Demon Lord Gets Married

Chapter 158

Chapter 158 - It Seems like Your Charm Is Not Enough

Yin Xu really wanted to ask them how they “have to have it”, but before he could do anything, he saw a group of over a hundred riders gallop over.

The leader was dressed in copper armor, he reined himself off the horse and directly strode to Teng Yu and knelt down on one knee, “General Cheng Yi greets the three His Highness The Prince s.”

“There's no need for General Cheng to be so courteous, you should rise. Has Lady Yu been saved?” Teng Yu lowered his head and sized up the high-ranking officer he had never seen before, and secretly nodded in his heart, he was a man with a straight face.

“In reply to Your Highness, he has been rescued and the suspect has been arrested. This general was worried about your comfort, so I came over first.”

The martial artists in the surroundings were dumbfounded. No matter how bold they were, they would not dare to confront the imperial army head on. Normally, when they were fighting with the bailiffs, it would be a small matter.

What's more, this was a prince. He was a character that was completely unrelated to them.

Teng Yu flung his sleeves and left with Yin Xu. He did not plan to fight with the martial artists anymore, and did not have the intention to kill them all.

He did not say anything, and Cheng Yi did not make things difficult for the martial artists either. He was very clear about what had happened in Hui State City, but he had yet to take action.

The more they watched from the sidelines, the more surprised he became by Third Prince's performance. The Third Prince that did not turn out to be a martial artist in his memory was actually nowhere to be seen, and the martial art and character of the person in front of him could be said to be perfect.

Cheng Yi, who saw all of this, had the urge to stand up as well. However, he was a martial general, and was promoted by the Emperor himself.

After escorting Third Prince back to the Yin Residence, Cheng Yi took the chance to leave first.

Yin Xu laughed at Teng Yu: “Looks like this person has seen through everything. Your charm isn't enough yet.”

Teng Yu carried him into the side room in the backyard, and got someone to bring in a huge bucket of hot water to take a bath with Yin Xu.

After taking off his clothes, Yin Xu inspected Teng Yu from top to bottom, but didn't discover any injuries, so he relaxed. That old man had cultivated some kind of poison, and even Qing Xiaoyan's profound inner force couldn't withstand it.

“Then the father and son of Qing Family won't die for a while, right?” Teng Yu put down his arms and hugged her, as one of his hands moved behind his back in an ambiguous manner.

Yin Xu raised his eyebrows, and his body automatically leaned closer as he whispered into Yue Yang's ear, “Don't worry, it's enough for us to fight a big battle.”

After he finished speaking, he deliberately licked Teng Yu's earlobes, and laughed deeply. However, in the next moment, Teng Yu rudely covered his mouth, causing the two of them to pant.

Behind the screen, the rhythmic sound of water splashing and low moans could be heard. The guards outside the door all dodged three feet, but the ecstatic sounds lingered in their ears, causing the group of tough old men to blush.

In the end, it was Han Qing who personally stood guard, allowing these guards to set them free.

When the two Masters came out of their room, Han Qing reported as usual: “Master, Residence Master Yu and Alliance Master Qing wish to see you.”

“The person Qing Xiaoyan wants to see is not me.” Teng Yu helped pull the cape off Yin Xu's shoulders, and when his fingers drew a line across the roots of his neck, a smile appeared in his eyes.

Yin Xu glared at him, pulled up his collar a little, and walked around him, “I'm going to take a look at that Qing Family father and son pair. It's not easy to take in a disciple, you can't let him die.”

The father and son duo from Qing Family were arranged in a room to the west of the residence, which could be considered the most secluded courtyard. It could be seen how displeased they were with the father and son duo.

The moment Yin Xu walked in, he saw Qingsheng listening to his father's words in a lifeless state. It was as if he knew that he had an additional master, which was why his face was filled with worry, and was even more sad than his father's death.

Not only that, he also remembered that he had been scared out of his wits and lost all his face. How could he not be worried?

“Young Master Huo.” Seeing him enter, Qing Xiaoyan heaved a sigh of relief, if he still didn't come, then he would rush out to capture him.

Yin Xu ordered someone to bring in a bowl of blood and handed the dagger over to Qing Xiaoyan to let him bleed. The poison on his body had not been resolved, it was only temporarily suppressed.

