Doctor’s Rebirth

Chapter 85

Chapter 85

A basic strike without any preparatory movement.


The tree exploded as if hit by a shotgun.

Not simply breaking it, but the shock of bursting it from within.

It meant he could perfectly control his inner energy to push it into an enemy’s body.

It was evidence of being a peak master.

‘It’s possible. At this level, it’s possible.’

He could feel his inner energy moving freely along the meridians that had opened up to the upper danjeon, as if racing on a highway.

In other words, he was no longer bound by form.

“Alright. Next, shall we rely on that person?”

Wang-ya Ju.

The one who said she owed Jin Cheon-hee a favor.

The only problem was that he needed to wear something before meeting him, and the thought of going to buy clothes while naked was terrifying.


Jin Cheon-hee used his lightness skill to rush to a village further away, not the one at the foot of the mountain associated with White Dragon Medical Pavilion.

It wasn’t difficult to distinguish which villages were connected to White Dragon Medical Pavilion and which were associated with other medical centers.

This was possible because he was, after all, the young pavilion master of White Dragon Medical Pavilion.

As he entered the village naked, the gatekeeper blocked Jin Cheon-hee with a spear.

Then, after looking Jin Cheon-hee up and down, he clicked his tongue.

“Were you robbed by bandits or something?”

Jin Cheon-hee took out the fake identification tag made by the Beggar’s Sect and handed it to the gatekeeper.

“Cheon Gyeon (Heavenly Dog)?”

The character for ‘dog’ with the surname ‘Cheon’. Together, it meant Heavenly Dog.

‘Sister Seol Gyeon, your joke is too much.’

The identification tag had been simplified to reduce the number of strokes, as fewer strokes are advantageous for forgery, and this was the result.

“Go on in. Tsk, such a handsome fellow…”

As Sister Seol Gyeon, the Beggar’s Sect Leader, had said, he was able to enter without much suspicion.

Jin Cheon-hee blushed and headed straight for the cloth shop.

“Oh my!”


The naked body of a handsome young man became an excellent center of attention.

He wanted to bite his tongue and die. But he couldn’t die.

‘I should die. I should die after catching the Ten-Thousand Fire Carp.’

Jin Cheon-hee entered the cloth shop, resolved to commit suicide.

“Please give me some clothes.”

“Tsk tsk, these bandits nowadays are truly vicious. They even took your undergarments. Where did you borrow the money to buy clothes?”

Fortunately, they didn’t see him as a madman, but as a pitiful person robbed by bandits.

It meant that the bandits in this area were that vicious, but for Jin Cheon-hee right now, it was just fortunate.

He took out money to pay, and Jin Cheon-hee changed into clothes.

“Yes, please.”

“Well, at least they didn’t beat you, seeing your handsome face. Isn’t it better to be stripped bare than to be beaten and end up with a chronic illness?”

They even offered words of comfort.

“…Thank you.”

That’s how Jin Cheon-hee obtained clothes.

Thanks to the blue-colored robe, he had a pure impression with a touch of nobility.

Even the cloth shop clerks blushed.

Finally, he took out the Northern Sea coral ornament he had received as a gift from the Cloud-Dragon Escort Agency in the past and put it in his hair.

“I barely recognize you. Hahaha.”

“I’m just grateful that you provided me with such fine clothes.”

“No, no. You remind me of my son who left for work last year. Besides, I sold the clothes at the right price, so it’s all good. The clothes have found their owner.”

At the shop owner’s words, the clerks chimed in.

“Young master, you’re really handsome.”

“You’re the most handsome customer I’ve seen in my life.”

Jin Cheon-hee lowered his eyelids and smiled softly.

‘The people in this town are really kind.’

His beauty, already outstanding originally and now enhanced by body transformation, shone brightly.

Everyone fell silent for a moment, losing their senses to his soul-stirring beauty.

Meanwhile, Jin Cheon-hee thought:

It’s such a nice place where they show sympathy instead of chasing away a naked person.

Jin Cheon-hee made a deep cupped-hand salute and went outside.

He didn’t forget to memorize the name of the cloth shop that had sold him such good items.


After dressing properly, Jin Cheon-hee headed straight for the Beggar’s Sect.

“What business brings such a noble young master to this beggars’ den?”

A beggar with three knots on his waist, a third-rank beggar, came to greet Jin Cheon-hee.

‘I thought he’d yell while swinging a beggar’s staff, but he asks once first.’

Instead of answering, Jin Cheon-hee took out a tag.

Cheon Gyeon (Heavenly Dog).

The fake identification tag.

“Why on earth…”

“I need to send a letter to Wang-ya Ju.”

“Do you think we’re some kind of escort service? And why the identification tag…”

The third-rank beggar stared at the tag for a while, then his hand froze as if he had discovered something suspicious.

“Wait, just a moment…”

He took the tag into a hut. Inside, the sound of shouting could be heard.

“Could it be that the Sect Leader…!”

Eventually, the third-rank beggar came out of the hut with bloodshot eyes. Then he asked:

“Please give me the letter. This beggar will deliver it immediately, by any means necessary.”

He didn’t ask what it was for, or who Jin Cheon-hee was.

He just understood what this forged tag meant.

Jin Cheon-hee thought:

‘The Beggar’s Sect’s discipline is stronger than I expected.’

The previous Sect Leader had once slapped Seol Gyeon on the back of the head, saying he was still far from being ready to shoulder the Beggar’s Sect.

He could understand the meaning now.

Jin Cheon-hee handed over the pre-prepared letter.

The third-rank beggar bowed deeply.

“It will arrive within two days. In the meantime, please rest in a good place, noble one. I will guide you.”

