Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 258: Fifth Trial, Tidal Body Refining

Chapter 258: Fifth Trial, Tidal Body Refining

And here it was, a massive wave smashed into Tang Wulin with its full unparalleled force as it began washing over him.

Tang Wulin's eyes slightly widen as he felt like he was hit by a full power punch from Surtr.

'Are these really waves!'

The waves before were unordinary, as they contained hits of divinity mixed with unparalleled powerful impact. As Tang Wulin felt nothing but the feeling of being brutally crushed and destroyed on all levels.

What was even worse was that these waves were able to rival the hits of a god!

Was it really possible for ocean waves to do this? Surpass even the firepower of those Limit Douluo?

Before he could continue with his thoughts, another massive wave came to his face, it was far higher and stronger than the last one.

Tang Wulin couldn't think any further as it forcibly struck him hard once again. He felt the waves pounding into him, striking all parts of his body with him having no ability to resist as it washes over his body.

As he felt his bones and organ being crushed by the waves, he was able to notice all of his ability was sealed.

Even his other abilities like the Soul Bones, Time Powers, and even his Golden Dragon King powers were locked.

He wasn't sure if this was because of Old Tang or Tang San, which at this point didn't matter as he got hit again.

The wave smashed into him, whipping his body and grinding against him.

He could easily guess as, with his other abilities, these waves wouldn't even be able to touch him let alone hurt.

'Might as well train that.'

With a deep breath, Tang Wulin's blood essence started to churn as a pale golden light began to shimmer on his body.

Then in the next instant, his body was smashed once again by a raging wave that causes him to spit out blood.

He felt his solar plexus cracking, his liver being smashed into and pancreas shaking alongside the bones in his arms breaking.

Yet in the next instant, they all began to regenerate with all of the damage vanishing as if they never occurred.

Not only that but Tang Wulin could feel his mastery in the Flawless Golden Body increasing by a terrifying rate.

Alongside his own body that was changing and being transformed once again, something that slightly shocked Tang Wulin.

As his body was at the god level, he didn't think there would be ways to improve it other than his Slayer Art and the Golden Dragon King.

It was then he was brought out of his thoughts as he felt a series of stinging sensating before he saw blood splashing around.

He saw the appearance of water arrows was being fired wildly at his body. They were too many to count, as they all punctured his body before his body swiftly healed back up.

His lips twitch as he starts wondering if this trial was done by his father or Old Tang. As at least with Old Tang, he would understand where he got the idea.

Either way, he was helpless to do anything but let the arrows hit as if he was a pin cushion.

Yet it was then that things started to change a little bit as another weapon made of water smashed into him.

Tang Wulin figure shooked as a hammer smashed into his stomach before another one struck him in the face.

Yet the arrows didn't stop hacking on him, as they began interweaving with the hammer as they continue breaking through his skin.

For the first time, Tang Wulin was beginning to understand the slight horror of the Sea God Nine Trials.

Even though he felt his body was getting stronger and more refined after each collision with the water and his body.

This continuous cycle of destruction and rebirth was making him feel like he was doing the Body Sect Training.

If the thousands of thousands of water weapons that were hacking at him wasn't enough, this trial kept on adding more!

It was at the point where he felt like he was being smashed with an army of weapons.

From swords, knives, daggers, spears, long-pole, staff and many other ones.

Tang Wulin had to praise his regalia armor that was able to withstand these attacks or he would have long since been naked.

Tang Wulin only thought for the Sea God Trials was the Sea God trident but now it began to change as he recalls the other trails.

Each trial from what he could tell was improving and helping him out with a different aspect.

Not only was it cut the time it would take in the outside world to improve himself. But it was also allowing him a chance to attain another valuable weapon.

The violent waves came rushing continuously with no rest as they began undergoing countless Myriad Transformations.

Countless weapons were being unleashed upon Tang Wulin before once again the waves began to change.

"You got to be kidding me." Mutter Tang Wulin for the first time he was surprised at the scene in front.

The great waves began twisting and swirling before countless figures broke through from them. But to Tang Wulin surprise, they were not sea soul beast that he rushed the past in the last trial but actually warriors.

