Dawning Skye

Chapter 489

489 Toasts And An Argument


The evening was meant to be fun and relaxing, but Skye didn’t think that would be possible about fifteen minutes after she’d entered the room. The diplomats and nobles swarmed her in an effort to convince her to come and visit their kingdom or territory after her trip to Sai was over. She tried to be polite, but was about to lose her cool when a high-ranking merchant from Ital brushed up against her arse on purpose.

Skye turned and stared at him with daggers in her eyes, but all he did was lick his lips at her. It was meant to be seductive, but just grossed her out instead. She was about to snap at them all when Tidas pushed his way through the crowds. With a hard look in his eyes, he smirked and told them all that visiting other places would have to wait for a few years..

“We plan on expanding our family after our relations with Sai are established. So I’m afraid we’ll have to decline your offers to visit, for now,” Tidas stated loudly as he pulled Skye against him.

The wave of disappointment and resentment towards Tidas that filled the room was staggering. It would make most flinch, but Tidas grinned at them all. Skye chose him and loved him; he didn’t care what others thought or said.

Lord Abari in particular glared at Tidas like he really could kill him by staring hard enough. He brushed it off without batting an eye, which seemed to bother the lord even more. As the food was being brought out and the discontent was building, Lawrence and Shasta finally arrived.

Magnus sighed in relief as his son and future wife drained all of the tension from the room. Shasta wore a black dress with gold and silver symmetrical designs all over it. Her hair was down and curled, framing her face in a very complimentary way. Lawrence’s suit matched her dress almost exactly, and even Victor and Anna matched by wearing gold and silver colored outfits.

They made a beautiful family, and Shasta looked like she belonged with them. As the cheers slowly died down, Magnus stood to deliver a toast about the couple. He went on about how Alcon and Ruscovic’s bond was being made even stronger by their union, and that he was happy to welcome Shasta as a daughter-in-law.

A few snarky comments were made on Karena’s behalf by a couple of Marco’s lackey nobles, but that was the only negative things heard. After the food was dished up and served, Lawrence and Shasta went around thanking everyone for attending the rehearsal dinner, which was really more like an exclusive dinner party. They didn’t do any of the traditional things done during a rehearsal dinner except the toasts.


Tidas’ speech was sweet, but as long as his father’s. He went off about how he had met Shasta, fought both with her, and alongside her, and how missed she would be once she went to Ruscovic. Shasta teared up, then started to flat-out cry when Zas spoke. Lawrence was the only one of the wedding party keeping it together.

Tidas’ speech about Lawrence was shorter and funnier, but still heartwarming. He joked about growing up together, his excessive partying, then turned sweet when he brought up Lawrence’s marriage to Anastasia. A few thought it would turn awkward when he brought it up, but Tidas believed that Anastasia would’ve loved Shasta.

After the children had chimed in with their agreement, Tidas went on about his brother’s aversion with commitment. That was until he had finally realized that ‘his soul mate was right in front of him’. At the end, Lawrence got up and gave his brother a hug, which earned ‘awes’ throughout the room.

After they each retook their seats, Zas gave his toast, then Skye went after. She stood up with her glass raised, then looked directly at Shasta, and addressed her instead of the entire room. What she had to say was for Shasta, and public speaking wasn’t something she did if she could avoid it.

In her best courtier voice, Skye spoke with a gentle tone; “I haven’t known you very long, but I don’t think I’ve ever had a closer friend. You’re honest, and kind, and I’ve never had as much fun playing the violin and dancing as I do with you..”

“We didn’t get along when we first met, but we grew to see each other as equals, and now you’re one of my most cherished friends. You’re smart, funny, kind, and ferocious: you were born ta be a Queen. You two were made fer each other, and I canna wait to be able to call you my sister.”

Shasta had to wipe her eyes several times between getting up, hugging Skye, and sitting back down. Tidas was her best friend for years, but he was also Lawrence’s brother, and still slightly a macho-type. Skye was the first female human to treat her like a regular person. She’d never had someone to confide in about her emotions before, especially romantic ones.

Skye had given Shasta the push she needed to pursue Lawrence, as well as Lawrence himself. They owed her a special thank you for her meddling, but would have to wait until she returned from Sai to do anything truly special for her. The only thing they could do was pay for something special for her little family..

After taking her seat, Shasta leaned towards Lawrence and whispered; “Will Athena and Sven have it finished in time? They leave the day after tomorrow.”

Lawrence kissed her cheek before he replied; “They’re here if you want to ask them yourself.. Don’t worry, my love. They’ll have it finished. I trust Athena’s word.”