Jin Cheon-hee spent time in an inn arranged by the Beggar’s Sect.

It was the largest and cleanest room. With nothing else to do, he treated a few sick Beggar’s Sect members, which further improved his treatment.

‘Doctors are valuable in this world.’

As he spent time like this, someone came looking for Jin Cheon-hee at the inn.

When he went down, a tall man was standing there.

Although he was wearing ordinary clothes, his straight back and vigorous gait clearly marked him as a martial artist.

“Is the young master Cheon Gyeon here?”

“That’s me.”

He looked around once and handed over a wrapped bundle.

“I was instructed to deliver this secretly. Please carry it carefully.”

This process was already far from secret.

Jin Cheon-hee realized that this person was definitely not a martial artist who had eaten sword rice in the Sword Forest of the Capital.

Only someone who ate salary from a government office could be this ignorant of the ways of the world.

The only fortunate thing was that this was an inn belonging to the Beggar’s Sect.

Jin Cheon-hee silently made a cupped-hand salute.

‘I don’t know if it’s unfortunate or fortunate that Master is bedridden.’

He thinks that if he does this for a few more days, he’ll be caught 100%.

All he can do is pray that Yoo Ho covers Master’s eyes and ears well.

When he returned to the guest room and opened the wrapped bundle, there was a horse token inside.

A horse token that allows the use of relay stations.

It meant he was being helped to freely borrow horses.

There was also a short letter inside.

Black ink characters galloped boldly across the red silk.

-Go ahead and enjoy yourself to the fullest.

A short single line.

Jin Cheon-hee let out a small sigh.

“I’m grateful, but it’s a bit scary.”

The weight of the horse token felt somehow as heavy as a thousand jin.


In the martial arts world, it’s known that the Beggar’s Sect has over 100,000 members. Jin Cheon-hee had read a passage in “Supreme Heavenly Demon” that directly mentioned the number of Beggar’s Sect members.

-Heavenly Demon, you say? Everyone knows you killed the Sect Leader. 200,000 Beggar’s Sect members will be watching!

Of course, this future had been averted. Because Jin Cheon-hee had saved the Sect Leader.

Anyway, according to that passage, the number of Beggar’s Sect members in the Central Plains of the Hua Empire seems to be around 200,000, not 100,000.

It’s no exaggeration to say that there isn’t a single organization in the martial arts world with this many members.

The Beggar’s Sect is the number one sect in the world.

However, the Beggar’s Sect isn’t powerful enough to rule the world. Although the number of beggars belonging to the Beggar’s Sect is close to 200,000, the actual number of those who can be active in the martial arts world is less than 10%, about 20,000.

Martial arts require asceticism, and among beggars, very few can endure that and learn.

In the first place, those with the physical and mental strength to learn martial arts would usually find other work rather than choosing to become beggars.

Even 10% is a generously estimated number.

As a result, there are more cases of people who become beggars after living somehow and then going bankrupt entering the Beggar’s Sect, rather than those who become beggars intending to join the Beggar’s Sect from the beginning.

In a normal sect, children would be educated in martial arts from a young age, and also educated in the sect’s identity, binding them to the sect.

However, in the Beggar’s Sect, even the elderly join, and middle-aged people join. As a result, it’s extremely disorderly and lacks unity more than one might expect.

Nevertheless, due to its scale of nearly 200,000 members, no one, whether righteous or evil, wants to make an enemy of it.

Saving the Sect Leader of such a Beggar’s Sect was no ordinary favor.

That’s why from the moment Jin Cheon-hee requested help from the Beggar’s Sect, one very important order was issued.

Absolutely protect Jin Cheon-hee, and grant all of Jin Cheon-hee’s requests.

There was a reason for issuing such an order.

The Beggar’s Sect had discovered that information about Jin Cheon-hee had spread through government officials.

It wasn’t a matter of being bribed or anything like that.

From the perspective of ink-eating officials, there was no way to know what impact this would have on the martial arts world.

And there were those who reacted most sensitively to Jin Cheon-hee’s whereabouts…

“What? That guy suddenly appeared? When did he leave the medical center?”

“Calm down.”

“No, Baek Rin (White Dragon) was holding onto him so tightly, I don’t understand how he got out.”

“Kekeke, that’s how disciples are by nature. They don’t grow up as we please.”

Saying that, the former Sect Leader Il-geol looked at his disciple and current Sect Leader, Seol Gyeon.

“Old man, don’t you know that constantly comparing with others makes one crooked?”

As Seol Gyeon grumbled, Il-geol stroked his chin.

“Why, are you concerned about that child?”

“Jin Cheon-hee himself might not know, but he’s already at the center of a storm. With the grudge of the Hao Sect still unresolved…”

Jin Cheon-hee had left two things behind.

First, he had treated the Hao Sect Leader.

Cleanly curing syphilis, which was said to be impossible to treat, without any aftereffects was an unprecedented achievement.

Second, he had exposed the gu of the Hao Sect, creating a bloody incident in the branch.

Wang-ya Ju’s anger had not easily subsided, and in the process, the Hao Sect had suffered great damage.

Many branch leaders and sect members had died in the process.

“Kekeke, that’s how it is, you mad dog. It’s like farting yourself and then getting angry when caught.”

“But you know better, old geezer. The nature of the evil sects…”

“Yes. It can’t be judged by common sense.”


Seol Gyeon fell into thought. The first to speak was the old master Il-geol.

“He’s a guy who even got permission to use relay stations from Wang-ya Ju. He’ll probably move quickly. It will be difficult to follow him if we don’t know his exact destination. That will be the same for us and the Hao Sect.”

What will the outcome be?

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