Chapter 83

83 Chapter 83: Silver Versus Alex

Tracy and Jason stood in the corridor. After giving the matter some thought they decided to try and talk Alex out of leaving. As far as they are concerned they have a good thing going now so it will be dumb to let it go without fighting for it.

“When he comes out I will speak to him... Don’t say anything irritating just watch and step in when necessary” Tracy said and Jason nodded.

He wore a frustrated look though. As much as this team has the potential of reading heater heights, he could still live a luxurious life if he decides to join any guardian agency. By the way, he is a B rated deviant with healing abilities, anyone would throw crazy offers at his feet if he decides to detach himself from Alex and Silver.

“Sure... Sure” Jason said nonchalantly, making Tracy frown. She wanted to scold him but a loud explosion caught her attention.


The corridor shook violently as a youth in a white battle suit was thrown through the wall.

“Silver? Tracy struggled to call the name without coughing.

She retreated with Jason while wondering if the two were fighting but knowing how they are if she gets involved, she will only get hurt or killed by mistake.

“Do you still think you have what it takes to keep here?” Alex’s voice sounded like a volcano about to erupt.


His eyes looked fiercer and veins kept bulging out of all parts of his body! It was clear he was already preparing for the second stage of the demon-kin technique. During this fight, he wasn’t going to look down on Silver, the same way Silver has been looking down on him. In his battle with the unstoppable spear today, he used a total of sixteen breaths, leaving him with less than ten for the day. While Silver may be a tricky enemy to face, Alex strongly believed this should be more than enough to deal with the evil genius!


Suddenly Silver’s boots lit up with blue light and he was propelled back by an invisible force ad e skillfully levitated to his feet. His body remained above the ground, hovering while he gaze at Alex as if he was looking at a lower life form.

“Impudent fool! I gave you an opportunity but you are willing to throw it all away for little sentiments!” Silver said coldly.

“You gave me nothing!” Alex said coldly as he stretched forward and snapped his fingers.

Silver suddenly felt like a massive truck was placed on his back weighing him down, meanwhile, Alex casually walked towards his struggling friend with pitch-black eyes. His fingertips slid across the wall as he absorbed the properties of the wall. His eyes revealed a hint of disdain as he strengthened the gravity around Silver, pulling him to the ground.

“Little insecure kids like you shouldn’t be allowed to stand above anyone. This is where you belong! Beneath me!” Alex said coldly as he gathered his strength and punched forward!



Tracy and Jason barely ducked as Silver was sent flying back like a cannonball. He hit the staircase and rolled down while wearing a confused look on his face. His body was still in perfect condition due to the barrier set around him but getting thrown around like that made him dizzy.



Silver screamed like a beast while attempting to rise to his feet but he was pinned to the ground again by the invisible force. It felt like a boulder was placed on his back and after a short struggle he spat out a mouthful of blood. He was sure his body has sustained some internal injuries due to the pressure placed on him.

“Alex stop!” Tracy screamed but Alex didn’t seem to hear her.

He was surrounded by an invisible force, preventing her from reaching him while he levitated down the stairs like a God.

“How does it feel to be beaten up by someone you looked down on?” Alex asked with a calm look on his face. His eyes seemed to be looking past Silver even though they were on him! It looked like a greater being gazing at a lesser being.

“You petty bastard... How does it feel to use the power given to you by my family to do this? Do you dare feel cocky when using a borrowed power to fight?” Silver growled but Alex wasn’t moved instead the pressure increased.


The ground beneath Silver sank, revealing web-like cracks. Alex remained emotionless, ignoring Tracy’s screams behind him! It felt like just he and Silver were left alone in this lonely world of theirs.

“Project power was used on so many people with about a ninety-nine percent mortality rate... The fact is survived alone is a testament to my strength... If anyone can survive this process, then you wouldn’t have gone through the process yourself... You are beneath me little Silver” Alex said calmly as he took his fourth breath and by this time his skin already had a faint red color.


Hearing those words, Silver let out a furious cry as he struggled fiercely! His entire armor let out bright blue light from all sides, struggling against Alex’s power.

Seeing this Alex frowned slightly as he began feeling intense pressure. With his specialist ability, he can summon the power to rival C-rated deviants unless he decides to go crazy again just like he did against the demon bat but the consequences are too dire for him to deal with right now.

In his opinion, beating the Tyrant gang is more important than beating Silver, that’s why he doesn’t dare put himself in a condition where he would need months to recover again!


His grip over Silver shattered and the youth in silver armor charged toward him, striking forward relentlessly. Leaving him with no choice, Alex retreated while wishing he brought the demon bat daggers along but they were in his luggage!




Alex jumped around the living room, evading strikes skillfully but there was a limit to how much he could dodge. Numerous cut marks could be seen all over his body but Silver had also failed to land a direct hit.

“You are forcing my hand” Silver growled and suddenly Alex could see blue texts all over Silver’s eyes. He was left confused for a split second but the laser beam blade plunged into his left shoulder, causing blood to squirt out violently!


Alex’s mind raced! He could have sworn he attempted to dodge that attack but it still hit. He noticed the blade racing towards him. Alex quickly ducked to the left but the blade twisted and pierced his shoulder once again!


Alex gritted his teeth as he retreated but Silver blade always found a way to reach him. No matter how hard he tried! No matter how much distance he tried to put between them, Alex could only helplessly watch as the lightsaber plunged into his body, causing him to spit out a mouthful of blood.

His eyes widened as he felt like a target was placed on his back and Silver was like a dart that never misses. No matter how he moved he couldn’t shake Silver off or dodge his attacks. Once again the blade was sent flying his way but this time it was aiming for his skull. Alex frowned and ignored everything else! He had no special movement technique that can let him get out of this situation, leaving him only one option!



A fierce cry shook the building and a loud explosion erupted and the home shook violently like It was threatening to fall. People ran to the site only to see Alex emerge later with his luggage while Silver remained on the floor unmoving.

The punch sent him flying out of the house through the wall while shattering the wall. He lay on the ground and his body armor had crumbled, he was breathing but faintly. The power of nine breathing is far too much! As long he had the second stage of the demon-kin technique.


“You what?” Angel muttered in shock.

News of Alex and Silver’s battle spread across the country and people were annoyed they didn’t get the chance to see it. There was no recording of it or whatever, they only had to make due with the stories and the information that Alex won.

The was given to them by the Angel Beats Agency as employees, seeing Alex now after he destroyed a home infuriated Angel. No matter how furious he was a bit curious why Alex and Silver fought. He believed they made a great team so seeing such a wonderful team left him disturbed.

“I will pay for the damages caused... I wanna request a new place... Just for me... I will be going solo from henceforth” Alex said calmly.

He was still covered in blood but he still wore the same cold face, leaving Angel wondered what kind of drugs the Briggs take to make them so fierce.

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