Douluo Dalu 5 Rebirth of Tang San

Chapter 1153: Homome Shintai

Chapter 1153: Homome Shintai

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And Tang San gave her control of five of his own bloodline imprints, including a super bloodline. This trust also moved her, and she made up her mind even more to accompany Tang San in the fight to become an emperor at all costs, and set foot on the passage leading to another world.

Jingjing succeeded Tang San in control. What Tang San was in charge of was just continuously injecting Yin and Yang into the Crystal Transformation. At the same time, he controlled the other three bloodline imprints. All the bloodline imprints began to show some strange changes.

From the original center and the outer circle, it gradually changed into a humanoid shape.

The chest is branded with the blood of the Chaos Blue Silver Emperor, and the head is branded with the blood of the Consonant Sky Eye. The time-changing bloodline imprint is the arms, and the five major imprints of the yin and yang camp dragged by the crystal-changing bloodline imprint are the driving and legs. A strangely colored little person appeared in Tang San's dantian.

Various bloodline imprints operate stably under the constant adjustment of the air of chaos. The upper body is mainly controlled by Tang San himself, and the lower body is controlled by Jingjing in his place.

At the beginning, this human form was only a very vague existence, and gradually, the human form gradually began to become clear. Presenting Tang San's appearance, like a miniature version of him, cross-legged in the dantian.

Strange lights of different colors radiate from behind. Behind the head is a circle of colorful light wheels, the chest is a vast white light, and behind the arms are silver and distorted halos. The torso and the back of the legs are blue and red respectively.

Colorful, white, silver, illusory twists, plus red and blue, all kinds of light gathered behind him, forming a strange scene of illusion. And Tang San's aura also stabilized accordingly, under the pressure of the Seagod position, the previously unstable energy gradually developed in a stable and peaceful direction.

At this time, the huge chaotic energy condensed before played a vital role.

The energies contained in each of these bloodline marks are extremely huge, and their attributes are different. Tang San forcibly combed these different attributes together, divided them into yin and yang, and then unified them. Such a huge project not only caused a huge impact on his body, but also the various brands collided with each other, trying to explode.

Tang San used Jingjing as part of the control, and himself as the main control, concentrating his spiritual consciousness to fully control it. And it plays the role of reconciliation, and it is the Qi of Chaos that is still cultivating the latest formed dharma body while reconciling.

Any kind of bloodline brand has a strong affinity for the Qi of Primal Chaos, including Yin and Yang Qi. With the support of the huge chaos, this newly formed dharma body barely maintained stability. Continue to cultivate and let its stability gradually increase.

At the beginning, this body was like Tang San's, and from time to time, a certain place would burst into light. Tang San needed to immediately concentrate his consciousness and chaotic energy, use the time-space ring to slow down its eruption, smooth out its disorder, and then stabilize it. At the same time, the air of chaos is also circulating inside, trying to get through the dharma body itself. Let the power of these various bloodlines begin to develop in the direction of integration.

Outside, there is the position of Sea God to suppress, and inside, there is the Qi of Chaos to nourish and dredge, plus the control of Tang San's own space-time ring, Jingjing's auxiliary control. Only then did this miraculous dharma body gradually take shape.

There is no doubt that this is by no means the power that should appear on this plane. If Tang San didn't have a huge Primal Chaos Qi, he would not be able to control it himself. However, with the gradual stabilization of the dharma body, Tang San himself also began to have a reborn change. The whole person exudes a strange brilliance, the body and the dharma body blend with each other, and the dharma body gradually begins to refine the power in these blood imprints, take the essence and discard the dross, continuously cultivate and integrate.

Young Master Mei was guarding beside him at this time, in her eyes, Tang San constantly exuded a strange brilliance, at the beginning, the brilliance often flickered unsteadily, gradually, the brilliance began to stabilize. The seven-colored light wheel flickered behind his head, and a white halo hovered around his chest. The infiltration exudes red and blue colors, and the yin and yang are in balance. There is a faint radiance seeping from the corners of the closed eyes.

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