Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 147: Ji Hongbin's excitement

Chapter 147: Ji Hongbin's excitement

Lan Xiao said seriously, Remember, you cant be rash when facing any situation. You were too rash this time and actually drove the space warship when you didnt have any real experience. Do you know how dangerous that was? What if something were to happen to you? What would we do then? So you must never be reckless again. You must think carefully before acting and put your own safety first. You will meet other dangers in the future too, and each time it happens, just remember that Daddy and Mommy are still waiting for your safe return. Alright?

Lan Xuanyu met Lan Xiaos gaze and nodded firmly, I understand, Daddy. Dont worry, I wont be so rash next time. I will also learn well and quickly make myself stronger so that I can become a true elite who can truly protect both of you.

Lan Xiao smiled and ruffled his sons head, Daddy is aware that you charged out like that in order to protect us. Also, youre not allowed to tell lies next time. If the situation was worse, you would have messed everything up.

Lan Xuanyu scratched his head in embarrassment. He was still too young and hadnt considered all the consequences, but he didnt regret it and wasnt as traumatized after the event as his father said. Newborn calves are not afraid of tigershe was more excited than afraid to pilot the space warship.

If he hadnt witnessed Young Noble Les shocking strength, he might have been even more excited. But right now, he was a little doubtful of his choice. Was a persons strength more important or becoming a stronger warship commander?

He decided to look for his master and teacher to ask them this question.

If he didnt clear his doubts about this, he would continue to feel as if he had lost his direction. And without a direction he was sure about, how would he continue cultivating hard and learning?

After resting at home for a day and strengthening his enhanced cultivation, Lan Xuanyu immediately returned to the academy.

He was already used to the intense cultivation from over the past few years and if not for the many incidents in between, he was really not used to suddenly resting for ten days straight.

Teacher Ji, I have some doubts that I want to clarify with you and Master Yin. Can I talk to both of you at the same time? Lan Xuanyu went to find Ji Hongbin in the afternoon.

The other students couldnt wait to be shunned from this great demon, but Lan Xuanyu, on the other hand, was very close to Teacher Ji. Ji Hongbin was strict when he needed to be, but he was very detailed in his teaching and also extremely knowledgeable, which benefited Lan Xuanyu greatly when he learned from him. At least he was starting to truly understand what a Battle Armor was and what needed to be done to become a Battle Armor Master. He also learned about Martial Souls at a more advanced level. Even in the aspect of ancient soul beasts, Teacher Ji and his fathers direction of research was different.

Lan Xiao researched all the ancient soul beasts, but Ji Hongbin mostly talked about those strong ancient soul beasts, especially those that could fuse with humans and become their Soul Rings and Martial Souls, and the many changes they brought about after fusing with the Soul Master.

Oh? What is it? Ji Hongbin asked suspiciously. By the way, does your Soul Power have any sign of breaking through?

Lan Xuanyu smiled. Teacher Ji, I was about to tell you about that. Ive already broken through to the second ring, and I dont know why, but my Soul Ring seems to have mutated and become a 100-years Soul Ring.

Ah? Ji Hongbin looked at Lan Xuanyu in astonishment. 100-years? I remember that you said youre not too sure about what your Spirit Soul is?

As a teacher, how could Ji Hongbin not ask Lan Xuanyu about his Spirit Soul? Lan Xuanyu could only tell him that his father had brought a Spirit Soul back for him and it was a plant-type. He wasnt too sure about the details, but it shouldnt be very strong.

As his first Soul Ring was 10-years, Ji Hongbin didnt delve further. An average household buying a Spirit Soul would already cause quite a strain on their finances.

However, hearing what Lan Xuanyu said had piqued his curiosity.

Lan Xuanyu redirected his thoughts. He released his silver-patterned Blue Silver Grass from his left hand, and two yellow Soul Rings rose from his feet.

Initially, Ji Hongbin had been quite disappointed in him, for, after all, his Soul Power was increasing too slowly. But at this very moment, when Lan Xuanyu released his Martial Soul, Teacher Ji became astonished.

The two 100-year Soul Rings were secondary. The key was the complete change of the silver-patterned Blue Silver Grass before his eyes.

The appearance of the silver-patterned Blue Silver Grass had completely changed. It was no longer weak like before, but looked crystal clear. It was born again! From Ji Hongbins understanding of Martial Souls, this degree of change would only happen if a Martial Soul mutated.

This also made him focus less on asking Lan Xuanyu about his Spirit Soul because if a Martial Soul mutated, it would also cause the Spirit Soul to mutate and become much stronger.

There was no doubt about it. Just from its appearance alone, one could tell that Lan Xuanyus silver-patterned Blue Silver Grass was evolving in the right direction. How could this not get Ji Hongbin excited?

Ji Hongbins eyes lit up and he said urgently, What is your Soul Skill? Release it before me.

Lan Xuanyus second Soul Ring glistened, and a cluster of flames rose up. Under his control, it gradually coagulated into a small fireball and appeared before Ji Hongbin.

Seeing the flames, Ji Hongbins first reaction was to be stunned. He was Lan Xuanyus teacher for three years, so he was obviously very familiar with Lan Xuanyus Martial Soul. His students first Martial Soul was clearly the ability to control the water elements! Why did this fire element appear? What was going on?

One must know that generally, water and fire wouldnt appear at the same time for ordinary Soul Masters, and even if they did, they existed much like Twin Martial Souls. It couldnt be compared to having two different types of Martial Souls, but it was much better than having just one.

However, Lan Xuanyus situation was even more unique. He was already a Twin Martial Soul and he now had the fire element as well. What did this mean?

He was obviously more experienced than Lan Xuanyu as many scenarios ran through his mind immediately.

Good, water and fire are homologous. This second Soul Ring actually allows for the control of the fire element. This mutation is simply too amazing. Ji Hongbin looked excited and walked around Lan Xuanyu thrice. Not only did his disappointment disappear, but it was even replaced with elation.

Teacher, water and fire are incompatible. Is it bad for both of them to be together? Lan Xuanyu tried to probe. He wanted to know what Teacher Ji had to say about this.

Ji Hongbin said with exasperation, Silly, who said incompatibility is a bad thing? Sometimes, being incompatible is better than being compatible. For example, if two completely different elements went through special treatment, what would happen if they collided? It would cause a strong reaction and this reaction would become a gigantic force. It wouldnt just be one plus one equals two, but much greater than that. It could very possibly be an increase by multiple folds. I met two Soul Masters with incompatible attributes, and they could use the Martial Soul Fusion technique to create a terrifying attack power. Having these two types of elements yourself, youre endowed by nature! If you cultivate well and strengthen your control to an adequate level, you will be able to release your Self Martial Soul Fusion technique often. How strong that would be!

Ji Hongbin got more excited as he spoke, to the point that he became so hyped up and was almost dancing with joy. This was Lan Xuanyus first time seeing him like this. But after listening to what he said, he realized it matched what Teacher Nana said. Moreover, Nana had personally demonstrated the explosive force created when the ice and fire elements were together.

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