It was more accurate to say it was countless warriors who look like they came from a battlefield filled with blood.

Even though they were made out of the water, he could feel their bloodlust and terrifying fighting spirit.

They all roared out before rushing towards Tang Wulin with their weapons raised before they hack down upon him.

Radiance and sword shadows flickered about, as Tang Wulin was hack and slash everywhere.

To his surprise, some of them weren't as strong as the water weapons before but even then that meant nothing.

As he could tell that their level ranges from a Spirit King to a Limit Douluo level but each of their attacks held divine energy inside.

A hardened warrior had wielded his halberd before he chopped down on Tang Wulin's chest, blood splashed out.

Then that same warrior turned into a wave that crashed into Tang Wulin with double the amount of that last halberd strike.

This was happening to all of the warriors as each time they unleashed their attack, they disperse into a wave that crash into Tang Wulin.

Not only were these waves fierce but the part of his body that was attacked in a torrent.

Then once again similar to the weapons, sea soul beasts made out of water started to appear next to the warriors.

They all started attacking Tang Wulin, hacking, chopping, slashing and crashing into him with no break.

As all of this was happening, Tang Wulin's body kept on regenerating with a terrifying pace with the golden light around him growing.

A giant orca made out of water jumped over all of the warriors before hacking down at Tang Wulin with its tail. A giant whale crashed into Tang Wulin, it's head towering over him and washing over him.

A sea serpent appeared in front, releasing a breath of compressed water, that smashed into Tang Wulin. Then it released a roar before smashing him with its tail before charging at him and hitting him with its head.

Then another figure appeared, a giant that was made out of the water, he was holding a trident as he glared at Tang Wulin.

Then he began smashing his trident into Tang Wulin, chopping, slashing and hacking down.

As this was happening a figure was standing in the sky behind Tang Wulin, as he gazes solemnly.

"Wulin, I'm sure you notice by now but these waves aren't ordinary." Muttered Old Tang before sighing.

It wasn't wrong to say that Tang Wulin was being struck by the Sea God himself. As each of the variations that kept on showing up was being fueled by more than the trials.

If that wasn't bad enough, Old Tang has to speed up the trial, making it so that Tang Wulin could finish it in roughly twenty minutes.

Yet the problem was that these twenty minutes will be no different than hell for him.

There would be no break, no relief, no relaxation but simple hell. If it wasn't for the fact he knew how terrifying Tang Wulin's body and regeneration were.

Old tang would have most likely refused Tang Wulin's request as anyone else would have died.

It was a non-stop assault that he had to bear and feel with his body having no time to rest. Yet his body has also gradually been improving with Tang Wulin noting his Flawless Golden Body was starting to form.

From pain to itching, to gradual numbness and the pain with the cycle restarting over.

He could feel his bloodline, bones, and even internal organs were being refined once again on each collision.

'At least there changing.' Thought Tang Wulin as his mind went through various black-outs as sometimes the pain became too much.

Even though his pain tolerance was at a terrifying level, it still didn't stop him from blacking out. Yet as if the trial couldn't allow this, he would instantly regain consciousness the next instant.

Tang Wulin had to admit, this trial was pretty sadistic.

Either way, the cycle continues with the pain lowering and his blood essence increasing.

At this time his body felt like metal on the forging board, and all the waves were the hammers, Mu Xi uses. These forging hammers are constantly forging his body and elevating his cultivation without any pause.

Tang Wulin suffered from physical pain to spiritually and sometimes even mental pain but not without changes.

He found out that the most significant change was not his body but the fusion between his internal spiritual power and blood essence.

Under the continuous assault of the waves, his spiritual power gradually being pushed into every corner of his body.

If before he only had control over the obvious parts of his body, now he was gradually being able to mobilize the subtle parts.

These changes he knew in the future would allow him to fully move every part of his body. He could even feel his spiritual power increasing from the nourishment of his life bloodline.

Alongside this, he felt his connection with his blood-core increasing as he felt it coating his internal with more seven-colored energy.

Time passed by with a constant cycle of destruction and rebirth before a familiar voice rang out once again.

"Sea God Fifth Trial, Refining Body Through Tides Finished. Do you wish to leave or continue?"

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