Detective From the Future

Chapter 152: Work in cooperation with a due division of labour.

Chapter 152: Work in cooperation with a due division of labour.

Moon River is also one of Qingdao's attractions. The lower Moon River is an ecological wetland. The surrounding environment is beautiful, and the abundance of fish and shrimp in the river provides enough food for various migratory birds. People often go fishing there, camp, and take pictures in the area.

When Han Bin and the others arrived at Moon River, the cordon had already been set up. Since the river beach was surrounded by wetlands and the car could not drive nearby, Han Bin and the others could only walk, and there were many people watching and photographing outside the cordon and outside. Inside the cordon, there were members of the first criminal investigation team, as well as members of the technical team, as well as police officers from the nearby police station, a total of more than ten people.

"Tsk tsk... Our last female corpse case didn't have such great police attraction," Li Hui snapped his mouth.

"The female corpse case was very likely to be a suicide. The case was not classified as murder until the middle of the case. Naturally, there is no way to compare it to this case. Moreover, the murderer, in this case, is even more brutal," Han Bin said.

"It's true, it doesn't even have a head, and it's ruthless."

Unknowingly, Li Hui's walking pace slowed down a bit and took a position behind Han Bin. He's unafraid of a dead person, but facing a headless corpse is still uncomfortable to watch. In the second group, Li Hui's courage can only be considered average; the most courageous person is the smallest Zhao Ming. If he was there, he would definitely be the first to check it out.

"Yo, Old Zheng, you three, don't delay coming." Li Zhan Kun turned his head and looked at Zheng Kaixuan, Han Bin, and Li Hui.

"Old Li, what's the situation at the scene?"

"Medical examiner Wu Xia is doing the autopsy, and the technical team is taking pictures. The corpse is over there. Go and see it yourself," Li Zhan Kun pointed nearby.

Zheng Kaixuan nodded and took Han Bin and Li Hui to check the body lying by the river beach, and there they saw; a male corpse lying on his back on the bank of the river. The body of the deceased was fully covered, and because the corpse had been soaked in water for a long time, it had been badly decomposed.

Wei Zi Mo pinched his nose and whispered, "Huh, that smell."

"The body is already rotten, and even if it has a head, it is impossible to recognize it," Li Hui frowned.

"Technology is advancing. I heard Yang Cheng Police Station was able to restore the general appearance of the deceased through skull restoration technology," Han Bin said.

"This kind of technology is worth listening to. Anyway, our branch is choking and cannot acquire this technology," Li Hui shook his head.

"In the end, it's always a matter of funding," Sun Xing shrugged.

"Don't talk about it, come here," Zheng Kaixuan growled.

Han Bin put on gloves and walked near the corpse, and the smell was really pungent. The hands of the deceased were tied with blue nylon ropes, and only his left foot wore a gray sneaker, and a blue nylon rope was tied to his right ankle, the other end of the rope was broken.

At this point, Wu Xia had completed the preliminary autopsy and put away his tools.

Han Bin and Zheng Kaixuan crouched down and looked at the corpse, but found no relevant items or valuable traces that could tell them about its identity. Li Hui also approached and examined the corpse, and he looked at it carefully and not superficially with a little ugly face. It was the first time he had encountered such a complex situation since becoming a police officer.

After examining the corpse, no one wanted to stay near it for long. It's an instinctive reaction of people. They all stepped aside to discuss the case. Zheng Kaixuan and Li Zhan Kun stood together, and the other team members also gathered.

Zheng Kaixuan took off his gloves and asked: "Who found the corpse?"

"A young couple came here to fish and camp. Before the fish caught the bait, they found the body of a headless man. The woman argued with him to break off the relationship because of this. After taking the notes, I let them go first," Li Zhan Kun was stunned he didn't know what to do; laugh or cry.

"Captain Li, did he really pee on him?" Li Hui asked in surprise.

"I really don't know, his pants were wet, is he telling the truth?" Said Li Zhan Kun.

Li Hui's waist straightened a little involuntarily.

"Medical Examiner Wu, how was the autopsy?" Said Zheng Kaixuan.

"Only a preliminary autopsy was performed. The deceased is a male, approximately forty years old, and the time of death was approximately 20 days. There were no fatal injuries or drowning. For the cause of death, you must first find the deceased head," Wu Xia opened the autopsy report and briefly told.

