Dawning Skye

Chapter 420

420 Through Ten Layers


Skye and Tidas sprinted down the hallway as quickly as they could without using their Tank traits to do the actual running. They had heightened their senses to avoid the various people scattered throughout the halls. Drawn from their preoccupations by the ruckus in the ballroom.

As they neared, the sparse people started to become crowds. Skye and Tidas had to stop running, and wade through the gathering spectators to reach the doorway. They could easily tell that it was Shasta and Karena yelling, and the things being said were outrageous..

Karena’s voice rang out; “You Stupid Animal! I was trying to help you, but now I’m going to make Sure that your wedding is remembered as the WORST thing to Ever happen in the palace! Honestly! What is Lawrence thinking marrying a beast like you!”

Skye and Tidas could hear a mixture of foot movements and banging noises before Shasta spoke in a strained voice; “Can’t have a wedding without the bride and groom, Bitch! You’re gonna look exactly like the fucking idiot you are! Throwing a wedding for people that hate you, and Won’t Go!”

The scuffling noises grew loudest the closer they neared. Skye glanced at Tidas with a worried expression, but it had instantly shifted to panic when they heard the familiar clang of metal caused by swords striking each other. Now shoving their way through, Skye rounded the corner just in time to see Shasta deflect a lethal blow from Karena’s guard.

Not noticing her in-laws’ presence yet, Karena smiled as she said; “Oh, you will attend your wedding. And you will wear what I tell you to wear, and do what I Tell you to do. This is my kingdom, not yours. I am it’s Queen, and you’re a soldier. You were lucky that you were Allowed to marry a king.. filthy mongrel..”

Shasta wasn’t trying to use her full strength against Karena’s guard: just enough not to die. She knew that any harm done to him could be construed as hostility towards Karena. Knowing her as well as she did; Shasta knew that Karena would spin it that way regardless.

Most of the gathered spectators were nobles, and wouldn’t mind fibbing to gain the favor of their Future Queen of their kingdom. Shasta may be a future queen as well, but that was for Ruscovic. If they were forced to side with one of them: it would be Karena.


Thinking only allies surrounded her, Karena locked eyes with her bodyguard, smiled evilly, then said; “Protect me, Draco. She still means to harm me, and as a threat, you have to-”

“That is Enough, Karena!” Tidas yelled as Skye slammed into Draco’s side.

It was a bit more aggressive that she had wanted it to be, but seeing Shasta in danger had triggered Skye’s ire. Draco hit the ground, rolled once, then was up on his feet with his blade at the ready to fight. Skye smirked as she lifted a hand, and said; “If ye wanna stay on this story of the palace, then I suggest ya drop the sword.”

Knowing what Skye’s four traits were, Draco straightened up, and said; “Sorry, Princess.. But I have to follow her orders. I don’t want to, but it’s my job.”

“Aye, I get ya,” Skye replied before looking over at a shocked Karena and yelling; “Ye gonna call him off, or do I need ta drop you a story or two?!”

Shaking her from her shocked state, Karena glared at Skye and yelled back; “She tried to assault me! I had every right to tell Draco to defend me!”

Skye sighed; “First off: Defendin’ ya and orderin’ him ta blatantly murder fer ya are two very different things. Secondly: if Shasta wanted ta kill ya, do ye really think that yer head would still be attached to yer neck right now?”

Karena scoffed in a flustered manner; “Well, she is just an animal. She Tried to hurt me, and missed.”

“Shasta would never miss her target.. Especially a pathetically slow one like you,” Tidas commented as he went to stand directly in front of her.

He had never seemed threatening in any way to Karena, but right then: a jolt of fear surged through her. The unfettered anger she saw in his demeanor reminded her of Marco for a split second, making her seem hesitant. Seeing his chance, Tidas made sure to speak loud enough for the onlookers to hear as well..

“You do realize that Shasta is not only the Vice Commander of the RMC, but the future Queen of Ruscovic, right?”

Stilled dazed, Karena shook her head in agreement before Tidas continued; “Then what the Hell were you thinking?! Do you have Any idea how my Father will react when he finds out that you have jeopardized a treaty with his second son?!”

Karena tried to defend herself by saying; “Lawrence would never break ties with his father. Especially not for a beast woman.”

Tidas took a threatening step towards her; “Call her a beast or animal in my presence again, and I’ll order you whipped myself! And my Father will support it because you have Openly violated his decree! Shasta is a Fae, not an animal. And the only beast around here is you.”

As Karena’s face started to turn red with both fury and embarrassment, Tidas continued; “Lawrence loves Shasta, and my Father knows that. Do you honestly think that he will side with an arrogant Princess who holds no political sway over his alliance with Ruscovic?”

