Chapter 193

193 Chapter 193: One against the world!

Alex stood in mid-air in silence. He was expecting an ambush, not one this large. He has always believed in freedom and even though he wasn’t necessarily fighting for the human race, he has always wanted a better future. A future where everyone can choose so is that so bad?

He would rather die fighting against the Danites than surrender to them. That has always been his mindset, unfortunately, the world didn’t think the same and even planned to take his life.

He guessed God’s eye may have gotten the revelation of their demise from the beginning but feared the possibility of losing so many people so they decided to kill him was the best option. They needed him to lower his guard so they played along with him, set up India as the bait and he took it.


Getting played by the world is quite funny, especially when he is usually the one playing people. On the bright side, a sky full of high-level warriors is probably the best! Alex considered this really cool and couldn’t help but smile a bit

“Even at this moment, you act high and mighty. You are truly my grandson. It’s a shame you deviated from the right path” Wilder Briggs said with a hint of sorrow in his eyes.

This is the only time this man has shown any emotion. It’s really sad he had to wait for things to escalate this much before he could show any concern.

“This can be avoided, swear Allegiance to the United States again and the Danite race and we will let things go! Your friends can return again! No one has to die” Dean Hall was surprisingly eager to have Alex back on their side.

“It doesn’t matter which side you wish to join, if returning to America is too uncomfortable for you, you can come over to our side. I promise you we won’t treat you badly!” Dragon emperor said hastily. If they didn’t have to kill Alex he would prefer the youth on their side.


Many people spoke up, showing their intentions of recruiting Alex but Alex remained silent in thought. Rejecting their offer meant death but accepting means a life of servitude! How can he live fighting for what he doesn’t believe in anymore?

“I am sorry guys I will have to be selfish one more time” Alex muttered as he thought of Silver, Tracy, and Danny.


Alex’s body suddenly let out a fierce golden light as his eyes shone brightly and his body levitated even higher.



A burning golden aura fist shot forward! Blitzing past everyone in search of only one target!


“ALEX!!! YOU HAVE A DEATH WISH!” Bishan growled as he mustered as much power as he could and punched out with all six hands!




His hands exploded into a bloody mist upon collusion, leaving the world stunned! All these while they have been exchanging blows like equals does that mean Alex has been holding back?


Alex appeared in front of Bishan and reached out to him, gently but at a lightning fast speed!

Without hesitation, Bishan released his blue flames but Alex’s hand pierced through it and grabbed the guardian by the neck!


A neck snapping sound could be heard and the great Bishan quickly returned to his normal form and fell off the sky, falling to the ground without any resistance.

He was dead!

Just like that!

“DOES THE WORLD THINK ALEX BRIGGS WILL BE EASILY KILLED? I WOULD LOVE TO SEE YOU TRY!” Alex’s voice was like a thousand thunderclaps making the sky tremble violently as he gazed at the crowd without fear!

“As expected of a Briggs. I’m really proud of you” Wilder said with a sad smile as his body turned blood red!


Without hesitation, he darted toward Alex alongside other guardians! Seeing this, Alex didn’t retreat, instead, he took a step forward before throwing a punch forward!

Almost instantly a massive golden fist emerged, and shot towards the crowd!

Without hesitation, a barrage of attacks was released shattering the golden fist, and making Alex frown!

The power of the combined forces was far more terrifying than expected!


Dragon roars could be heard as a black and golden dragon claw formed above and below him, clapping with him at the center!

“YOU DARE!!!” Alex growled furiously while glazing at the dragon emperor and Master Yi.

His body let out a fierce golden light and exploded violently, shattering the two aura dragon claws!

Destroying them was the least of his worries, Alex watched a barrage of attacks rain down on him! With no time to defend he protected his head with his hands and curled into a Ball as he was bombarded fiercely and dragged to the ground!


Alex who was quiet all through the bombardment finally let out a cry of pain, stunning everyone! His golden armor couldn’t protect him from this combined power for many!



A ten meters deep crater was formed, covered by a large cloud of dust! Those watching had their mouths covered with tears rolling down their eyes. Even if Alex deserved this, it was still bad watching the world join hands just against one boy who is barely twenty.


Suddenly a golden beam of light shot through the close of dust and struck an S-rated guardian. When the golden mist vanished, Alex could be seen standing in mid-air without his armor. His body had many shallow cuts on them with golden blood rolling out of them. His firm hand was deep in the chest of try guardian and he pulled out his hand only to reveal the heart of the guardian in his hands.

The world watched in horror as the s rated guardian fell off the sky without the chance to resist.

“I am Alex Briggs. The fucking absolute. I cannot be killed” Alex said with a crazed look in his golden eyes!

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