"How is the head of the deceased removed?" Li Zhan Kun asked.

"Judging by the shape of the wound, it should be a sharp ax-like weapon."

"No battle wounds were found on the deceased?" Han Bin asked.


"This shows that the deceased probably knew the suspect and was unprepared before being attacked," Zheng Kaixuan took over.

"What did the technical team find?" Li Zhan Kun asked.

"Fingerprints, DNA, clothing fibers, and cords from the deceased were collected, and photographs of the scene were taken, but no evidence was found that could prove the identity of the deceased," said Lu Wen.

"Compare the fingerprints and DNA of the deceased with the database to see if the identity of the suspect can be found," Li Zhan Kun said.

"Yes, Captain."

After explaining the situation, the people from the forensic department and the technical team returned to the branch and handed over the place to the criminal investigation team.

"Old Li, you came earlier than me, is there anything else on the scene?" Zheng Kaixuan asked.

"A blue nylon rope was tied to the deceased's right foot, and the other end of the rope was broken. I guess it was originally tied to a heavy object," Li Zhan Kun guessed.

"Well, it is very likely that the heavy object was broken and the body surfaced," Zheng Kaixuan said.

"Does your team have any other discoveries?" Li Zhan Kun asked rhetorically.

Zheng Kaixuan didn't answer; he turned his head to look at Han Bin: "Han Bin, what you found?"

Han Bin didn't know if Zheng Kaixuan had other discoveries, or just wanted to give himself a chance to speak. He organized the language and said:

"Under normal circumstances, if it is a kidnapping, murder, or blood feud, the victim should be bound by the back, and the hands of the deceased are bound by the front, indicating the deceased was bound without resistance, otherwise he would not be willing to let others bind him."

Zheng Kaixuan nodded, which was helpful in analyzing the deceased's cause of death and committing the crime. Li Zhan Kun smiled and looked at Han Bin and said: "You are right, do you have any other findings?"

Han Bin did not hide his shyness and took a look at the surrounding environment: "I think this place is not the first crime scene, and I believe the corpse has been moved from place to place and thrown here by the sea after becoming like this.

Li Zhan Kun looked at Han Bin with searching eyes: "What is the reason?"

"First, the water level here is relatively shallow, and bodies can easily float to the surface; second, the river beaches are surrounded by wetlands, so it is difficult to dispose of the bodies by means of transport; besides, there are a lot of people playing here, which is not an ideal place to dump bodies," Han Bin spoke freely.

"Han Bin is right. It is very important to find the first place where the corpse was dumped, and it will help to find clues to the source of the corpse," Zheng Kaixuan showed an encouraging look.

Han Bin continued: "I think the place where the corpse was dumped is probably in the upper Moon River, and the corpse floated here after following the water current and flowing downs the stream."

"What Han Bin said is reasonable. It is very important to find the first dumping ground, which is conducive to helping us find a clue to the source of the corpse," Li Zhan Kun smiled and gave a look. then encouraging he suggested: "So let's divide the work between the two teams. Our criminal investigation team will investigate the source of the corpse, and the third team will investigate the location of the corpse. What do you think?"

"Yes, Old Li." Zheng Kaixuan replied.

"Old Zheng let's keep in touch, remember to let me know if you have any new clues," Li Zhan Kun said a word and left with a group of people.

After seeing the first team leave, Zheng Kaixuan said to everyone: "You heard it; our task now is to find the place where the corpse was dumped."

"Captain Zheng, it seems the first team wants to leave us away from the investigation," Wei Zi Mo touched his chin and mumbled.

"Put your little thoughts aside, and we are divided in cooperation, and cooperation is the main thing, do you understand?" Zheng Kaixuan hummed.

"So let's work with the first team to handle the case. Who is responsible for solving the case?" Li Hui asked.

"You don't need thinking so much. The leader of the task force is Supreme Manager Dai. He is an old man with fiery eyes, so he will naturally be able to handle the case and perform well. Show your good doing is the honor of our third team in play," Zheng Kaixuan said, glancing at his colleagues and showing what he had on his shoulders, this thing is not a decoration.

Dai Minghan's absence from the scene doesn't mean he doesn't understand the situation here...

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