Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 344: Respawn

Chapter 344: Respawn

"Interfere?" Yunan pumped up his battle intent and went for a close range battle, he used the sturdiness of the Dragonification to endure the harsh cold weather infinitely approaching the absolute zero, even moving was a pain in this weather and the resulting strain was enough to cause even the well fed and upgraded Dragonification to scream in agony as the metal was forced to a state where moving was literally breaking it apart, thankfully this was Yunan and his beloved armour that have been together through thick and thin.

"You misunderstood even this? I am here fulfilling a request, it has nothing to do with you or your race or your plans, i would have come here earlier, lucky for you i was asked to move away by someone i have great respect for". Yunan talked in the middle of the ongoing battle, the boss was stronger than it should be, just like those from the 30s but not as old. He used some minor spells of confusion and restricting reasoning, he used taunt and his voice mastery to its fullest extent, shattering the reasoning process for the broken boss.

"All you damnedest outsiders interfere with me, why is it that i must follow your rules instead of mine, i have successfully awoken in mine own way, what race and what species, we aren't meant to hide in here waiting to awaken, we are meant to force it and leave this place to conquer the world, all male kind would serve as fodder for us, they would give us more daughters and awaken them, once the man dies before he loses his love disappears there is no fear of becoming mindless Banshees, you want to stop me just like him, you and those idiots before you all tried, this floor is my domain and i am god here, you can no longer be allowed to live".

Yunan continued the fight without even flinching, he listened as the boss screamed her heart out while tears dropped from her eyes and streamed down her cheeks, he instead laughed adding a few more stacks of mental spells and taunts on her "ahahahaha, you actually had a plan? Hahahaha and i thought you were just bitter because you lover had a few more girls by his side, hahaha, i need to laugh a bit harder can we stop for a moment, i have tears in my eyes".

This taunt did not go unanswered and Yunan was blasted with frozen fury, but he still endured and continued chipping at her stamina and mental condition "a lowly monster like you thought about world domination? let me show you something that will throw a wrench in your plans" right after saying that Yunan's body was engulfed in flames that kept increasing its temperature by the moment, from red flames to yellow, green, blue and the white hot, the ice in the cave turned to mist and vapour from the intense heat, and Yunan used it as cover to hide and change his tactic.

Warmth was the eternal enemy of cold beings especially ones like snow-daughters who used the contrast of the cold environment and the warmth of a person to target them and attack, but since this place turned into a steamy hot sauna, the boss became blind and started taking damage as her ice made body was getting fractures and chips from the overwhelming heat.

In the fog, Yunan used all the tricks and techniques he learned from Lucian and Bai to make the boss suffer even more attacks, after he blinded her, he used his sound mastery to rupture her now fragile hearing organs, those sound waves vibrating at certain frequency can turn a human into a bloody mellon from the inside so it was a great weapon, choosing to use it to rob this snow-daughter from her hearing would also inflict other damages, it may look like nothing happened but the accumulated damage did take a toll on the boss.

Now that her habitat was destroyed, her ability to detect was effectively crippled, the corporeal pain and pressure from many mental stacks of confusion and other minor spells had worn her down, finally under the stealthy strikes from Yunan she knelt down broken in both mind and body, she knelt there with her tears streaming down her face, her cries and wailing filled the boss room, Yunan shut down his heat and let the cold restore the place to its original frozen state in a matter of minutes.

Yunan walked to the kneeling boss and stood in front of her, he used his telepathic spells to send her some final words "no matter how in love you were, it does not give you the right to force your delusion on others, as a guy in love, i know very well how easy for delusion to take over, except that i trust my beloved, you have no right to hold back a whole race and their future because some delusion". With these final words he cut her head off and extinguished her life, as her body fell down Yunan received a message, "the name he gave me was Myral, don't let it be forgotten". Yunan's answer was still as cold and as nonchalant as before "you do not get any last wishes, not from me".

It did not take long for the boss room to start stabilization, the vapour and fog turned into snow flakes and began filling the boss room again, Yunan used his automated looting to gather up all the chests and get them home leaving behind only the original one, while Yunan was checking what was inside it he could hear the snow that had just caked over the ground was breaking and moving as more and more snow-daughters were born again from the snow.

Yunan just put whatever was inside the chest inside his storage ring and stood in place waiting for the awakened Yuki to spawn, since there was a new wave of bosses he would be unable to leave immediately, he prepared his defenses and waited for Hephaestus, once the last awakened snow-daughters stood up, the first ones have come out from the daze that gave them the knowledge and the memories of their predecessors, it did not take long before Yunan was surrounded even though there was no battle intent, he still did not like the way they looked at him.

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