Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 368: Bewitching People

Chapter 368: Bewitching People

It was a sunny day, and the rising sun would shine brightly into Sur City without any hesitation. The faint golden light gave the city a layer of almost divine colors. It blurred the outline of the simple bell tower, the dignified shrine, and the high and low houses, and merged them into a paradise-like painting.

A charcoal brush moved on the clean drawing paper, and every line drawn by the tip of the brush was clean and concise, forming the rudiment of a panoramic picture of the city. It was clearly a black-and-white painting, but the weight of the brush strokes, and even the changes in the depth of the lines, skillfully created a rich sense of hierarchy comparable to an oil painting. Vera sat on the rooftop fence of the City Lord's Mansion, her fair legs twisted together, and the girl who was as quiet as a ghost painted on the city.

The rooftop was so quiet that only the soft rustling of the charcoal brush echoed as it swept past the drawing paper. Thus, when the sound of footsteps appeared on the rooftop, it was so abrupt. Vera stopped her brush and turned around to see the awkward Father Miro.

In the eyes of the young girl, Father Miro was so uncomfortable that he looked like a common object that could not be fused in this space.

He scratched his head and said, "Sorry to disturb you?"

Vera didn't say anything. She just shook her head and continued to draw the unfinished work in her hand.

"I don't want to disturb you," said Father Miro, stretching his waist. "But look, even Edward has gone to Storm City. You're the only'acquaintance 'in the city. If I don't talk to you, I'll be bored to death."

He looked at the girl again and said, "Isn't it too dangerous for you to sit on the fence? What if you fall "

"It doesn't matter. For the time being, I still can't see my own death date." Said Vera calmly.

Father Miro said, "It's troublesome to have the ability to peek into the future. For example, it would be troublesome for me to see the people around me die."

Vera's brush suddenly exerted too much force and the tip of the brush snapped, leaving a long pitch-black line mark on the paper. Mi Luotian saw it and immediately knew that he had said the wrong thing. He said, "Well, I didn't do it on purpose. Sigh, I can't even talk anymore "

"I've seen my parents die, but I can't stop it from happening." Vera raised her head. In her eyes, there were only two colors in the world: black and white. "So sometimes, I hate my ability. I even thought about blinding my eyes, but that won't stop me. Sometimes, those images ignore my will and force them into my head. It's probably only when I die that these things really stop."

"Don't act recklessly." The priest hurriedly said, "Suicide is a felony. God will not allow such a thing to happen."

"God" Vera asked quietly, "Father, is there really a god in this world? If so, why did he let so much misfortune happen?"

Miro sighed and reached out to press his chest, "Miss Vera, it doesn't really matter if there is a god." What matters is whether you have faith or not. Faith does not bring about material change, but it can change our minds and make us brave fighters. I believe in Christ, not that the Almighty God can bring me instant change. It makes me believe that as long as I go on, I can always find a ray of sunshine in my life. "

"Sometimes, saving a world requires only a tiny ray of sunlight."

Vera's shoulders trembled slightly as if she was touched. She lowered her head and said in an imperceptible voice, "Thank you."

"Well, you're welcome." Father Miro laughed heartily and rubbed his head. The solemnity from earlier had disappeared, and now, his appearance had changed back to that of a third-rate divine rod.

At this moment, a carriage drove into the city lord's mansion. Miro let out a "yi" sound and supported the railing to look down. Two people emerged from the carriage, Alan and Edward. Alan looked up as if he could sense Miro's gaze. Thus, he saw the black and white girl sitting on the stone railing on the rooftop that was showering in the morning light. Chenfeng gently picked up her hair. Her gentle gesture of brushing her hair was already in the picture.

Well, it would be nice if Father Miro wasn't around.

In the study, three cups of freshly brewed black tea were placed on the table. After the maidservant left, Father Miro let out a low, suppressed cry, "Religion, you actually want to carry out the teachings of Christ in this world?"

"We might have to make some changes. The ultimate goal is to make this new sect available to us." Alan said and looked at Father Miro. "What do you think of the plan?"

"How wonderful!" Father Miro stood up excitedly and said, "Edward is right. There is no doubt that starting with religion is a pretty good starting point. However, at the beginning of the process, we need to be fully prepared to achieve a shocking effect."

"For example?"

