Digitize: Rebirth of the Silver Death God

Chapter 186: Departing to the DU Meet

Chapter 186: Departing to the DU Meet

Another long day of grinding passed quickly as the night had set in, the time was already after school, and classes had only just ended for the day; by now, everyone was leaving campus, and amongst them was Nero, Elly, Kara, Clair, and Ryo.

Elly now had a foul mood as she had heard the details from Kara about Kaylin's attempt to ruin her. She knew Kara was a part of the plot but had already forgiven her, but as for Kaylin, she felt a rage like none other.

'That bitch, she better not let me see her again!' 

Elly cursed in her mind as she gripped her fists tightly.

Kara looked at this with a tinge of regret but said nothing; Nero also shook his head; he knew that this was something Elly would have face in her own time. The only worry was that Kaylin had vanished, and he had no idea whether it was deliberate or something else.

'It doesn't matter; Elly wouldn't need to worry about much since she's from a powerful family; she should have enough protectors in secret. If Kailyn tries to get revenge, she'd need great strength, and not just anyone can become a Digitizer. Even more so, one that has enough talent to compete with her.'

Adult Nero remained silent at those thoughts, he somewhat agreed as he didn't see anything strange with Kaylin in his time, but he still spoke in the end.

"Even if so, keep a layer of caution..."

Nero thought for a bit and inwardly answered, 'Fine.'

After walking for a while and bidding goodbye to few other classmates, they arrived at the school's parking lot. There, a car was waiting for them, but standing on its outside, was not Bradson, but a face Elly hadn't seen in a while.

"Uncle Screwg! You're off probation!" Elly said with a smile as she ran up to him; it seemed that ever since the incident of his powers being exposed, he had been punished by the family. Now that the situation had died down, it was clear that he was given permission to go with Elly. 

Screwgelman still sported his usual wear, his hair neatly tucked backward along with his curly mustache below his nose. However, those this was visible to Elly up close; others wouldn't be able to see it clearly as he wore a wide hat that shrouded most of his face.

Nero recalled seeing Screwgelman before, but he didn't know him directly, thinking for a bit he decided to compare himself to him, his eyes sooner of shining in a dim greenish ray.

Instantly, in Nero's eyes, a giant ball of soul flame appeared, his face turned pale as if he was standing within a sea of fire, all of which originated from the man before him.

Not daring to stare for too long, Nero hurriedly canceled his Reaper Eye's skill before taking a light breath; he then wiped the sweat from his face while thinking.

'Such a monster... I can't even begin to estimate his current level. That was truly dangerous; it looks like I'll need to observe someone like this from afar.'

Adult Nero smirked at this as he thought to himself, 'You should be lucky you didn't try it with Emperor Marlo... or even that monster, Grail.'

As Nero calmed himself, Screwgelman, who spoke to Elly, felt strange, for an instant he felt as if something was spying on him, he glanced around with sharp eyes in search of it, but as he couldn't find the source, he treated it as nothing.

Seeing Elly's action, Kara took this chance to speak, "Hey guys, I'll be leaving now; see you all on Monday."

Elly remembering Kara was still with them, hurriedly looked at her and spoke, "Oh, okay, Kara, which direction are you headed? Do you need me to drop you off?"

Kara shook her head and answered, "It's okay; I'm not headed home yet; I still have to take care of some matters."

Elly gave her a good look then replied, "I see, alright then, be safe, Kara, call us if you need us."

Kara smiled at this and nodded before walking off. 

"I'm off too; see you later, Elly," Clair said before waving her hand and heading off.

"Bye-bye!" Elly waved.

Clair soon caught up to Kara, but while moving, she notices that Kara had stealthy glanced at Ryo, who stood by Nero's side, her eyes showing an odd look.

Ryo felt as if he was being stared at, he lifted his head to look at her, but Kara hurriedly turned away and continued onward, her cheeks slightly red.

While the others didn't notice this, both Clair and Nero saw it. Clair snickered, saying nothing while Nero made a sly smile and nudged Ryo with his shoulder as he teased in a low voice, "Well, I don't think we all need to participate at that gathering; I think it's good to focus on other things."

Ryo rolled his eyes at Nero's words and replied in a similar low tone, "Tsk, you've gotten quite smart with me, but don't forget Nero... I'm the one cleaning up after you."

"You..." Nero said, feeling a bit enraged, but he gritted his teeth as he saw Elly looking at him, nothing saying anything.

"Guys, today's the DU Meeting. Do you want to travel there with me?" Elly asked.

Nero looked at her and answered, "Sure, let's get moving, we are now a part of the Blood Steel Society, but it doesn't mean that we can't travel there ourselves. I'm also curious in seeing these top-tier talents..."

"Oh, great, let's go!" Elly said excitedly; she didn't care about Nero joining a force; she only wanted to compete with similar level talents; she felt incredibly confident after her ruthless week of training with her brother.

Screwgelman smiled as he saw the liveliness of the teenagers; he said nothing but waiting for them to enter the vehicle before he drove them off from campus, carrying them towards a meeting ground.

While driving, Nero, who sat within the back seat, observed the scenes from the window, but soon, he heard a notification on a device he hadn't used in a long time, his mobile phone.

Feeling a bit surprised, Nero looked at the screen, but as he did, he frowned as he read the pop-up message.


[Avollo - "Hey pal, I'm looking forward to seeing your growth today, make sure to turn and don't run off like little chicken now, okay."]


'That bas...' Nero was about to curse to himself, but that halted as he saw Elly trying to sneak a glance on his phone.

"Elly, what are you doing?" Nero said as he hid his phone quickly, he didn't want anyone seeing that message.

Elly frowned at this; she thought to herself, 'He's acting strange because of a message. Is it a girl?'

Not like the idea in her head, Elly reached her hand out and spoke, "You're hiding something; let me see it."

Nero, feeling stumped at those words, complained, "What? I will not, not just anyone can see my phone; there's private content, you know."

Elly gritted her teeth at this; not like the idea, she complained, "Nero, if you don't give me the phone, I'll... I'll lower your pay."

Nero snickered at this and snapped back, "You'll drop my pay, fine, then I'll simple reduce your educational content; I'd truly like to see you pass any course with that brain of yours."

"Hey that was uncalled for!" Elly cursed as she punched Nero, but Nero slapped her hand away as if he expected it.

"Serves you right!" Nero snapped, finally exposing a bit of his teenage nature.

The two began to struggle in the back, causing Ryo to sigh; he didn't even know what to say anymore. As for Screwgelman, he shook his head and pressed the gas pedal harder; it seemed he wanted to arrive at the destination before the two did something more unexpected. The car bolting off into the distance, leaving only the echo from its revving engine.

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