Empire of the Ring

Chapter 248 - The Second Winter (3)

Chapter 248: The Second Winter (3)

“Do you mean that there’s a port in the Sea of Marmara?”

“Of course. All the ports near Istanbul are already full. Since it’s also nearby the downtown area, there is no open-air storage yard that stores raw materials that could cause dust contamination. Even if there was one, it must belong to the government and it’d be close to impossible to get that.”

Istanbul was a city with heavy air pollution and there were no ports near the city that wanted to store raw minerals that caused dust, especially if it was for a foreign company.

Youngho was discussing an open-air storage yard for H Corporation’s minerals with Mehmet of Eti, the food company.

Mehmet recommended using a port in Marmara that could be reached after passing the Bosporus Strait. Ports near Istanbul were not only expensive but also very picky, so his suggestion was quite reasonable. Moreover, if Youngho could find a port in Marmara that treated lots of mineral cargo, then it would be more convenient and easier to use one.

After inquiry, Youngho could find a plausible dock at Port of Gebze in the Sea of Marmara.

In fact, the conditions were better than ports in Istanbul. Although the Sea of Marmara, it was located in a strategically important position for Turkey, so there was a naval base. It was because the sea had great access to the Aegean Sea and the Mediterranean Sea.

Ports in the Aegean Sea were not allowed to do foreign businesses unless they were from allied nations since Turkey was in conflict with Greece over a little island in the Aegean Sea. The storage yard of the Port of Gebze was almost full, but Youngho could squeeze in through his connection with Eti since the company sold combat rations to the Turkish military.

Not only that, many other factors were accountable for securing the storage yard, such as the existence of H Corporation’s business in Turkey and Turks’ favoritism for Korea. Anyway, Kim Joo-hyuk was extremely thankful for Youngho since, without Youngho’s help, he would not have been able to get a storage yard.

“Mr. Lee. I thought you’re only doing businesses in Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan, but I wasn’t aware that you’re big in Turkey as well. You’re a great help to our company. Please let us know if you need to order something from our company. I’ll try to suit your need as much as possible.”

Kim Joo-hyuk’s suggestion was attractive, but Youngho had another idea in mind.

“Do you know how big Kazakhstan is?”

“Sure. It’s twelve times bigger than the Korean Peninsula with a population of less than 20 million people. Since you’re asking about this, you must have a great business idea, haven’t you, Mr. Lee?”

“Well, I was thinking about road construction business. As for the railroad tracks, they are completed in the time of Soviet Union even though they’re getting old, but the roads in Kazakhstan are in substandard conditions. Despite that, the transport of traded goods are increasing and it’s beyond the capacity of the poor roads here.”

Kazakhstan was becoming one of the most important transport hubs in Central Asia. Countries like Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and so on, could not reach Russia or Europe without going through Kazakhstan by land.

There needed at least three big highways that would link the south and the north, but distributors were having lots of troubles due to the current roads that were barely there.

Youngho only mentioned this to Kim Joo-hyuk since he did not have the funds to start the business. He wanted to draw H Corporation that had deep pockets to start the construction of highways. There was no land compensation cost as in Korea, and if the roads avoided mountainous areas, no tunnels were needed. It would be a simple road and bridge construction that could earn stable toll fees with less construction cost.

It could be a joint venture with the Kazakh government or it could be an independent business. Once the roads were improved, H Corporation would be able to transport raw materials more easily, so it was a win-win business.

“If you could start this project, it will open the way for you to participate in government-ordered businesses under favorable terms. Given the nature of the president, companies that scratch the itch parts for him are highly likely to give preferential privileges.”

Since the president’s priority was the country’s economic development, he would definitely give privileges to foreign investments that were willing to join his vision.

“Are you talking about private investment highways?”

“Yes, well, it doesn’t mean that all of the roads are going to be private. We might be able to have a joint venture with the government if we send a business proposal.”

“Each road will be thousands of kilometers in length.”

“Will there be a need to finish it all at once?”


“We can separate sections and finish important sections first and receive toll fees. The rest of the roads could be built toward the toll sections. There’re infinite ways to this.”

“You mean we should build road sections which were intended pass bridges or tunnels.”

“Of course.”

“So, it could be done by the consortium of Korean private corporations.”

“No wonder.”

They enthusiastically exchanged their questions and answers.


The reason that Youngho visited Istanbul to help H Corporation was that he wanted his mineral mine to have active businesses. Since helping the corporation would benefit both businesses, he could not sit back when the corporation was having difficulty.

It was not a hard decision because Istanbul was not a strange place for him. He had many friends and business connections, and since he was distributing his wine there, he wanted to visit there himself and help.

As it went successful, Kim Joo-hyuk now wanted to start expanding the business around here. He inquired about the road construction business that Youngho talked about earlier. He was a power-hungry person who wanted to impress the chairman of the corporation and be promoted to the president of H Rotem. Now that he had Youngho on his side, he wanted to make an opportunity for a new business. If H Corporation started the highway construction business in Kazakhstan, it would not only be profitable for H Corporation but also be beneficial to the country. Kazakhstan would be finally freed from foreign contracted construction companies that required excessive costs.

“The headquarters is welcoming this enthusiastically. We’d like to send people to do foundation work during the winter. Can we get the Kazakh government’s agreement?”

“Of course, you could. I already told some officials about it.”

“The local survey team will stay here for a while to investigate the routes, but I’m a little worried about their security.”

