicted right. Now, do you see why I maintain excessive police force?”

“That excessive police force does not help Kazakhstan’s development, and the representative of the Information Agency said that it will rather be another power in a confused stage.”

“I agree with him. The police have gotten so big now but without them, Kazakhstan would have been in disorder.”

“The problem is that the police force is not focusing on keeping public peace but interrupting citizens’ daily life. If you neglect this any longer, it will be an obstacle for your governing.”

Kazakh police were notorious for taking backpackers’ money. It was such a shame that many bloggers would warn travelers to watch out for police officers.

“Apart from the police force, I know that the whole of officialdom has a lot of problems. I think it’ll be fixed if the government normalizes their payment.”

“That’s also needed but getting rid of the vestiges of socialism should come as a priority.”

“Remember that these groups are needed to maintain your political power even though they’re corrupted and disorderly. The police force can take the role of the military in an emergency too.”

President Nazarbayev had been in power for more than two decades, but it was not because he suppressed the Kazakh people with force. He was still the most-loved president who had an approval rating of 90 percent. However, any country in Central Asia had an excessive number of police forces. It was problematic, as many even said that there were more police officers than the number of leaves in the country.

After listening to Youngho’s long story, the President agreed to grant Youngho’s request.

“I will increase the size of the autonomous state by three times. Then, your territory will be adjacent to the Ural River.”

“The riverside of the Ural River?”

“The Arirang River is slowly drying. So, maybe within ten years, your wharf might become useless. Without a river, the autonomous state will lose its power.”

It was also Youngho’s concern that the volume of the Arirang River was slowly decreasing. He needed to find a measure since the river would turn into an ugly small lake in the near future, but the President had considered that in his decision.

“Thank you for your consideration.”

“This is for the future of Kazakhstan. I’ll also allow you to accept selective Kazakh people, so you can make a harmonious community.”

“I’ll pick Kazakh people who are living a difficult life. Could you please grant us to accept Koryoins scattered throughout Kazakhstan? Their education standard is quite high, so I think it will be beneficial for the state if they’re around.”

“There are only about 100,000 Koryoins in Kazakhstan. Most of them are middle class. How many among them do you think will move to the state?”

“I want to attract the young generation. I feel sorry for the young people who are having a hard time finding a job.”

“Well, do as you wish. Also, I’m letting the autonomous state take the responsibility of aircraft production and light-armored vehicle production plant. We don’t have an infrastructure in such industries in Kazakhstan either, so it’ll be our first step.”

“Sure, but I’m only worried that the Russian government won’t like the fact that we’re taking in weapons from Turkey.”

“Oh, let Russia feel bad about it. The Russian government recently expressed discomfort when we requested to sell their newly developed weapon.”

“Mr. President, but we still have to be mindful of Russia for now. I think we should ask for their understanding.”

“I was going to challenge Russia because I hate their interference in domestic affairs.”

“The broker of the Information Agency emphasized that we should maintain a good relationship with Russia for now because we have a high Russian population in our country.”

“Can you really trust the prediction of the Information Agency?”

“The company’s information network is known to be faster than the CIA. All sorts of geniuses are gathered in it. Whether or not we trust information from the company, we should always be mindful of its existence.”

“I’ll keep your words in mind. Oh, by the way, I’ll send you my slush fund. You can use it to start the aviation industry.”

“Sir, this is the money that your family should use.”

There had been many rumors about the President’s enormous property, which seemed to be true since he was insisting to fund the autonomous state’s aviation industry.

“My relatives or close friends have been living a wealthy life. They must’ve received so many bribes from businessmen, politicians, and officials behind my back. The reason that the opposition party is criticizing me hard is that I ignored such fact.”

“Well, you became the president when Kazakhstan was still in disorder. The politicians of the opposition party are criticizing you but they are also receiving money from different companies.”

“How do you know that?”

“I have eyes and ears.”

“I see, you have your own intelligence network.”

“I have a few people working for me, but we’re only taking baby steps now.”

“I see. They must be inside Kazakhstan, but what about foreign countries?”

“They’re in Russia, China, and other countries of Central Asia.”

“Even in China?”

“The British Intelligence Service is sending me information about China. Since I’m a family-in-law of the Danish royal family, they treat me special.”

“You’re better than the intelligence department of Kazakhstan. I should listen to the international situations from you from now on. It’s great that you’re being acknowledged internationally! This is why I like you so much. I don’t see any future from my relatives or even children. They’re only satisfied with receiving bribes. How can I trust them?”

“I’m just collecting information in hope to secure the peace of the autonomous state.”