Qing Xiaoyan came with a death wish, so he didn't ask him what to do or resist. He obediently let out half a bowl of blood.

“You can leave.” After releasing the blood, Yin Xu waved him out, and directly walked towards Qingsheng.

Qingsheng's face turned white, he grabbed the sheet and stared straight at the young man who was walking towards him, he did not believe that this young man could save him, how old was he? Even a genius doctor wasn't this young.

“You seem scared.” Yin Xu laughed sinisterly, grabbed his hand and channeled a Demonic Qi into his body. Not long after, he thoroughly understood the condition of his body.

The reason he accepted Qingsheng as his disciple was undoubtedly because of a prank, but there was also another reason. He felt that this brat could be considered a good candidate, and his personality was also rather foolish, making him easy to control.

He let go of his hands, picked up a clean cloth to wipe his hands, and ordered, “Take off your clothes.”

“What do you want to do?” Qingsheng nervously held onto his chest.

Yin Xu smacked the corner of his mouth, and sent a slap over, “Did you get born with a brain? What do you think I want to do to you? Do not look in the mirror! “

Qingsheng thought: Can you blame me for thinking too much?

He had already noticed along the way that the boy and the tall youth had an unusual relationship. It would be strange if he did not think much about the fact that someone who liked men wanted him to take off his clothes.

Moreover, he believed himself to be a person with a good reputation in the martial arts world and it was normal for people to take a fancy to him.

“Take it off!”

Qingsheng trembled as he ripped off the dirty clothes on his body. On his back, there was a black palm print that looked like a monster baring its fangs and brandishing its claws, almost occupying half of his back.

Yin Xu frowned, and gently pressed down on the palm imprint, only to hear a miserable wail: “Ah!”

Teng Yu was in the hall welcoming Yu Xuezhong, the other party had a heart full of gratitude, and even gave him two large carriages as gifts, which suited his personality.

Even if the emperor knew, he would only think that he had made a fortune in order to repay the debt of gratitude. If he didn't give anything in return, it would only make it seem that they were too familiar with each other.

From then on, Teng Yu knew that he had completely won over Yu Xuezhong. This kind of person might be impressed by your talents, but to have him be loyal and devoted, there was no bargaining chip like showing gratitude.

“No need for Lord Yu to thank me again and again. The one who saved your wife is Cheng Yi, and the one who really needs to thank is him.”

“This official understands. Tomorrow, I will bring my son and my son to pay my respects.” He knew that this gratitude was only one side, the most important thing was to help Third Prince coax Cheng Yi.

With today's friendship, he would be able to come knocking. As for whether or not he could pull the other party into the Third Prince, that would depend on his own abilities.

Teng Yu was very satisfied with his intelligence, the biggest difference between a civil servant and a general was that no matter how roundabout he talked with civil servant, the other party would understand what he meant.

This was also the advantage that civil officials had.

When he raised his head, Teng Yu saw the child who was peeking outside. It was the quasi-attendant that Yin Xu brought back, he clung to the door frame and only revealed a head that was too big for a normal child. His eyes were dark and bright, if it was at night, it would definitely have a frightening effect.

Teng Yu waved him in and asked: What's the matter? are you looking for me? “

The child nodded and whispered something into the hem of his shirt.

Teng Yu thought he heard wrongly and asked in shock, “What did you say?”

The kid looked up, stole a glance at him, then lowered his head and said with a flushed face, “Young Master is in another man's room …” “Strip…”

After hesitating and saying these words, the child ran off with a red face, leaving behind the Prefect who was in a daze and Teng Yu who was laughing loudly.

“Looks like this kid knows what's good for him.” Teng Yu was very satisfied with his actions of leaking information today. He reckoned that he was usually eating, drinking, and sleeping with Yin Xu, making the latter treat him as his master.

Yu Xuezhong was shocked by the content of his words. According to the meaning of it, it seemed as if the Seventh Young Master Huo and the other person were involved, he immediately stood up and said, “I still have matters to attend to in the residence, and the kidnappers still need to be interrogated.

“Take care.” Teng Yu was also curious about what Yin Xu was doing, so he asked the servants to send Yu Xuezhong out to the backyard.

