Darkening System Start From Naruto

Chapter 342: Guarding Sister, Arlong Arrives

Chapter 342: Guarding Sister, Arlong Arrives

Luffy looked confused.

I don't know what's going on.

I don't know why Arlong child in front of me wanted to kneel and beg him to let his parents go.

Don't I just see that you are "hungry", so I kindly gave you my treasured chicken legs?

Why are you suddenly like this?

It was also because the child was being too noisy here, which attracted the attention of the nearby residents and began to gather here slowly. Gradually, there is a tendency to surround Luffy and his group in a circle.

The first person to react was the drunken fishman who was full of alcohol and staggered while walking.

He was drunk.

The vision is a little blurry.

He shook his head violently twice.

To wake himself up.

When Luffy's figure slowly changed from blurred to clear in his field of vision, the resentment that had accumulated in his heart for a long time came to his heart on the spot.

His wife and children were killed by humans!

How can there be humans in the Fishmen Street!

'Ouch!' a sound.

The wine bottle was directly smashed to the ground by him.

He pointed at Luffy and roared: "Humans! How can there be humans in Fishman Street!"

He raised his hands and flew towards the road aggressively.

Luffy didn't have much reaction to all the things in front of him, he just stood there dumbfounded. When the drunk fishman was about to come to Luffy, Luffy still looked at him blankly, indifferent.

Camie with the prompt response.

She quickly released Shirahoshi's embrace, rushed forward, stopped in front of Luffy, and said boldly, "You...you...you...what do you want...what?!"

Drunken fish-men swelled with alcohol.


He wiped the corner of his mouth and said with a bad face: "What do I want?! Human beings are our recognized enemies! What do you want me to do?!"

The drunken fishman still has a tendency to continue to go forward to deal with Luffy regardless of it.

Camie nervously said: "You...you...you...you don't come here! I can tell you, this child is a guest of Ryugu Palace! Don't mess around!"

Speaking of which.

The drunk fishman was stunned for a moment.

Hearing that he was a distinguished guest from Ryugu Palace City, his forehead was a little awake, and he couldn't react for a while.

It was around the spectating crowd here, and they started to boo.

"Ryugu Palace?"

"Why does Ryugu Castle treat humans as guests?"

"Is it true that Queen Otohime doesn't take the wishes of our fish-men to heart? Do you want to insist on being in the company of humans?"

The residents of Fish-Man Street are undoubtedly the group of Fishman people who hate humans the most in the entire Fish-Man Island. Many of them have seen with their own eyes the persecution of their companions or their families, so they hate human beings very much.

Queen Otohime wanted to implement the policy of 'the peaceful coexistence of merfolk and human beings'. The biggest obstacle also came from Fishman Island.

This is also why when they see Luffy, a human being, appearing here so unscrupulously, they will appear so turbulent.

Shirahoshi, who has been silently watching all this from behind.

This is the first time she has encountered such a situation.

She couldn't help crying anymore.

Then people turned their attention to her, a mermaid with a slightly larger size.


"Why did the princess come to us?"

"The princess came with the child? It's hard to tell the truth about what this mermaid said? Is this human child really a guest of Ryugu Castle?"

At first, he was a little skeptical, suspecting that Camie used the reputation of Ryugu Castle to scare off the drunken fish-men. After seeing the existence of Shirahoshi, he could no longer deceive himself.

And the fierce reaction of this group of melon eaters could not shake Luffy's emotions at all.

But when he heard Shirahoshi's cry.

Luffy naturally showed a frown.

Who bullied my sister?

Who made her cry?

Luffy didn't know how to express his feelings. He ignored Camie and the drunk fishman in front of him, walked directly to Shirahoshi, frowned and said, "Why are you crying? Who bullied you?"

Shirahoshi, who should have burst into tears, paused.

Seeing Luffy coming.

She went forward and hugged Luffy tightly, crying and saying, "Brother Luffy, they are so scary, shall we go back to the Ryugu Palace now?"

Shirahoshi was so frightened that she hugged very hard.

But this foolish Luffy doesn't know what 'comfort' is.

He had only one thought in his mind.

Since my sister said to go home, let's go home.

He also didn't know that this was an action he made to 'protect his sister'.

He has long accepted the Kapu Spartan exercise mode, and his strength is much stronger than that of ordinary children. He forcibly propped up Shirahoshi's embrace and walked out of Shirahoshi's embrace.

He stared blankly at Shirahoshi.

Forgot to cry.

Luffy didn't care about the crowd who were still booing around.

He walked directly behind Camie, poked Camie's fish tail and said, "Let's go home. My sister doesn't like it here."

Camie looked at Luffy stiffly, not knowing how to answer for a while.

On the contrary, the drunk fishman was the first to say: "Go home? Do you think we will let you leave so easily?!"

Having said that, the drunken fishman went forward.

Camie kept Luffy behind him like a hen guarding a chick.

At this moment, in the crowd of people on the periphery, a domineering and unquestionable voice suddenly came: "Get out of the way! Get out of the way! What are you all gathering here for?!"

The owner of the voice has a pair of big hands, and pushed away the crowd in front of him.

A sturdy fishman.

In front of him, anyone seemed so powerless.


He came to the encirclement.

When most people saw him, they couldn't hold back their excitement and shouted, "Elder Dragon!"

"Big Brother Arlong!"

"Big Brother Arlong, it turns out that you are here, this is great!"


It was Arlong who came here after leaving Hody Jones.

Ever since Jinbe became the guard of Ryugu Castle, Arlong has become one of the leaders of Fishmen Street. He is a man who takes his partners very seriously. From time to time, some siblings will gather and rush to land together to rescue the captured partners.

That's why he can be respected and worshipped by so many people in Fishman Street.

His arrival was like a group of fish-men without a leader who had found their backbone.

All things, just leave it to him.

Everyone, just do what you are told.

The drunken fishman, who was sober up a lot, was full of joy when he saw Arlong. He knew that Arlong hated humans the most. What to do with this human child, it would be better to leave it to Arlong to decide.

He walked quickly to Arlong, pointed to Luffy behind Camie and said, "Big Brother Arlong! It's him, it's this human who broke into our fishman street!"

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