Darkening System Start From Naruto

Chapter 289: see who has the last laugh

Chapter 289: see who has the last laugh

Hear the words of Akihiro Kanou.

Kaneki Ken's face turned black again: "What do you mean?"

Yoshimura Eto: "There is a legend in the world of ghouls. According to legend, the RC cells of a certain clan are different. As long as the members of the clan engulf a large number of RC cells of the same type, then one has a chance to summon the legendary dragon."

Kaneki Ken: "summon a dragon?"

Yoshimura Eto nod: "Well, whether it is a summon... or other methods, there is no way to study it. But if you study carefully, you can find that there has indeed been a devastating disaster in the history of mankind. And this disaster happens to be related to the dragon."

Kaneki Ken: "You mean... if I want to build a powerful enemy, maybe I can start from this aspect? But what does this have to do with Akihiro Kanou, why do you think he can help me?"

Yoshimura Eto said with a smile: "It's very simple ~ because Kamishiro Rize is the member of the clan!"

This is the case.

No need to say Yoshimura Eto.

Kaneki Ken suddenly thought of various pictures and various probabilities.

What is the purpose behind Akihiro Kanou?

Was it just right for them to murder Kamishiro Rize, or was it premeditated? Did she run away from her bloodline? Had she listened to this legend and wanted to summon the legendary dragon?

Have I been included as a target of engulfment?

Thinking about it, he couldn't help but ask in his head: "You told me that so-called vortex... is this thing?"

Li Yaoxiang once told him that he has fallen into a vortex since he became a ghoul. Some things are inevitable. However, Li Yaoxiang at the time did not tell him the truth. He was worried that he was too weak and knew the truth too early, but he would fall into despair, so he let him dig slowly.

Li Yaoxiang: "Yes."

Kaneki Ken: "Then you suggested that I create a powerful enemy, is this so-called "dragon"?"

Li Yaoxiang: "Yes."

Kaneki Ken: "Damn it! What the hell is going on? What is the so-called "dragon"? Are they serving the same purpose as me? Am I the victim here?"

Li Yaoxiang: "As long as a large number of similar RC cells are engulfed, the phagocytosis will eventually turn into an unconscious monster. A monster that is larger than a tall building. The so-called 'dragon' is just a beautification of its name. Before, you were indeed treated as a victim. But... After showing strength, you may change their minds. From a victim to a devourer."

Kaneki Ken's tone endless anger: "In other words, has my fate been regarded as a private property by them? The plan is launched, and I only have two fates, whether to die or become a monster?"

Li Yaoxiang: "It's a pity, but this is indeed the case. After all, to create this dragon, an excellent container is an essential part. Your potential and your value will naturally come into their eyes."

Kaneki Ken was sneaked: "Oh, so you let this happen to me? As long as I become an indelible monster, you can live in this world forever?"

Kaneki Ken after Darkening.

Thinking things too complicated.

Naturally, he thinks about crafty plots and machinations.

Li Yaoxiang's voice sounded sad: "Hey, where did you think of that? How can I hurt you? Of course, it is undeniable that your suggestion is a good thing for me. But from what point do you see the idea that I'm harmful to you? I let you become stronger, isn't it just to get rid of this destiny? Who said it must be you to become a monster? As long as the strength is strong enough, the chess piece may not be able to jump out of the frame and become a chess player, right? When the time comes, it will be up to you and the mastermind behind the scenes, who has the upper hand in chess, isn't it? Of course-! If you can't bear to see someone sacrifice, you can't bear to see someone become a monster, and you plan to sacrifice yourself to help others, then you have the right to think I'm talking nonsense. I don't mind being the 'eternal existence' you said in your mouth."

Kaneki Ken snereed.

Did not speak again.

Oh, will he not bear it?

He now wants to kill these secret masterminds!

How can a human who is accustomed to freedom suffer from being so framed and so designed? If you turn me into a ghoul, you still need to treat me as a victim and nurture me into monster nutrients?

If someone is able to face this matter calmly, then he is not a mortal, but a saint.

[Darkening level:]



In reality, Kaneki Ken's expression changed from doubt to resentment, and then from resentment to very ruthless.

There is a decision in mind now! Instead of waiting for others to turn yourself into a monster, it's better to do it first! Then... let's see who can have the last laugh!

His expression, Yoshimura Eto and Tatara also looked in his eyes.

They didn't mean to rush.

So silently waiting for Kaneki Ken's reply.

I don't know how long after that, Kaneki Ken finally moved, and his eyes no longer hesitated: "I agree to join you."

Tatara: "Slow down. Join you say? Since you don't plan to cooperate with our actions, what use do you have for the organization?"

Kaneki Ken's cold eyes looked towards Tatara.

The people in front of him did make him feel threatened, but that didn't mean he couldn't compete at all. Some things, you have to fight to know. He is confident that even if he loses, it is no problem to return the whole body.

As long as you act ruthless enough.

The other side also needs to weigh, and it's not worth the effort to deal with the people around you.

After all, who doesn't have a few people around?

Even if there is no one around you, then I will kill all the members of Aogiri Tree, you will not be wrong with me? I don't believe you can be by their side for 24 hours.

Kaneki Ken: "Just tell me your actions. If I am willing, I will naturally cooperate with you. If I am not willing, no one can force me."

The two looked at each other coldly.

neither giving way to the other.

Tatara: "Do you really think that no one can get you?"

Kaneki Ken: "You can try"

The two sides were at each other's throats.

Blood energy began to permeate behind him, and there was a faint trend of condensing Kagune.

Yoshimura Eto, who saw this, jumped out at this moment, grinning, and calmly made a rounder: "Hahahaha~ That's great~ Kaneki, it would be great if you could join us! Next we are going to attack CCG's ghoul jail. We are to release all the jailed ghouls. To rescue someone you will also be interested in."

Kaneki Ken: "Oh? Who is it?"

Yoshimura Eto: "Father of Kamishiro Rize, Kamishiro Matasaka."

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