Doctor’s Rebirth

Chapter 86

Chapter 86

“I heard that the Mu siblings received a great favor during the syphilis treatment process.”

“That’s right, you mad dog. Thanks to that, it was the Mu siblings who leaked information to our side that the Hao Sect had found out about Jin Cheon-hee’s movements.”

“They’ve grown a lot. I heard that in the nature of evil sects, once you lose power, it’s hard to rise again.”

“A good wind has blown, so they should fly up. But it won’t be easy. Kekeke… Fundamentally, those two children’s natures don’t fit the evil sect. That will constantly hold them back. Isn’t that right, you mad dog?”

If the Beggar’s Sect is like a union of beggars across the world, the Hao Sect is a union of underworld figures scattered across the world.

The Beggar’s Sect is a righteous sect and has acted as such, so its scale is large and it can operate in the open.

On the other hand, the Hao Sect, being an evil sect with many connections to criminal organizations, naturally operates more cautiously in the shadows and on a smaller scale than the Beggar’s Sect.

Moreover, the Beggar’s Sect has peerless divine techniques, while the Hao Sect doesn’t.

There’s at least a few levels of difference.


While that’s true in terms of power, it’s a different story when it comes to assassination or covert operations. The Hao Sect were experts in those areas.

“Have you forgotten that they’re better than us in some aspects of covert operations?”

“But they’ll surely target Jin Cheon-hee because of Wang-ya Ju’s incident. If we leave that alone, won’t the Beggar’s Sect be pointed at for being ungrateful?”

“I know. Our Beggar’s Sect can’t forget a favor.”

Seol Gyeon said:

“I don’t know who among our sect members could find the child who’s constantly on the move, follow him to deliver a letter, and even provide escort. Moreover, they’d need to be familiar with the surrounding geography.”

Seol Gyeon counted on her fingers the usable Beggar’s Sect members one by one.

Il-geol watched this scene, clicking his tongue.

“That’s why you’re still a greenhorn sect leader.”

Just then, with a “woof!”, a dog approached Seol Gyeon’s feet.

It was a yellow dog.

“It’s my top disciple.”

“Aren’t I your top disciple?”

“No, you brat. Even cold water has its layers. Have you forgotten how many years Hwanggu has been under me? Hwanggu has been learning under me since you were taking your first steps.”

Woof woof!

“Damn, that dog.”

Seol Gyeon clicked her tongue.

Pant pant pant pant-

Hwanggu licked Seol Gyeon’s palm.


The Hao Sect.

After noticing Jin Cheon-hee’s movements, the internal situation of the Hao Sect became extremely complicated.

Mu-hwa quickly wrote her opinion and sent a messenger pigeon to the Hao Sect Leader.

Mu-hwa wanted only one thing.

Jin Cheon-hee’s safety.

It was fortunate that she had risen to a position where she could write directly to the Hao Sect Leader. But that was the extent of it.

In the end, the final decision is made by Hao Sect Leader.

In an evil sect where the strong rule, being someone who has seized power in the Hao Sect meant being able to use both strength and strategy as if they were limbs.

The Hao Sect’s reach extends to prostitution, smuggling, information gathering and manipulation, assassination, and even black markets selling human flesh.

If the Beggar’s Sect is a gathering of countless beggars, the Hao Sect is a group of countless criminals.

Mu-hwa couldn’t guess what decision the leader of such an organization would make.

Mu-wol sat beside such a Mu-hwa.

“Sister, you need to sleep.”

“The messenger pigeon hasn’t arrived yet.”


For the two siblings, Jin Cheon-hee was a benefactor sent from heaven. But being human, they still needed to eat and sleep.

Upon hearing intelligence about Jin Cheon-hee, Mu-hwa immediately contacted the Beggar’s Sect secretly and passed on the information.

It was a neck-risking act. But she didn’t hesitate.

Then she sent a long message detailing how much the Hao Sect owed Jin Cheon-hee.

Afterwards, she did her best to gather internal intelligence on how the higher-ups were moving.

“White Dragon is in a state where his illness has worsened.”

“We can’t know his exact condition, but it’s certain that he’s in a state where movement is difficult.”

“Right. That’s why the Little White Dragon is moving at the risk of his life.”

Little White Dragon is Jin Cheon-hee’s alias.

At that moment, a messenger pigeon arrived.


It was a letter they had been waiting for a long time. A Hao Sect member brought out the letter from the messenger pigeon.

Mu-hwa received the letter with trembling hands.

“Sigh, I hope it’s good news.”

She opened the bamboo tube and read the letter. Eventually, her expression twisted strangely.

“Sister, what on earth is written in it?”

Instead of answering, she showed the letter to Mu-wol.

When deciphering the scrawled code, it read like this:

-A bounty of 1000 gold taels is placed on the head of Little White Dragon Doctor, Jin Cheon-hee. The time limit is 100 days from today.

After that, the main text said all grudges would be forgotten.

There was one more page attached to the letter.

In handwriting that was hard to tell whether it was messy or elegant, the coded message read:

-All actions of the Mu-hwa and Mu-wol siblings are forbidden for 100 days. Knowing the debt of gratitude for saving a life, we will overlook your mistake.

‘They already knew I passed information to the Beggar’s Sect.’

Originally, it would have been a matter of cutting off limbs and meridians and destroying the danjeon.

For the Hao Sect, this was quite a lenient treatment.

But at the same time, it contained a firm warning.

Do not move anymore.

“100 days… 100 days…”

Mu-wol said:

“Sister, you’ve done enough.”


“Didn’t you want to rise higher? In 100 days, you can become strong enough.”

Mu-hwa immediately understood what those words meant.

