Destroying the Virgin-the Making of a Saint-

Chapter 6: Destruction and Preservation

Chapter 6: Destruction and Preservation

Having restrained her hands and feet, I meticulously bound Akane to a custom-made chair that I had set up in the garage. As much as I hated to imagine it, I could not let my guard down, for it was conceivable that Akane would betray me and escape.

Such precautions would no longer be warranted should Akane ever learn of my genuine intentions, but until then, it was imperative that I carefully restrain her, even though it pained me to do so.

Stop! Please release me! shouted Akane as I silently proceeded with the restraints. The garage was soundproofed, so the risk of being detected by people in the surrounding area through sound was infinitesimally slim.

Besides I did not try to gag Akane because I felt it would be heartbreaking to deprive her of her lovely melodious voice by covering her mouth any further.

The girl I caught sight of at the university was at all times brimming with joy. Always chatting and laughing with her friends, putting all her effort into her club activities and classes, she was always surrounded by smiles and laughter. I was fascinated by such a woman she was.

However, I wondered about that now. What comprised her was fear, apprehension, and aversion The figure of her strapped to a chair, half-crying, was a sight I had never laid my eyes on before.

Right. I brought out a new side of Akane today. I have brought forth the Akane that nobody had ever known

And when I thought about what kind of voice she would produce with her own mouth from now on, I didnt want to do anything that would be a disservice to her, like covering up her mouth.

Screams of writhing in agony? Moans of disgrace? Whichever one I visualized, I couldnt control my excitement.

You, for what why did you do this to me please, let me return

The words emanating from Akane, though, were the same words as before. All I heard were words of rejection.

At first, it was a novel sensation, but I soon became weary of all the words that kept rejecting me.

Saying the same things again and again even I would get tired of it.

Akane, were you mocking me?

Why didnt you utter words that would gratify me?

I despised fools. I had hoped that Akane would be different, but as it turned out, she was one of those fools who could only study a little and was nothing more than a fool.

Why are you staying silent since earlier? You must have a purpose, right?

Therefore, unable to perceive my true intentions, nor understand why she was trapped in this predicament, the same words kept recurring repeatedly.

Even if I speak to you verbally, it is futile. Regrettably, I have come to the realization that you are too foolish to discern my true intentions with words alone.

I hated explaining things over and over to fools even more.

To begin with, whether you understood or not, my thoughts and actions would not change at all. Explanation was meaningless. In time, even if you didnt comprehend it, I would personally make you memorize it.

That voice

Surely you havent forgotten? About my voice. No matter how uninterested you are in me, its the voice of the man who forcibly pushed you down. That sense of disgust should have imprinted itself in your brain.

With my voice ringing in her ears, even Akane finally seemed to grasp the situation faintly.

I removed the cloth covering my face and revealed my face to Akane. I could tell that Akanes face was turning ashen.

You what exactly are you! What is your purpose for doing this to me

Please spare me the repetition. I dont suppose you can understand me even if I tell you in words. Nor do you need to understand. All you have to do is to stay by my side in silence. Until the day your existence is preserved in perpetuity.

I did not seek her consent any longer.

Akane merely had to obey me.

As long as she did so, she would eventually catch on to my philosophy of action, even if she hated it.

For that purpose, I may have to subject her to more or less suffering, but in order to preserve her eternally, I was compelled to do so.

Even if I destroyed her now, I would create a new her.

Dont fool around this time Ill file against you

I need to re-educate you in various ways for that cause.

Only Akane and I were in this space. We had plenty of time.

The life of re-educating you to my taste, to remold and preserve you as the ideal beauty has already commenced.

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