"Listen, Young Master Allen. To gain more beliefs, we need a god that is full of mysteries. Moreover, this god must possess the ability to display miracles. Imagine a god who could display miracles, compared to the many native gods in the empire that only had legends and no miracles. If you were a believer, who would you choose as your lifelong believer? "

Ellen thought for a moment and said, "Of course it's God. The reason is very simple. A god who can display miracles is naturally much stronger than other nameless native gods."

"That's right, this is the human heart. And when religion was first introduced, its essence was to bewitch the human heart." Father Miro blasphemed blasphemously, "Even Christ has many mysterious legends, such as the resurrection of the Son Jesus and the birth of flesh and bones, which aim to impart a layer of divinity to the doctrine. Therefore, at the beginning of the promotion, a sacred and magnificent church without losing its dignity was necessary. If possible, we can create some more light and shadow effects to increase the mystery of the sect. "

"This is simple. My fire, coupled with Edward's wind, will definitely leave a deep impression on the spectators." Alan smiled.

Father Miro was inspired and said excitedly, "No, no, that's not enough. We need more practical miracles, such as a Holy Maiden who can peek into the future. Hey, there's no more vivid spokesperson for the gods than this."

"Look into the future " Ellen said in a daze. "You want Vera to play such a Holy Maiden?"

"Why not? Miss Vera's temperament was so ethereal that she was most suited to play a role filled with divinity. Moreover, wasn't her ability just a miracle? Think about it, if she made a prophecy, and this prophecy was soon realized, what miracle could be more convincing than this? At that time, I'm afraid people will cry and beg me to join. "

"Looks like I need two assistants. No, three!"

Ellen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "You can have as many assistants as you want, and that sounds quite feasible. I wonder if Vera "

The door was suddenly pushed open. The black and white girl stood outside the door and said calmly, "I am willing. As a member of the hunting team, I have the obligation to contribute my strength. If becoming a so-called Holy Maiden can help you, I will be happy to do so."

Father Miro blinked and said, "Look, this is the first miracle."

Alan nodded and looked at Edward. "Then I'll leave the church to you."

"I'd be happy to."

Walking in the afternoon in Sur City, the sunlight lazily passed through the cracks in the buildings, leaving spots of light of varying sizes on the streets. Alan put his hands in his pockets and leisurely shuttled through the streets and alleys of Sur City like an ordinary teenager. From time to time, one could hear a burst of laughter from a child, as well as the laughter and curses of the mother following behind.

It was a luxury for him to wander around aimlessly. But now that the follow-up had been properly arranged, Alan didn't mind relaxing a little. It could be seen that Sur City had undergone a subtle change compared to when he first visited. There were more smiles on people's faces than before, the main streets had expanded considerably, dilapidated buildings had been repaired, and the entire city was filled with a sense of prosperity.

It was the greatest achievement of every lord to allow the people in the territory to live and work in peace and contentment. Managing the city so well was a manifestation of Edward's ability, which allowed Alan to have a deeper understanding of the Maritain youth.

Along the way, someone finally recognized Allen's identity as a knight, so people frequently greeted him, while the half-grown child chased after him to hear his story of attacking Storm City. In the end, Ellen could not help but tell the children about the war in Storm City in front of a small mill. Hearing the nervous place, the children all exclaimed in admiration. From their shining eyes, Alan saw a new hope for the city.

It was not until evening that he came home. Father Miro had just received the old priest from the War God Temple. The two of them did not know what they had talked about. When they left, the old priest's face was full of smiles. It seemed that they had gained quite a bit. Alan looked thoughtfully at the priest, and Miro raised his hand and said, "I'm just asking Mr. Priest for some religious advice."

Ellen shrugged. "You don't have to explain anything. I know you can do it well."

"Of course, that's my old profession." "Of course, it's a little more difficult than what I did on Earth," Miro coughed dryly.

"Looks like you're in a good mood this afternoon?"

'"You'll be as happy as I am if you spend an afternoon with a bunch of kids. Their eyes are free of any impurities, so clear, just like how the world was originally beautiful. If you don't have to grow up, I hope they'll always be like that." Alan said sincerely, pouring himself a glass of water at the same time.

"Sometimes you're as naive as Archimedes," says Milo.

Ellen's hand, which was holding the cup, shook slightly.

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