Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 288: Turf War

Chapter 288: Turf War

Horse Soul Beasts were all around the open valley, with a lake that stretches hundreds of meters wide.

Some were even bigger than the previous ones he saw, whose high strength was up to fifty meters. While he saw some of them were, the normal size of horses, something he found interesting.

He then saw the ones that passed them rushing towards the lake, diving into it and spreading out.

"A watering hole for them? And it seems they all coexist with each other, even with the different features." Said Zhou Jiu as he used the soul binoculars he had in his possession to observers.

As he was moving his binoculars around, he felt a chill go down his back, as if something was staring at him.

"So it notices us." Mutter Tang Wulin as his eyes stayed on a particular horse that was gazing at them.

It had a shade of black skin that had parts of its body covered with armor-like parts. On its back were four long claw-like wings, that seemed to radiate a dark red currant.

From just its stare alone, Tang Wulin can tell this beast wasn't just a Title Douluo but something that was approaching the Limit Douluo level.

Although it was still a bit off from it, yet the danger it was giving wasn't that much different.

"Since it isn't attacking us and only staring, we should leave them be." Said Yali as she figured that it was only staring at them, in case they were hostile figures.

Tang Wulin shrugged his shoulder, not caring either way.

Moving his gaze away from the beast, he started to look for anything standing out in this massive forest.

'It would take far too long, to check every part of this forest.' Thought Tang Wulin.

While he knew they would be here for a while, maybe even months. That didn't mean he would like to entertain the action of doing useless things.

'It's best to be efficient even out of fighting.'

"Hm? What is that another region?" Questioned Tang Wulin with his eyes narrowed.

"It seems so."

With his enhanced sight, Tang Wulin was able to see an area that wasn't similar to the forest they were in.

For one, everything from the forest to the ground was covered in snow. With there being a swirl of a snowy tornado moving around.

"You want to investigate it?"

"Seems like the best bet. There doesn't seem to be much here-"

Tang Wulin's expression swiftly changes as he glances back to the watering hole or more specifically the east side of it.

"Something is coming." Said Tang Wulin with his eyes narrowed.

In the next few seconds, the tall trees that were leading up the watering hole began to freeze over.

Specs of frost were being formed, with the leaves slowly being encased in ice. As this was going on, a cool breeze began to ring through the forest causing all of the horse soul beasts to look up.

"What is going on-"


A thunderous howl rang out as shadowy figures began moving through the forest.

"Are those wolves?" Questioned Zhou Jiu as he saw a pack of large wolf soul beasts jumping out of the forest towards the horses.

"Yes, and it seems they're out for a hunt." Said Wu Zhankong as he saw the wolves freezing the ground as they stepped.

The horse's soul beast expression changed before they snorted and dashed towards the rushing wolves.

In the next instant, the horses and ice wolf clashed with each other!

The wolf's bit into the neck of the horses, causing them to cry out while the horses stomp on the head of an ice wolf.

Some wolves jumped on top of the horses before chomping down on their nose, while others used the dead body of their comrades.

To attack the horses that are distracted.

The ice elements were clashing with earth and water elements, claws and hoofs were clashing with cries ringing through the area.

Zhou Jiu and Wang Yiyi stared in wonder, as this was something that they only read in the books.

Even Wu Zhankong and Shen Yi only saw fights like these in the Spirit Pagoda, soul platform.

"This might be more than predatory looking for food." Said Tang Wulin as his eyes moved over the horse beast that was stealing lying down.

"Hm...Do you think it's a turf war?" Questioned Zhou Jiu caused everyone but Tang Wulin and Wu Yiyi to be surprised.

"It's moving, now." Said Tang Wulin as he saw the horse beast that was lying take on a terrifying expression as it stood up.

As in the next instant, an icy storm began moving through the forest before a pack of soul beasts jumped out.

There was a variety of them, apes, tigers, tigers, etc all with an icy cold aura and ice crystal horns.

Yet the one that caught Tang Wulin's eyes was a giant ape with weird markings and one horn protruding out of its head.

With the aura of a Title Douluo as it stomped down on the ground, swinging its arm and smashing away the horses around it.