After knowing where Yin Xu was, Teng Yu quickened his pace, on the way, he met Wang Ren who was jogging back to where he was standing, a smile hung on his lips, and with one arm, he held the little fellow under his arm, and carried him halfway.

“Put…” Put me down! ” When the child saw who it was, he protested quietly.

“Don't move, how long are you going to run on those two thin, fleshless legs of yours? Seeing that you have performed quite well today, tomorrow I will get Han Qing to bring you along to learn martial arts. “

Although this little brat had recently started practicing martial arts, he would give pointers to anyone he could. If he didn't have any, he would just squat down and do horse steps. His perseverance wasn't bad.

Unfortunately, his body was still too weak. If he were to squat for less than an hour, he would definitely faint.

When Wang Ren heard his name, his eyes lit up. He knew that all the guards at home would listen to Han Qing, and it was said that their martial arts were extremely high. As for Teng Yu and Yin Xu, whose martial arts were the highest, they were completely ruled out.

Teng Yu carried the kid that was not much heavier than a little chicken and walked into the side courtyard.

He thought to himself in amusement: If Yin Xu called him that one day in bed, he would definitely not be in his bed for half a year, no, a month instead.

Outside the room, Qing Xiaoyan was confronting Ding Yi. Teng Yu did not think that Ding Yi would be a match for Qing Xiaoyan, and he was probably looking forward to seeing why did not charge in.

Even if he didn't die, he would be paralyzed. Even if the genius doctor were to make a move, at most, he would only be able to heal's injuries. It would be impossible for Qingsheng to recover from that.

But now that Yin Xu had made his move, he was not sure if this young man could give him an endless amount of surprises.

Teng Yu thought that the most correct thing he had done in his life was to follow Teng Yi to the Liu State. That was why he met Yin Xu;

The howls inside the house lasted for an entire two hours, scaring all the birds in the courtyard away. Teng Yu did not wait until the end, and went back after standing in the courtyard for a while.

Qing Xiaoyan stood there nervously for two hours straight, but even he could not hold on much longer, he moved a chair over and waited.

Towards this Martial Union Master, the people in the manor did not have much respect, but they would not provoke him for no reason either, and basically treated him as an ordinary guest.

Four hours later, that tightly closed door finally opened. Yin Xu walked out wearing a set of spotlessly white clothes.

Qing Xiaoyan grabbed him and asked: “How is my son?”

Yin Xu pushed him away and threw him a prescription, “Don't be in such a hurry to go in, find someone to go get the medicine, remember to pay for the medical fees.”

Although Qing Xiaoyan was anxious to see his son, he knew that it was not the time to fight against Yin Xu. He immediately called for his eldest disciple, instructing him to do it personally.

In this battle, although many people from the orthodox sects had lost their energy, they did not suffer any injuries. The Sect Leader s were all still alive, and compared to the War of the Righteous Evil, this time, it was not considered a fierce battle.

But Qing Xiaoyan knew that this was just the beginning, and what they would face in the future would possibly be endless amounts of revenge from Evil Sect, and it would probably be a long time before they would have peace in the martial arts world.

And after this time, it was unknown whether or not their Qing Family would still be able to retain the position of being a Martial Union Master.

Thinking of this, Qing Xiaoyan became somewhat dispirited. He self-deprecated: So what if it's Alliance Master? There were a few sects that sincerely followed him, so he didn't have to be the chief of one of them.

He raised his head and looked at the teenager in front of him. His complexion was clear and his eyes were clear.

He dared to guarantee with his life that the martial art this youth used at that time was not Huo Family nor was it any martial art from any famous or upright sect.

If Yin Xu knew what he was thinking, he would definitely laugh out loud. He might not even be able to see the proper martial arts, what humans learn was not important, what was important was the suitability.

Yin Xu came from the Demonic Cultivator, and had done all sorts of heinous crimes, his body was covered in debts of blood, but Dao cultivators might not have never done this kind of thing. On the contrary, as a cultivator, from start to finish, he maintained his true heart, his heart, and his will.

This was also why there was always some contradiction in his body. Even Teng Yu, who was the closest to him, could not simply describe his true nature with one word.

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