Such a worry was inevitable since the survey team would have to travel around the wilderness where they have to endure the severe coldness and the danger of wolf packs that frequently appeared.

“If they’re coming to see the local routes, Arirang Farm could help them. They can first scan around the sites from the sky and then drive on land to investigate more thoroughly later.”

Light airplanes and light armored vehicles could take the survey team anywhere they wanted in Kazakhstan. Also, if some of the Countryside Force and guards from the security company went together, security would not be a problem at all.

“If you could arrange those, I’ll pay you for travel and security expenses.”

Smiling, Kim Joo-hyuk appreciated Youngho’s help.

Looking back, most of what Youngho promised to the Kazakh president, Nazarbayev, was fulfilled. He had promised to attract foreign investments and businesses in Kazakhstan if the president allowed Serbians residency at Arirang Farm.

He drew in joint-venture of a solar panel factory and a drone factory and established a bearing factory by himself. Moreover, he attracted H Corporation’s train car factory that was originally planned to be built in Azerbaijan and opened a market for minerals trade.

He had done more than what was expected of him, and if he made H Corporation invest in the road construction business that the Kazakh government was pushing, he would even deserve to receive an honorary medal from the government.

Now that he had established many things and benefited the government, it was time for him to meet the president and ask for the rightful thing. If he could get permission for Countryside Force to become its own military and earn the farm’s independence as an autonomous republic, he was willing to do whatever it took to increase Kazakhstan’s economic strength. Kazakhstan might be a globally powerful nation in a few decades since Arirang Farm would also be in peace if Kazakhstan was in peace.


“Are you saying that it’s not the Korean government that stepped up to do construction business here but a Korean private corporation did?”

“That’s true, Mr. President. H Corporation was having a hard time to arrange a storage yard for minerals, so I got help from my connections in Turkey, and they asked me what I wanted, so...”

“So you put aside your own desire and sacrificed for Kazakhstan?”

“If it looked that way to you, then I must’ve said it well. If I was being too obvious, then I still have a long way to go.”


As Youngho came clean and explained what was on his mind, the old president burst out laughing.

“You’re indeed a funny fella. My close associates told me this; if we satisfy your desires for a little, you’d give up huge things for our country.”

Youngho was not sure if the president was asking something from him.

Could he mean that Youngho should donate one of his vessels since he was strengthening naval power?

Not minding the president’s comment, Youngho hurriedly responded.

“I already made you 5,000 citizens that you didn’t have before. Developing a wasteland and making it fertile land is already a huge sacrifice I underwent for Kazakhstan. I’m already fulfilling what I’ve promised in the beginning, since I invited three foreign factories. Moreover, I’m waiting to hear back from a Turkish food company, since I’ve already talked to them.”

Youngho lobbied Mehmet from Eti the food company, to ask for the company to make its foray in Kazakhstan. Since daily supplies such as canned goods, gourmet snacks, combat rations for civil use were very valued in the country, Youngho exaggerated and said that Eti would be the top food company in Central Asia.

“Wow, a food company in Turkey. That’s a terrific business to invite here.”

“If Kazakhstan could obtain the manufacturing methods for dual-use combat rations, it would be used pivotally in time.”

Then Youngho sipped on his tea.

He calmly smiled to wait for the president’s reaction, now that he had shown all of his cards to him. The president also smiled.

“You look like you’re asking for a reward from me for your achievements now.”

“I wouldn’t dare to negotiate with you Mr. President, but I’ll be in debt forever if you would look after our farm.”

“Alright. How can I forget what you’ve done so far for our country? I’ll permit autonomy of your farm and Countryside Force as its own military force under some conditions. They will not be an unreasonable demand, so perhaps you could get along.”

“Thank you for your generosity, Mr. President.”

Youngho wanted to jump and shout ‘hooray’ right at the spot.

Arirang Farm was already in the mood for the festival.

Finally, the farm achieved recognition as an autonomous republic of the Serbian minority group. Despite the cold weather, people did not have the will to go home. Many people were busy talking about the news on the streets with their neighbors.

Youngho had not officially announced to the people, but the word traveled fast. It was because Kim Chun had blabbed in excitement to people around him as he returned to the farm with approval documentation.

“Boss. Don’t we have to have a big celebration? This is a historic day for our autonomous republic. It’s like an independence day!”

Overwhelmed with excitement, Kim Chun was now mentioning an independence day.

“Mr. Commissioner, can’t you see the strict conditions?”

“Boss. That’s not even a big deal. We’re only taking charge of the security of the Ural River and its branch river. Isn’t that good news? I mean, I feel like dancing already!”

Although Kim Chun had been wishing to have river patrols at the farm, Youngho wondered why Kim Chun accepted the government’s condition to guard around the Ural River and the branch river, since it was a huge burden. It was quite the responsibility and the Kazakh military would try to interfere with Countryside Force if it was not satisfied with any small details about river security. There was an intention to take control of the Countryside Force.

“Wouldn’t it be safer and efficient if Countryside Force and the Kazakh military cooperated together in times of emergency and danger? This is not our loss at all. We’re all part of Kazakhstan anyway.”

He was right.

Countryside Force of the farm was not an independent power, but a part of Kazakhstan. If the nation failed, it would fail, and if the nation lived, it would also live. When Kazakhstan fell into danger, Arirang Farm would also be in danger. It was quite ironic of Youngho to separate the two.

Many thoughts crossed in Youngho’s mind.

Now that the farm was approved as an autonomous republic, this was the real beginning of it.

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