Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 160: Untrusted god

Chapter 160: Untrusted god

When Debauchery and friends, finished the program they went for a lascivious dinner in one of the most luxurious restaurant, they ended up being kicked from three such placed because they had lacking manners to put it mildly, and in the end found a small pub for the ordinary people, Sarah had to admit that the price to flavour and amount ratio was incomparable to those fancy restaurants and them making such a big raucous would net them a few free dishes and cheers from the other patrons.

Only after having that much fun did they remember that Yunan was not with them, and sent him a few messages asking to be sent back to the portable home. Yunan obliged them, and they found him in the middle of a candle light dinner whispering sweet nothings to his date. Lina and Nina bowed hurriedly to Yunan and Luna and scurried away to the kitchen trying to make sense of what Yunan had prepared for dinner and what they could do to help.

Yunan gestured to Debauchery to get lost and leave them alone, but he forgot who Debauchery was, first to punch Yunan was Lili who justified herself with "i told you not to bring girls where i can find them, now you made me angry", followed after by more dissenting voices and punches "you ditched us for a date?", "How dare you bring another woman here, you have too many" and the like while Luna just giggled to herself at the obvious display of affection.

"Get yourself in order and sort everything out tonight, by tomorrow make sure to introduce us, seriously, i wish your wife will find out about this and come beat you too" was what Reina said while winking at Yunan before joining the retreating troops, towards a feel good bath.

After Debauchery left Yunan sat back in his chair with a smile on his face "told you they love me too much" he said with his childish grin, " and that finally made you actually smile, i owe them one now". Luna found herself blushing like a maiden, never had she met someone who wanted to see her smile hard enough to get beaten up for it.

"Fine i'll smile all dinner long but i'll turn grouchy granny after that" Yunan retorted immediately "even grouchy granny can taste good as dessert, so i won't say no", both laughed and talked merrily during dinner. Afterwards Yunan took her to his bedroom expecting to find his girls waiting there but there was no one, so they got in bed and cuddled while talking about this and that.

"So what happened to make you so sad, if you wanted to see me you could have just used your ring to send a message" Yunan had been proding into this subject for the whole night and finally could not stop himself from asking directly. "It's not like that, remember that jealous bitter thing from last time? Well she has been trying to influence our love connection to stop you from loving me anymore and she said she successfully did it so i was sad about it"

"Well i love you in so many ways i think she chose the wrong one to target, you just let her believe i don't love you anymore, and we can keep up our secret meetings like the pair of love birds we are". The two of them talked halfway through the night before sleeping peacefully in each others arms.

Come morning, Yunan introduced Luna to his mates at breakfast "this is my first wife, Luna you guys know her as lady luck and Fortuna, she was missing me and that was why i had that urge to go outside yesterday, anyway, be polite and mind your words, your luck is literally in the tip of her fingers". A moment of silence and then the raucous started again.

With their tiny bit of luck on the line, Debauchery were surprisingly not very careful att all, successfully making Fortuna sheer up and join their unorthodox ways of seeking fun, but still kept her eyes on Ophelia all the time. Yunan found a good moment and took away Ophelia from the room to ask her about it "any secrets you want to share with me?", However Ophelia stayed silent until they reached the infirmary.

"What do you want to know?", she felt bothered and uncomfortable when Yunan put it so straight forward, "I just want to know why 2 gods have kept watching you and your teacher, that is all, if you want to keep it to yourself then that is an option too" Yunan was asking out of curiosity nothing more making Ophelia relax a little bit.

"My god is a bit untrusted in the heavenly realm, although he has many children, i was only introduced to him recently by teacher and as a recent believer his mark on me is still fresh, that should be the reason" she looked down at her own feet and fidgeted with her fingers waiting for judgement to fall on her, Yunan got closer to her and patted her head " is it good enough if i trust you?". Ophelia nodded her head like a chick pecking at grain with a choke in her voice "it's enough, for me it's enough".

Later on Yunan and Ophelia joined the party with a visibly better looking Ophelia, from then on Luna did not pay as much attention to either Anne of Ophelia simply because she thought the matter was settled, and there was no more reason for concern.

Later that Day Yunan returned Luna to Damascus before using spatial shift to transport himself to the dungeon and bring out the rest to continue their adventures. Since the new home was an independent space in itself, Balin could stay inside with Debauchery and Anne for 3 more days before heading back to their own levels.

Since the the 26th level was already mapped it was only a matter of defeating the boss Lamia before heading to the 27th floor. The Lamia fight went very easy since the new one did not have charm magic and only used water or ice magic against the party, and since everyone had just got a 4 day vacation they simply used their all to end the fight fast, the Lamia had fallen with all kinds of injuries, and as usual the living shared the internal organs while the armor got the husk.

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