Chapter 98

98 Chapter 98: Secrets of the Tyrant gang

“Don’t say it like that... You were so young yet you had the strength to compete against other members of the Briggs... You are the youngest Brigg to take part in battles like that in our history... That alone showcased how much talent you have... It has nothing to do with me” Daman argued and Alex smiled.

“So why? Why do you want to leave? I have protected you all my life but this is one thing I cannot save you from... Reconsider!” Damian said with a slight frown but Alex just shook his head in response.

“The real question is why do you wish to stay? Are you okay with what you see back there? We are mere tools... We don’t have a life of our own... We cannot make decisions... I will not let anyone control the direction of my life... Your family is the reason I drifted away from the ways of Briggs... Used me as a test subject even when the chances of survival are low... Sent me away on a mission I know almost nothing about... I am human, so don’t I deserve to be treated as one? Have I not done enough for the family,?” Alex said with a strained voice!

It was obvious he was trying to suppress his anger! Meanwhile, Damian listened in silence and sighed bitterly. He too has been against everything done to Alex but there is nothing he can do about it. This world is ruled by the strong! The laws of the jungle apply here.

Until he becomes strong enough to defeat Wilder Briggs, he definitely won’t antagonize him publicly as Alex did. If Wilder Briggs decides to come after Alex now, nothing can save him! Not even the government will protect a person like Alex for any reason! No one would want to go against the strongest member of the big four!

“This is not the time to revolt... This is not the time for this... You will get your chance but not like this... If you keep moving this way, you will definitely end up dead” Damian said.

Alex shot Damian a smile and said.

“It’s nice to know you are still the same person I called elder brother once....”

After that, he said nothing else and moved in silence. Damian didn’t bring the matter up anymore since Alex didn’t want to speak.


They moved into the next room and what dey saw shocked them! Withered vines everywhere with husks laying all across the room. Damian remembered how One sword claimed that didn’t drain him of much power!

Now he knows why!

“I guess you have been using this sealed artifact in secluded places... But now you used it in a place filled with people...” Damian said.

“This explains why everywhere is so quiet... It snuck into the other rooms and floors, draining everyone it could reach dry... With the strength gained from draining all of these people, it was able to struggle for ownership over your body... Sealed artifacts are more terrifying than beast gears” Alex said coldly.

He realize they were only able to fight the sacred tool simply because it vines were busy elsewhere! If they were to actually face the enemy head-on with all its strength, Alex was sure they would all die! Maybe Damian will survive if he chooses but he definitely won’t be able to win that fight!

<> Alex muttered in his head.

He then turned his attention to Tracy again who dodged his gaze and asked.

“Have you found the way into the underground facility?”

“Y-yes... It’s behind the receptions cabinet” Tracy said shyly.

She felt like since Alex hasn’t spoken to him from the beginning till now, he must be mad at her. Unknown to her, Alex had better things to do.

She led the team to the receptionist’s cabinet in corner of the room and beneath the table was a button. Pushing the bottle, a small part of the red carpet there parted as stairs leading to lower levels were uncovered and they walked in without hesitation.

Going down the stairs they met a door that required some sort of identification card to access but they didn’t have to worry. With Tracy around, they could easily hack the doors and force them open.


The first door opened and Alex was greeted by a shocking sight. It was a room filled with cylindrical containers but what they saw was even more shocking.

If there were people in there de for experiments, it should be understandable but right now what they saw were countless beast gears! The funny thing is that there are only three types of beast gears in the room but the are over three hundred here!

It was obvious they are trying to replicate these beast gears! This reminded them of the event in the school, back in Washington! There were unlimited beast gears used to create false Losts.

Could it be that the beast gears used were created in labs like this?

How the hell is it even possible to replicate a beast gear?

Alex was going crazy as many thoughts flooded his mind. At first, he assumed they may have gotten their hands on a deviant who can replicate items but now he realized they just have scientists capable of replicating beast gears through science!

“This explains why they were able to create their own version of the Ainsworth family battle suit... Only a scientist at the level of the Ainsworths can do something like that... Where the hell did they find someone so capable?” Alex said with a frown.

“The Tyrant gang needs to be stopped!” Damian said with a rare stern look on his face as he gazed around the massive lab which was half the size of a football pitch!

“There is more!” Tracy’s words drew their attention.

They all moved towards her only to see her holding one of the beast gear but she had her battle gear on. The beast gear in her hand was like a broken, rusty sword and at its hilt was an eye.

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