“The evil sect is ruled by the strong.”

“The martial arts world is ruled by the strong, sister. You haven’t even fully consolidated the inner power you gained from the White Dragon Divine Pill, have you?”

“Are you telling me to sharpen my blade?”

“Yes. Weren’t you the one who always taught me to look at reality?”


She bit her lip.

After being lost in thought for a while, she said:

“I’ll go into closed-door training for a while. Please take care of things in the meantime.”



Jin Cheon-hee used relay stations to ride horses continuously without rest.

He barely ate meals or resolved them on horseback.

It was only when he reached the fourth relay station that Jin Cheon-hee stopped to wash himself.

As he soaked his body in the hot bath, he organized in his mind the things he needed to do next.

‘First, in the novel, the Ten-Thousand Fire Carp was mentioned to be in an underground lake in Tangshan, east of Nanjing.’

Nanjing is located southwest of the Medical Center headquarters.

‘I’ll have to cross the Yangtze River in the middle.’

Fortunately, there are no water bandits in Nanjing.

Because it used to be the capital, many people from prestigious families live there, and the river is well-maintained.

As logistics movement is also active, crossing itself shouldn’t be too difficult.

‘After arriving in Nanjing, should I find a guide through the Beggar’s Sect…?’

Tangshan in the east of Nanjing has long been one of the places where wealthy people, officials, and royal family members build villas.

It’s counted as a scenic spot because of its beautiful scenery and the hot springs themselves have good healing effects.

Up to here, it can be said that people’s footsteps reach quite often.

As the saying goes, it’s darkest under the lamp, and the Ten-Thousand Fire Carp is in the underground caves and underground lakes of this place.

It’s a different world similar to past China but with martial arts. The Tangshan that Jin Cheon-hee saw on maps on Earth would be different from the Tangshan in the novel.

‘Will there really be a guide who can find and lead the way to deep underground caves in such a vast area?’

Moreover, there was a description that as one goes deeper underground, it becomes so hot due to geothermal heat that ordinary people would have difficulty even breathing.

In the worst-case scenario, Jin Cheon-hee would have to comb through Tangshan alone like searching for lice.

But there was no other choice.

That’s when it happened.

Woof woof!

“What dog keeps getting inside… Get lost!”

A commotion arose outside.

When Jin Cheon-hee hastily put on clothes and went outside, a familiar dog was wagging its tail.



Although it wasn’t wearing the knotted collar symbolizing the Sect Leader, Jin Cheon-hee recognized Hwanggu immediately.

“You know this dog?”

When the relay station worker asked, Jin Cheon-hee smiled awkwardly.

“Yes. I’m not sure why it’s here.”

Hwanggu immediately gave Jin Cheon-hee an excited body tackle of greeting.

“Hey, you seem bigger somehow?”

Pat pat, pat pat!

Hwanggu licked Jin Cheon-hee’s face with its large tongue.

As Jin Cheon-hee was pushing Hwanggu away, he noticed a message tube hanging around its neck.

When Jin Cheon-hee reached for the message tube, Hwanggu barked shortly again.

It meant to take it.

“Is this for me?”

When he received and opened the letter, there was a simple line written from Seol Gyeon.

Seeing that it wasn’t even written in code, it was indeed meant for Jin Cheon-hee.

It also showed confidence that Hwanggu wouldn’t let the letter be stolen.

‘Right. Hwanggu is Hwanggu after all.’

Isn’t it the spiritual animal that protected messages against all the demon cults of the world?

The letter stated that the Hao Sect had put a bounty of 1000 gold taels on Jin Cheon-hee, the period was 100 days, and the Hao Sect had declared that this would settle all grudges.

It meant that after 100 days, any grudges would be buried forever, and any favors would also be considered non-existent.

It’s a strange rule that’s hard to understand by modern common sense.

‘Survival for 100 days, huh. And 1000 gold taels. In modern terms, that’s about 1 billion won? I’m quite expensive, aren’t I?’

It’s intense.

Jin Cheon-hee rubbed Hwanggu’s head vigorously.

Hwanggu seemed to like this and kept busy licking Jin Cheon-hee.

There was one more thing written in the letter.

It meant that Hwanggu could guide him wherever he wanted to go.

“Is that… possible…?”


“A messenger dog at the level of a spiritual animal can do it somehow? But even people find it hard to find the way…”

Woof, woof, woof!

Hwanggu, seeming frustrated, thumped the ground with its tail.

Jin Cheon-hee said to Hwanggu:

“I’m going to Tangshan to find the Ten-Thousand Fire Carp. Can you do it?”

At those words, Hwanggu puffed out its chest and took a winner’s pose.


It even started howling.

“Does that mean you can do it?”


“Can you do it better than other guides from the Beggar’s Sect?”

Hwanggu gestured enthusiastically towards Jin Cheon-hee.

Roughly translated, it meant ‘Why use them when you have me?’

It was hard to believe, but this was Hwanggu.

It’s the one who guided through the vast snowy mountains against demon cult members.

The path Hwanggu guided was always the safest.

“Alright. If I can’t trust you, who can I trust?”

Pant pant pant-

Hwanggu, seeming happy, licked Jin Cheon-hee again.

Jin Cheon-hee vigorously scratched Hwanggu’s head.


“Killing White Dragon’s disciple might bring bad luck…”

“Brother. When did we ever care about such things?”

“Youngest, isn’t it because we didn’t care about such things that we ended up like this?”

“So, are you going to start caring now, second brother?”

“No. Not that, but…”

Three men stand on the mountainside, looking down at the relay station below.

Where their gaze falls, there is a boy and a magnificent dog.

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