“If I said I’ll retrieve the autonomous state, you would’ve started a war against me.”

“Since I can’t leave empty-handed, I would’ve clang to your trouser leg and made you a deal.”



The next day, the President summoned the Minister of Territorial Division and assigned him to increase the area of the autonomous state.

The total area that was confirmed to the state this time was 3,600 km2, which was six times bigger than the size of Seoul and two times bigger than the size of Jeju Island.

The riverside of the Ural River stretched about 40 kilometers long, and it would be a great stepping stone for the state’s development.

Among the area that was newly assigned was a place where 5,000 Kazakhs who farmed or ranched near the Ural River. They would love to hear that their home was being transferred to the autonomous state because the surrounding communities of the autonomous state had been receiving supplies and medical service from the state anyway. Youngho had been trying to earn their favor since he thought the nearby land would be merged into the autonomous state one day.

Not long after Youngho returned to the state, a Koryoin asset manager, who was in charge of the properties of the Presidential residence in Almaty, visited him.

The Presidential residence was known to have luxurious facilities, and it was where the President stored his wealth. It was surprising that the President trusted a Koryoin the most with his savings.

The asset manager brought ten tons of gold bars and a bank account that had 500 million dollars in its savings. Ten tons of gold bars were equivalent to 500 million dollars, so he brought a billion dollars in total.

Youngho was stunned to see the amount that the President spared for the development of the aviation industry. He must have even more than this stored for his retirement. Come to think of it, the President might be giving this money to Youngho as insurance for his retirement. Youngho would not be free from the President after he received his money.

“Mr. President, I’m sorry for not saying thank you in person. I received the fund, but this is too much that I almost couldn’t breathe.”

“You have such funds to yourself too, why are you acting so surprised? I thought you called me to complain that I sent too little.”

“I’ll make the best out of this money, sir.”

“You can ask me for more if you run out of it. I won’t be taking it when I die, so I want to use it for a great cause.”

“I plan to make the aviation company a corporation. When I have the certificate of stock, I’ll visit you with it.”

“I’m paying you my insurance fee in advance. It’s a bribe for the future. If someone tries to degrade my achievements, you should make sure to shut them up.”

“I won’t forgive anyone who tries to diminish you.”

“That’s it. I don’t think I can stand criticism even if I’m dead.”

“We won’t have Kazakhstan of as of now without your achievements, sir.”

“Your flattery skills have been improved, but I like to hear that. All you need to do is to show me great fighters and tanks while I still live. Don’t do anything stupid to pay me back.”

The residents of the state were happy that the state’s territory had gotten bigger and it encompassed the Ural River. As it was the end of the year, the state was in the festive mode.

The leadership group of the state had also gathered at the banquet room to have a feast.

Youngho had been busy with different work, but since it was the end of the year, he decided to let go of himself and drink to enjoy the day. Although the world was still suffering from terrorism, everyone was relieving stress today.

As people got drunk, they got boisterous. Especially, Kim Chun’s voice was the loudest.

“Prince consort, we should make a little runway in each village. That way we’ll be able to travel to each one on a light airplane. Since our state is bigger now, it’s hard for us to travel around within a day.”

“Of course, we should. Also, please start the road construction to connect all villages. When the spring comes, we should build a wharf at the riverside of the Ural River and a new shipyard too. You can be in charge of the city planning.”

“Our state will change into a more kingdom-like form now. We won’t be embarrassed in any place with our size.”

Although the increased size of the state was a great achievement for the residents, it was still tiny compared to the total area of Kazakhstan. For ranchers with land, the land that was newly assigned to the autonomous state was only a few ranching properties combined together.

“Did anybody make fun of our size?”

“Well, I had a sort of inferiority complex. Kazakh people had been estimating people’s wealth by the size of their ranching property.”

“I see. Then, I’m glad that I asked for the impossible to the President this time.”

“My heart is full because the state’s size has become big enough to be called a kingdom now.”

“Are you satisfied with only this much?”

“The President is going to increase the landmass of our state?”

“I’m planning to take over the whole Kazakhstan, what do you think?”

“Prince consort, I think you’re getting a little bit too drunk already. Since you’ve been busy these days, you must be tired.”

Kim Chun freaked out as he thought that Youngho was drunk-talking. Although there were no outsiders in the banquet room, he looked around to see if anybody had heard it.

“I am completely fine. Commissioner, why don’t you have another glass?”

“Suh Min-seok, what are you doing? Please escort the prince consort to his bedroom.”

“Commissioner Kim, I’m planning to get drunk tonight. Why are you trying to get rid of me already?”

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