The horses were sent flying, with some of them having broken bones and blood leaking out. But the ape paid them no mind as it glared at the horse that was also a Title Douluo.

They were both glaring at each other before they instantly charged, with ice being formed under the ape's foot every step it took.

While a gust was being formed around the horse, as it charged forward.

Within seconds, they clashed, causing a shockwave to rang out, scattering the water and ice that was formed around.

"This looks a lot like a turf war that may be from a different region than areas." Said Tang Wulin as he glances over at the icy region.

"You believe that these regions are at war?" Questioned Wu Zhankong causing Tang Wulin to shrug his shoulder.

"It might just only be some of them. Either way let's go check out the other region after we're done with here." Said Tang Wulin.

"Hm? You aren't going to wait to see how this fight ends?" Questioned Wu Yiyi causing Tang Wulin to shake his head.

"The fight is close to finishing anyway." Said Tang Wulin.

This caused Zhou Jiu and Wu Yiyi to look back, they all saw the horse soul beast screaming out as its head was ripped off its body.

The expression of both of them turned sour as they saw the ape beast roar out like the blood of the horse leaked on to its fur.

Not only that but they saw the lake that they were on was being frozen solid, with the area around turning into ice.

"Since they won this battle, that area is now there." Mutter Tang Wulin as he saw the watering hole being frozen up.


"Just where did they go?"

Qiangu Dongfeng's voice rang through the building as he looked through the reports he has been getting.

At the moment, he was moving through the newly rebuilt Spirit Pagoda Headquarters. They were able to easily form the money needed for the reconstruction from their savings over the years.

With them going for a harder and stronger material from the new technology. Of course, Dongfeng knew it would still be useless against an opponent that was in the Title Douluo level, as the technology still hasn't reached that level.

Still, they were on their way, through the innovations of the Federation soul engineers and the Spirit Pagoda members thinking.

'Why haven't they attacked?' Thought Qiangu Dongfeng as he moved up some stairs.

It wasn't wrong to say that both the Federation and Spirit Pagoda were at the most vulnerable. A perfect time for anyone to attack them, yet there hasn't been any in the past months.

It was a very strange thing, considering he knew that those crazy people wouldn't give up a chance like this.

Even if it was a trap, he expected them to at least attack one of the buildings, yet they haven't. If that wasn't bad enough, it seems they didn't put up a struggling fight against the Star Luo and Tang Sect fighters.

Which he found very strange, considering the Star Luo Empire at the time was the perfect place for them to cultivate.

If it was him, he wouldn't give it up, to the point he might even go as far as to destroy the empire, just to accomplish his goal.

"So the question remains. Just what are they planning?"

Qiangu Dongfeng came into his office, as he put down his plans, sitting down and falling into thought.

As he moved through the reports, he founded an interesting one.

"Another festival huh...It seems we've been having more and more of those lately." Said Qiangu Dongfeng with a sigh as he laid back in his chair.

"Although I can't blame them. Even if I have to agree, it's time to celebrate." Dongfeng had a smile on his face as he thought about the reason.

Since all of the calamities were dead, the Federation believes that they should host something for this special occasion.

Which was agreed upon by Shrek, Tang Sect, and the Spirit Pagoda.

Once this was agreed upon, the Federation has been thinking of what to do and it seems they decided on it.

And from what he heard, the Federation is vying for Tang Wulin to be a mandatory attendant, since he was the star of this.

Of course, this wasn't the only time the Federation has been asking for Tang Wulin, from what he has read and heard.

They have been asking Shrek to have him meet with them, for a reward and honor for his service.

"Fools, all of them. Even with Xinjie's warning, they still are asking." Muttered Qiangu Dongfeng with a shake of his head.

Chen Xinjie told them that Tang Wulin would most likely not come to them, as from what he can gather, he wasn't the listening type.

And that asking Yun Ming to make him meet with them is utterly useless.

Since Yun Ming wouldn't want them talking to him at all or gaining any influence over him.

Of course, they didn't listen, as has been asking for him constantly, with the festival just being the recent invitation.

"I do wonder how he is going to convince him. Well whatever, that's his problem." Muttered Qiangu Dongfeng before he glanced at the door, as he felt someone approaching.

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