Darkening System Start From Naruto

Chapter 347: A Genuine Part of the Group

Chapter 347: A Genuine Part of the Group

Luffy didn't care about other people's eyes, and still kept his '32 Brick Fist' there.

And at this time, Fish-men who had just shouted outside the crowd finally squeezed into the encirclement.

Arlong let Luffy beat his palm, frowning slightly: "What's wrong?"

Arlong who just broke in, bent over and put his palms on his knees, panting and said: "Hu... hu... hu... Ar... Arlong, another pirate group took our fish-men. The people of the island have been captured! They are already on their way to the auction venue!"

Heard that someone was doing something to their people on Fishman Island again.

All Fish-men present were gnashing their teeth on the spot.

And when everyone heard that the other party was already on their way to the population auction venue, everyone's expressions instantly became extremely solemn and anxious!

Everyone is very clear in their hearts, the reason why they are able to defeat humans frequently and save their partners only relies on the advantages of water conservancy.

If the battlefield is switched to land, then this advantage is really gone.

The pirates who can come here, or the human traffickers who stay here for a long time, how can they not have any strength? If there is no advantage in water conservancy, they are not the opponents of this group of people at all.

So when they heard that the enemy ships were sailing towards the location of the population auction venue, everyone's faces became so anxious.

Because everyone knows that as long as the other party is docked...

Then they will never have a chance to do it again.

"Big Brother Arlong!"

"Big Brother Arlong!"

Everyone looked anxious and looked at Arlong, hoping that Arlong could give him an idea.

Arlong glanced around, and he had nothing to hesitate, and said in a stern tone: "Then what are you waiting for? Why don't you follow me to teach those group of humans who have no idea what they've done?!"

As soon as the words came out.

On the spot, many people signed up enthusiastically, wanting to respond to the call of Arlong to fight this time.

And just when Arlong was about to lead his mates to leave the Fishman Street, Luffy stopped him at this moment: "Wait! Take me there, and I will also teach those abominable pirates with you!"

Actually, Luffy had already stopped beating Arlong's palm when Arlong reported.

He was also paying attention to the news brought by Arlong who reported the news.

Pirate, he knows those word.

He has been with Garp for a long time, and it is impossible for him not to have contact with pirates.

He knew Garp was a marine.

The marine catches pirates.

Pirates are bad guys.

But originally, the knowledge of pirates in his mind was limited to this. Even if Garp or the crew of the marine battleship had clearly told him that pirates were bad people, he still had no idea about pirates.

He also has no prejudice.

What is the bad guy?

What is the bad thing?

What does have to do with him?

However, since he came to Fishman Island, this indifferent attitude has gradually changed.

In the past six months of living on Fishman Island, he has heard a lot of news that the people of Fishman Island were abducted by pirates.

Even if he didn't understand what abduction is at first.

Accompanied by the familiar faces, the faces that invited him to dinner, and the faces that showed kindness to him, mysteriously disappeared one after another, no matter how stupid he was, it was impossible not to notice something was wrong.

When he gradually understood what was going on, this caused his view on pirates to become more and more disgusting.

If it weren't for the hardship, maybe he would have rushed up and wanted to fight with those so-called pirates.

It is rare for him to meet such an opportunity now.

He can go up and teach those pirates a lesson.

Of course he didn't want to miss it.

After hearing Luffy's cry, Arlong subconsciously stopped.

He looked at Luffy.

He showed a complicated look.

This is the first time he has shown this look in front of Luffy.

In his opinion, no matter how harmless Luffy seems to humans and animals, and how he has no prejudice against the people of Fishman Island, it cannot change the fact that Luffy is human.

So deep down in his heart, he still couldn't accept Luffy.

He's also unwilling to believe that he will acknowledge Luffy in the future.

But this kind of prejudiced concept, at this moment, Arlong has to admit that his views on Luffy have really been shaken.

He could feel Luffy's sincerity.

He could feel that Luffy was not acting.

Luffy really wants to save those fish-man island friends.

And because he confirmed this, he gradually softened towards Luffy's complicated look, and he naturally showed a smile to Luffy: "Boy, look at your strength, even if you go up, you'll just be a burden. You wait here for our good news. "


Luffy trotted to Arlong.

hugged Arlong's calf and didn't let go.

"I don't care! I just want to go! If you don't take me, I won't let go!"

Arlong was taken aback.

He didn't expect Luffy to be so stubborn.

When he planned to use strong means to throw Luffy away, he found that the younger brothers around him were looking at him with pleading eyes. Although he didn't say it, he understood what the younger brothers meant.

This is to let Luffy join the battle.

Wants to make Luffy truly one of them.

Arlong glanced around and saw that everyone was like this.

He also made a new decision in his heart.

He lowered his head and played with Luffy: "Boy, it's no joke to go up this time, and none of us will take care of your life and death. You really won't regret it?"

Luffy didn't answer

He still looks 'very fierce', holding Arlong's calf tightly.

Arlong gave a sincere smile from the bottom of his heart: "Okay! Then I'll take you up! Boy, if you die, don't blame me!"

"Take care of my sister."


"If I'm dead, help me take care of my sister."

As soon as these words came out, not only Arlong, but also the rest of the people completely let go of their vigilance against Luffy.

They never thought that at such a moment, Luffy cared about the princess of their fishman island.

Since this is the case, what is there to doubt?

Arlong smiled even brighter now: "Very good! Let's go then!"

The dust has settled.

Fish-Man Street suddenly burst into high-spirited cheers.

Seeing that Arlong was about to lead a group of people away, this time, Hody Jones finally couldn't sit still: "Big Brother Arlong! I'm going too!"

Arlong paused and cast a glance at Hody Jones: "You just stay. In case anything happens to our group, our fish-men leader needs to be passed down to a young generation as outstanding as you."

Arlong stopped talking to Hody Jones.

He turned around and led the crowd away directly...

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