Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 270: Done already?

Chapter 270: Done already?

The dissatisfaction polluting the atmosphere brought some agitation to Lady Mito, on the contrary, it brought wide expectant smiles to the big table with the bride and groom, bridesmaids and best men.

As scheduled Leol stood up and clapped his hands thrice to command silence and bring attention to him, his speech, however, was not what was prepared previously, he started by saying "dear guests, today we celebrate the joining by marriage of my best friend and his second favourite girl in the harem, also a damn good girl and a fine beauty, Yunan here is a boorish guy who does not feel love nor care for people he has no relationship with, and thus the issue with the seating, as a groom he demanded he could see and converse with those close to him at all times and that is what ended up happening, the guy really has no tact at all".

Nods of solemn agreement presented themselves in the first four tables, even the pope nodded his head in understanding, all but Hana knew it was the truth, hence the nods even from Yunan himself. Leol took a second to let the insult sink in, he just told everyone that was not in the nodding tables in the most diplomatic way "we do not care if you exist so shut up and be thankful we even invited you" and soon enough all the petty people had scowling aggressive expressions, that was the cue to continue the speech.

"Today we have gods, dragons, phoenixes, awakened, were-beasts and humans, even artefacts are present in this hall to witness the union, now that's what I call a pairing applauded by fate, the world, and creation itself, and being part of it makes me so giddy and nervous, for god's sake there are gods in this room and they are not seated in the best seats, how tactless can this boy be!". That was the second insult, "you bunch of ungrateful people think you can gather around you gods, extinct species and all the three sentient races? There are gods sitting in the back with you and you still complain? This wedding is on a whole new level of importance so grit your teeth and smile for my best friend".

Leol has evolved his diplomatic speech gift so much after getting a kingdom, therefore the insulted needed time to digest his words. Some of the self-important people wanted to stand up and leave before they felt something wrong, even gods sat in their allocated seats with the beasts and there was not a grunt from them, there was no indication that gods were even present before the best man mentioned it, thus those who wanted to leave sat even firmly in their seats and grit their teeth making internal vows on how to do this and that but no action was taken.

"Since everyone is here, then let us open the ceremony, we have Helios, the heart of prophecy to officiate the union, please come forth, by his side are two awakened children, cute Little wolfy Finn and the adorable Plu, a kitty cat." The walls of the locations sank into the floor opening the view and showing off that this place was nothing but the seating area, behind the altar was a vast expanse of dance floors, platforms for performance and the best murals and carvings to look upon. The guests were brought back to reality by the voice of Leol, "Dear guests please rise for the holy matrimony."

Yunan and Reina rose first, hand in hand, and walked their way to the altar with steady steps, behind them followed those who were considered family, it took a heartbeat before everyone else stood up and walked to either side of the altar, along the walk the uniformed children made the venue look like a typical cherry blossom festival, flower petals floated from the sky making the already memorable venue feel like something else, the keenly eyed guests noticed that not only flower petals rained on them, there were gems and pearls shaped and carved in the shape of flower petals that also fell down from the hands of those kids. There were some who even went on their knees and scooped handfuls to fill their rings or pockets.

That was how you show off being rich, you rain gems and valuables with flower petals like it's the same thing, some of those on their knees missed the most important part because of how simple it was. "Yunan, Reina, do you want to get married, live a life of love, respect and mutual appreciation?" Helios asked with a gorgeous smile on his pretty face "Yes" both of them answered sincerely, "then make the strongest vows to each other". "Faithfully yours, to the end of time". The two said as they looked each other in the eyes, both took a ring from their ring bearer and placed it on the hand of the other, the rings were not too fancy or eye-catching but they were beyond value, Reina's ring was made from wrought pearls, spirit stone and mithril, while Yunan's ring was nothing but crude iron, the rings came as a set, once the hands of the couple joined and the rings neared each other they will shine like the stars and gently illuminate the place for them.

Some guests thought they saw a divine light flash in the room when the rings were worn, thinking this was truly a marriage supported by the creator. That was how the legend of the love even the creator had to acknowledge was born, there was nothing fancy in the words said and the nature of the matrimony was preserved by simple vows that can actually be fulfilled, it was simple, gentle and humble, there was love between the two and they did not need long speeches nor complicated vows, it was so fast in fact that many missed the moment by simply going down to scoop up some gems. When they stood up they came to the gentle voice of Helios "I pronounce you husband and wife"

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