Darkening System Start From Naruto

Chapter 350: Return of the Avengers

Chapter 350: Return of the Avengers

Arlong grabbed the back of the rabbit's neck and pushed the rabbit to Luffy.

This is the last test that Arlong gives Luffy.

Boss Rabbit is the enemy, but at the same time he is also a human. If Luffy can kill Rabbit Boss for the sake of Fish-men, it means that Luffy truly treats them as his own.

And his Arlong also secretly promised that he would never treat Luffy as an outsider from now on.

"Kill him. Kill him to prove yourself. Didn't you clamor to come out with me? Then this time the enemy will be solved by you."

As soon as these words came out, the rest of Fish-men present froze for a while.

They guessed what Arlong was thinking.

They knew what Arlong was doing.


Let a child who is only four years old do it, this is too...

Everyone showed that they couldn't bear it, but because this was the decision of Arlong, no one came out to discourage it.

However, just when everyone, including Arlong, thought that Luffy would be in trouble, but they didn't want to. When the face of the rabbit boss was just in front of Luffy, Luffy looked angry on the spot and gave '32 Brick Fist!' to him.

And it was still blow after blow, with no intention of stopping at all.

'32 Brick Fist!'

'32 Brick Fist!'

'32 Brick Fist!'

The two rabbit teeth fell off when the Boss Rabbit was hit, and he continued to fight.

Arlong was a little stunned.

He didn't expect Luffy, who was only four years old, to be so cruel.

But what everyone present didn't know was that Luffy didn't have so many thoughts in his heart at all, and he didn't know the meaning of Arlong's words. When he saw the face of Boss Rabbit, he only wanted to help those disappeared people get revenge.

He only thought in his heart that it was you nasty pirates who caused everyone to disappear.

That's it.

After fighting for a while, Arlong reacted, pulling back the dying boss Rabbit and reaching out to block Luffy. Even so, Luffy still wanted to break through Arlong's block and rushed forward to beat the rabbit boss.

He looks extra hot.

But in the end, he couldn't break free from Arlong's block.

Arlong ignored Luffy's anger.

He was very satisfied with Luffy's performance.

"Forget it, you are still young, so let me handle it."

Since Luffy is recognized as his own, Arlong will certainly not ruin Luffy's growth.

So this kind of bloody thing should be done when he grows up.

After saying that, Arlong grabbed the hand of Boss Rabbit, and with a 'click', he broke Boss Rabbit's neck, and immediately threw Boss Rabbit into the ocean in the distance.

So far, the Rabbit Pirates are completely wiped out.

Arlong once again showed the joy of victory.

The people who saw this also cheered.

All subconsciously gathered towards Luffy, and then the crowd threw Luffy one after another.

They welcome Luffy to fully integrate into this big family.

Luffy doesn't know what's going on.

But being thrown and picked up like this is fun, so let everyone continue.

In this way, this expedition ended with Luffy's laughter.

After returned to Fishman Island, the crew once again celebrated this victory.

Using the wealth scavenged in the Evil Rabbit Pirate Ship, a carnival party was held in the fishermen street. Everyone had meat to eat and wine to drink.

Luffy also attended the celebration.

In the past, when everyone met Luffy, they would more or less tease Luffy with a hint of flirting.

But this time, Luffy was hanging on his shoulders with everyone and had a complete carnival together.

Or compete and dance with people.

Or compete with people to drink, of course, he drinks juice.

Or compete with people to eat meat.

In short, everyone stopped treating Luffy as an outsider.

However, when everyone was silent in this happy atmosphere, Hody Jones, who was standing not far away and watching everything, was an exception.

He looked at Arlong who accompanied Luffy to drink together, and muttered to himself: "It is impossible for humans to coexist peacefully with fish-men. Just wait, big brother Arlong. The illusions shown by human beings are just confusing, and one day you will wake up..."

No one spotted Hody Jones muttering in the corner.

They didn't care about him either.

And Hody Jones' hatred for human beings continues to grow without everyone knowing...

Time flies.

In a blink of an eye, another half year has passed.

In the past six months, Luffy lived a very comfortable life on Fishman Island. It can be said that wherever he goes, he is a welcomed presence.

Eat and eat.

To play and have fun.

Also because of Luffy's relationship.

The plan of "Peaceful Coexistence of Mermaids and Humans", which was originally supported by half of the people and opposed by half of the people, has become nearly 70% of the residents of Fish-Man Island agree with this plan.

The remaining 30% are radicals who have a prejudice against human beings.

After all, in the past six months, human beings have never stopped offending fish-men. So they identify Luffy with all humans.

But this progress is enough to make Queen Otohime very excited.

This gave her hope.

Actions are also more motivated.

However, the good times didn't last long. On this day, half a year later, Fishman Island returned to such attitude with humans completely disrupted Queen Otohime's plan.

And this fishman is Fisher Tiger who just escaped from World Nobles.

Fisher Tiger was also the former leader of Fishman Street. Everyone in Fishman Street, including Arlong and Jinbe, respected him very much and called him the Tiger boss.

Moreover, he was also a guest of Ryugu Castle.

It can be said that it has a pivotal position in the entire Fishman Island.

And the former hot-blooded and sunny Tiger boss returned to Fishman Island this time with full of hatred.

For three years, he was enslaved by the World Nobles for three full years!

This experience made him never fall in love with humans again. This is also what he said from the bottom of his heart before his death in the original book. He would rather die of blood loss than accept human help.

It can be said that the reason why the entire fish-man island will sharply deepen the hatred of human beings in the future, as well as the great changes in the temperament of Arlong and others, are all caused by his fuse.

And the purpose of his return this time was to inform the royal family of Fishman Island that even if he offended humans, he would rescue the slaves who were imprisoned by Fishman people.

Yes, that's right.

It is a notification, not asking permission.

In order not to harm Fishman Island, he decided that he would act alone.

He will send his bare hands to the Holy Land Mary Geoise to save everyone!

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