Darkening System Start From Naruto

Chapter 355: Candidates, return

Chapter 355: Candidates, return

The Five Elders knelt down on one knee on the main hall.

No one dared to speak up, and didn't know what to say.

"Trash! It's all trash!"

"After raising you for so many years, is there no good way to deal with them?"

One of the Five Elders said: "Lord Im, whether it is a [pacifist] or other plans, it is currently in progress. If we choose to fight at this time, then our previous efforts will be in vain. And there will be huge losses."

The World Government has the ability to completely wipe out the rebels and the Monkey D family.

Also because of their strong strength, even if the rebels gathered so many like-minded strong men, they could not replace them for a long time.

That is the reason why he didn't have a hard heart and completely erased everything.

It's not that they have good intentions.

But because the World Government have long regarded the whole world as their property.

Hastily started a war with the rebels, as if fighting a thief in his own home. The broken furniture and the lost finances would be his own losses.

So they are always looking for the lowest loss solution.


"If the plan doesn't work, will they be allowed to be arrogant in front of us one day? If this can make us conquer the world, where's the pride in that?! This is the answer you gave me?!"

In the end, for various reasons, he insisted that he was wronged.

"Sir, please be patient. We are already looking for talented and potential candidates to cultivate. As long as the candidates we look for grow up, perhaps without waiting for the results of various plans, we can give that group of rebels a hard blow. Even without solving the Monkey D family in advance."

"The candidate? What candidate?"

One of the Five Elders stood up, bent forward, handed the documents to Im very respectfully, then stepped back and continued to kneel on one knee on the main hall.

Imm looked at the poster and asked, "Who is this person?"

"This is the best person we have selected from within the World Government, or within the marine."

Among the five posters, the first four posters are all people who conquered the world, but the owner of the last poster is wearing a marine uniform. Listening to the report of the Five Elders and looking at the marine on the poster, Im's face showed a trace of disdain and disgust.

"Is there no other people in the World Government that can't even make up these five talented guys? What's going on with this marine? Why did you choose him?"

"My lord, the marine on the poster is the most outstanding young man of this generation. Not only does he have excellent leadership skills, but he also has good strength himself. In just a few years, he has grown from an ordinary marine and promoted to rear admiral. During this period, he trained many talents for the marine and arrested many pirates. And, most importantly...he never fails!"

Having said this, even Im, who has never been fond of the marine, had to glance at the face on the poster: "What's his name?"

The Five Elders said in unison, "Rear Admiral Li Yaoxiang!"

At the same time.

Time goes back to shortly after Luffy left from Fishman Island.

East Blue.

A certain warship floating in the ocean.

Garp stood on the bow, looking out at the horizon where the sky and the ocean joined together.

One year...

Luffy has been missing for a whole year...

After returning from Judicial Island, he searched in the East Blue for half a year, but there was no news about Luffy, and there was no useful news from the marine.

His son Monkey D Dragon also learned this news and began to order the Revolutionary Army all over the world, frequently causing all kinds of troubles to the World Government.

The situation in the entire One Piece world has become more and more tense.

A war might start any moment.

Even he, who was in the marine, began to feel heavy pressure.

It made him feel more complicated.

On one side is justice and colleagues.

On one side is the son.

He didn't know what to choose.

I thought that as long as he was still alive, he would never see this scene happen, and he could act as a bridge between the two to prevent the further deterioration of the conflict between the two sides.

But he didn't to admit that everything would be changed because of Luffy's disappearance.

Now even he is powerless to stop it.

At this moment, a rough palm patted his shoulder.

The guy here is Garp's old buddy.

He is also the co-captain of this ship.

"Old man, don't think so much. Don't take all the responsibilities on yourself. Don't forget that you have a group of brothers behind you who will always support you."

Garp turned his head and patted the palm on his shoulder.

He signaled 'understood, thank you for your comfort, brother'.

But just when the two were full of love and were about to stage a big scene where brothers were like siblings, there was a slight tremor on the deck of the battleship.

In the corners of their eyes, a small unknown object appeared.

Luffy, as if nothing had happened, passed directly by the two old guys who were in love with each other.

Go to the side of the boat.

He took a deep breath, opened his big hands, receiving the sea breeze gently brushing his face and said, "Ha~ I'm finally back!"

The two comrades turned their heads to one another, stunned for 5 seconds before Garp reacted.

As soon as he reacted, Garp immediately rushed to Luffy and gave Luffy an iron fist of love directly.

The pain caused Luffy to burst into tears.

He touched his head and said, "Ouch! Old guy! Why did you hit me?!"

"Why did I hit you?! You don't know what you did?!"

Garp wanted to give Luffy a few more iron fists, but was hooked on his shoulders by his friends from behind, stopping him from his actions: "Okay, don't fight! It's good that he's back safely!"

Garp suddenly exerted his strength, shook off his friend, and gave him a vicious look.

He was so frightened that Bogard immediately raised his hand and surrendered, no more trouble.

Garp walked up to Luffy fiercely and lifted Luffy up high: "Speak! Where have you been?!"

Luffy snorted coldly and turned his head.

He folded his arms around his chest, but did not answer.

"Okay! You won't say it?! Today I'm going to show you how good the old man is! It seems that I have been too kind to you in the past..."

The friend rushed up again: "No no no no, Garp, calm down first, let me try, let me try, okay?"

Garp turned his head and stared at his friend.

Bogard smiled and said softly: "Let me, let me try."

Garp put down Luffy and moved a few steps.

Bogard squatted down, stroked Luffy's head that was just beaten, and said gently, "Little Luffy, can you tell this old man, where have you been during this time?"

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