“I do too, I’m just concerned because we sprung the order on them so suddenly,” Shasta replied as she cupped his cheek and smiled adoringly at him.

As they broke apart, Lawrence said; “You just focus on our day tomorrow, okay? I promise that we’ll give it to them before they finish loading up their ship.”

Shasta nodded her understanding, then went back to listening to the toasts from their guests. Everyone ate and talked after the few others like Marie, Maevis, and several officers made their own toasts to the happy couple. As the final RMC officer finished, Magnus stood up, and called for the special desserts to be brought out.

As trays of milkshakes were brought out for everyone to choose from, the main doors swung open, and announced the entrance of Prince Marco. The room practically exploded with speculation and surprise as the Crowned Prince walked in like nothing was amiss. He greeted his brother and future sister-in-law, then his father.

The moment Magnus and Marco locked eyes, the King snapped at his eldest son..

“Where the Bloody Hell have you Been?! Do you have any idea what has happened while you were away?!”

Marco quirked an eyebrow at his father; “I heard what happened to Karena, and I agree with your decision. Draco should be returning shortly from delivering my ex-wife to her brother.”

Magnus slammed his scepter on the floor; “Their coach went missing! Your guard and Wife are most likely dead! Where the Hell were you?! Why didn’t you check in or send a fucking message?!”

Marco didn’t even flinch as he replied; “They’re not dead. They were attacked by bandits, but Draco got Karena away. She is currently with her brother. I can show you the letter Draco sent me if you’d like. I just received it this morning.”

Magnus glared at his oldest son; “Why didn’t you send word when you heard Karena was exiled?!”

Marco shrugged as he walked over to his father, and stood before him; “Just because she was my wife doesn’t mean that I am responsible for her choices. She was a princess and future Queen: I assumed that I could trust her judgement, and her ability to temper her emotions. But apparently I was wrong. I did send Draco in my stead to handle the situation-”

Magnus’ temper flared as he yelled; “This was Not something that your fucking Guard should’ve handled! It Should’ve been You! She’s Your wife-”

“WAS my wife, Father. She shamed herself and our family by attacking Skye, as well as her other foul deeds. Karena has changed over the years, and has become unfit to be my Queen. She broke our marriage the moment she was banished, not me,” Marco had cut his father off just like he had done to him.

The two stood staring at each other a few moments before Magnus walked around, and stood directly in front of Marco; “I do not care what her conduct was! I am discussing yours! You should have been here for her trial! Your brother used the entirety of the RMC to look for you and your wife! Where were you?!”

Marco put his hand on his father’s shoulder as he spoke in a flat tone; “I will discuss that with you in private later. I was hunting, then I learned a few interesting things while out..”

Turning his head slightly, Marco looked right at Tidas with a stony expression. He had no idea why, and didn’t flinch away when their eyes met. Tidas felt something in his brother’s hard stare; akin to gloating, but also a warning.

When his eyes fell on Skye, a small grin tugged at the corners of his mouth for a split second. Tidas had caught it, but he wasn’t sure if anyone else had. When he glanced at Skye to see if she had, he noticed that her eyes were locked on his father. Magnus’ face went blank for a moment, then he agreed with his son’s excuse.

It was at that moment that Tidas realized that his father was completely backing off, despite his level of anger. It wasn’t normal for Magnus MacArthur to hear an answer like ‘I’ll tell you later’, and accept it. He always insisted upon being shown respect, and Marco had clearly disrespected him by arguing and blowing him off in front of their guests.

The guests themselves were already gossiping and sharing theories about the prince’s possible whereabouts. Some said that he had a new mistress, while others speculated that he went to Meccano to smooth things over with his brother-in-law. A few even suggested that he’d gone to scout out the Sync kingdom himself.

After taking his place at his father’s side, Marco stayed standing while he announced; “I honestly did go on a hunting trip outside of Dragonhorn. We came across a nest of trolls around the Folly’s Caves. My guards took care of most of them, but it did take a while. I apologize for my delay, Father.”

Magnus smiled and nodded Luke he couldn’t care less as he picked at his plate. Skye tapped on her husband’s shoulder, and whispered; “I think we just saw a wee bit of pre-programmin’.. Whatcha think?”

Tidas nodded; “The hand on the shoulder, aye?”

“Aye.. I didna sense any magic, so I think-”

“I agree, but let’s discuss this afterwards. Too many ears around us,” Tidas replied as he kissed the top of her hand.

Skye nodded her understanding, then glanced over at Marco. He was talking with a few of his supporters who had flocked to him the moment that they could. As she watched him talking, it was like he kept forcing himself not to smile.. ‘Why does he look so happy? That canna be good..’

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