“I was a Princess of Meccano long before I was one here! My brother will-”

Tidas narrowed his eyes on Karena, and cut her off; “Your brother is already on thin ice with my Father, And your husband. Do you think that Marco will risk his alliance with his brother for you?”

Karena knew that Tidas was right, and was enraged by the fact that he had said it out loud. Not that many knew yet that Meccano’s loyalty was in question, but now inquiries and rumors would begin to spread. She didn’t care about her brother as much since he had put her in her situation, but hated that she would be gossiped about now as well.

Image was everything to Karena because her future position as Queen of Alcon depended upon it. If she were charged with suspicion of treason due to the people’s demand for it, then she may never see the crown on top of her head. This singular thought made Karena snap..

“How DARE You disrespect me! She IS nothing but an animal! I was put in charge of training her to pass as close to human as possible, and I am doing my best! It’s not my fault that with as Old as she is, she never learned Propriety! It is MY reputation on the line when it comes to this wedding, so I was Trying to make it beautiful..”

Karena looked passed Tidas at Shasta as she added; “But I guess that’s not possible with a Beast for a Bride!”

Shasta growled loud enough for Tidas to hear her, and bent her knees like she was going to pounce, but she never got the chance. Skye zipped across the room, and stopped off to the side off Karena. The force released from when she had stopped was strong enough to knock Karena over.

As Skye looked down apathetically at an outraged Karena, she spoke in an unnervingly calm tone; “If you insult me friend one more time, I’ll slap ya so hard that not even yer ten layers of makeup will cover up me hand print..”

Karena had never been treated in such a way in public: ever. Marco beat her both physically and mentally on a regular basis, but no one had Ever disrespected her in public before Skye had come along. Since then, her place in the palace had become uncertain.

The rumors about Skye and Marco had infuriated her at first, but not due to any emotional attachment to her husband. Marco was a cruel bastard, and Karena hated him more than anyone for what he had put her through. The main reason that she hated Skye was because she was a threat to her position as Queen..

Karena had heard the gossip more often than she cared to count: Skye would make a far better Queen of Alcon that she would. She couldn’t understand how people could think that, considering that she was common-born, but no one could deny her power.

‘The only reason anyone thinks it is because she has four traits. Without her magic, Skye would be rotting away with some merchant’s son. Sold off by Lucas to the highest bidder.. This bitch doesn’t belong here!’

Before Karena could stop herself, she was in Skye’s face. She was screaming about Skye being a commoner whore, and that she was probably servicing all of the MacArthur men. Right as she raised a hand to slap Skye, Tidas grabbed her wrist..

Locked into her tirade, Karena whipped around, and slapped Tidas in the face. She stopped for a split second when she had realized what she’d done, but then immediately launched back into berating Skye. Tidas was completely still as he tried to keep his calm..

‘If she had a hundred and fifty pounds on her, I’d deck her.. Oh shit..’

Tidas’ last thought was triggered by the pure fury he saw reflected in his wife’s eyes. Skye’s breathing was quick and deep, and she was gripping her hands so hard that her knuckles had turned white. Before Tidas could do or say anything: Skye slapped Karena across the face..

Silence filled the room as Karena gripped her cheek. Her ears were ringing lightly as she turned to face Skye again. Her eyes bulged from their sockets as she stared at the woman who had been nothing but a problem since the day she had arrived. Overcome with every negative emotion swirling within her, Karena took a deep breath, and screamed; “KILL HER!”

Nothing happened. Another few endless seconds passed, and Draco still wasn’t in action. Furious, Karena looked over at her guard..

Draco and Shasta were both on their knees, facing the doorway. When Karena glanced over, her heart sank in her chest as her eyes first fell on an outraged Magnus. Lawrence looked more worried than anything as he stared at his roughed-up fiancé.

Karena didn’t feel fear until she saw the momentary expression on Marco’s face. He looked like he wanted to kill her himself, and the intent was nearly overwhelming from just a glance. If he wouldn’t have voluntarily masked his anger, she might’ve died from it right then and there.

Magnus motioned for Shasta and Draco to rise as they entered the room. Skye and Tidas gave the shorter royal bow, then asked what they were doing there. Lawrence immediately went to check on Shasta as Magnus asked; “What the Hell happened here?!”

Skye huffed at her father-in-law as she replied in a low voice that only those closest could hear; “I think the better question here is what the Bloody Hell were ya thinkin’ puttin’ Karena in charge of Shasta and Lawrence’s wedding?!”

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