Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.3] Quest 292- Primordial Flame, Part 4- Arrival

[Vol.3] Quest 292- Primordial Flame, Part 4- Arrival

The base of Babel.

"Lady Hestia!!" shouted Bell. "What happened?! Are you alright!?" he asked with deep concern.

Hestia was making such a stern expression that it did not fit her at all.

"Don’t worry, I’m fine, but we need to get going. Get your weapons and gear ready."

"Where are we going?" asked Mikoto.

"Olympia, I’ll explain more while we’re on the road."


They quickly get ready and meet up with their goddess back at Babel. From there, Ganesha came and took them to the northeastern wall, where he had several tamed monsters.

"Shall we get going?" said Hermes.

"Lord Hermes, you're coming along as well?" said Bell.

"I am, I know where Olympia is, and well, I am curious as to what is happening there. Plus, since we don’t really know what we’re heading into since Hera up and left already, I brought along some backup!"

They look behind him to see Asfi, Ryuu, and Aisha.

"Ryuu, you're coming along as well?" Bell asked.

"Hm, I asked Syr if she could cover for me. It was lucky Lord Hermes needed some help."

"Enough talking!" Hestia said, getting on a tamed wyvern. "Let's get going!"

They all got on and left.

They all flew with great urgency, so fast that all but Hestia and Hermes knew why they were going.

"Um, Lady Hestia, do you mind if I can ask you to explain what exactly is happening?" Bell asked, riding with Welf.

"… Right now when you see that swirl of dark fire and white light, it is because of Cirrus and his spirit purifying the Primordial Flame of Heaven."

"W-what!?" they all shouted.

"Cirrus has a spirit!" shouted Bell in surprise. "What did they look like?"

"You met her," said Hermes. "It was that white owl Cirrus had with him at all times, and the musician is known as Yoru."

"!!" Instantly they felt it all click.

"So that’s why he was so absurdly strong." Said Welf.

"No, that was because of his efforts. I saw him slay the Goliath on the 17th floor when he was 7 to reach level 3. Note that this was before he had even met Nox, or, well, Yoru."

"Level 3 at age 7," said Aisha under her breath. "That explains why I wanted him back then."

"What are you talking about, Aisha?" said Asfi.

"Nothing, I was simply talking to myself."

"So is Lord Cirrus in trouble?" asked Haruhime.

"More or less, he’s still trying to purify it, but he’s at a standstill, so we need Hestia here to help push him along," Hermes said.

"And we are on a timer. Hera said we don’t have much time. Even now." Hestia looks to the sky. "Something must have happened."

"Hera… Like Zeus and Hera, Hera?" asked Bell.

"Indeed, Bell," said Hermes. "She returned to Orario to inform us, and after her business was finished, she took off back to Olympia to help what she could."

"Just stay behind me, and I’ll take care of her, Bell, and you at Hermes. I know she can shake you down like a timid child," Hestia said, looking at Hermes.

"That’s not true, Hestia!" He began to sweat a bit. "I can keep myself in check! And I have Asfi here to help!"

"Uh-huh, sure."

"It’s true! I have been hiding Zeus for years!"

"Wow~ That is impressive. But I doubt you ever were in the same city, let alone in such close proximity to her."

"With her sense of smell to rival Dionysus’s!"

When they saw the sky no longer swirling but remaining stagnant, they hastened their travel.

They travel for two days when they spot a campfire in the distance.

"That must be Artemis," Hemes said. "Asfi, can you check?"

"Hm." she nods, activates her magic boots, and flies ahead.

She comes back and tells them it was the Artemis Familia. They land, and they go to see Artemis while their mounts rest.

"You arrived quickly," Artemis said as she picked up the fire. "Those mounts must be from Ganesha, right?"

Everyone was around her.

"Yes, he offered them, so we can hurry to Olympia," Hermes said, taking a seat.

"Artemis," Hestia said, sitting down. "Why did Cirrus go? I’m sure he told you, right?"

"He did…"


Wood in the fire cracked.

"Then why didn’t you stop him? I would have taken his place!"

"… I tried, but he used my own words against me, and it was his labor. Should something world-threatening happen, he will answer the call."

"U-um, is it that bad? You have a sad look, Lady Artemis?" Said Bell.

"Did you not tell him what it means to purify the flame, Hestia? You know you can still pay the price if you get there too late."

"Hestia…" her Familia looked at her.

"What does she mean?" asked Lili with a concerned voice.

"…" Hestia remained quiet, and her expression looked like Artemis’s.

"It’s their life. That is why Cirrus was sent." Said, Hermes.

"T-then Cirrus is—"

"He’s not... or more likely, we don’t know." Artemis interrupted Lili. "Nox is a powerful spirit, far more so than the ones you faced in Knossos; she has walked this land long before even the gods. But despite being only second to the god who created her, she is not a god, and this." She looks up, as does the other. "Is how far she can go… a half-complete purification. A struggle against the corruption stemming from the evil of humanity."

They all made a solemn expressions.

"Where is Ai?" asked Aisha. "How is she handling it?"

"She’s in the tent behind me. She’s holding on, but she is tired. For now, I think we should rest, we ride early in the morning, and we are about a day off from Olympia."

"I’m going to check in with Ai," said Aisha.

"I will go as well," said Ryuu.

They leave first.

"I’ll see you in the morning, Artemis, let’s go." Said Hestia as the rest of her Familia followed her.

Bell looks back as Artemis pokes the fire.

‘… I will help to bring him back!’ Bell says to himself as he walks away.

"Aren’t you going to sleep?" Artemis looks at Hermes.

"I figured you needed someone to talk to?"

"You’re the last person I want to tell anything to."

"Fine… but at least take this." Hermes hands her a flask. "You look like you need it."

"No… I’m fine. I will feel much better when I know Cirrus is safe."

"… You know he will survive, right? None of us wish to have Artemis lose her love."


"Thank you for the kind words, Hermes."

Hermes sighed and left her to her fire.

The next morning.

"Are you holding up well?" asked Ryuu.

"Hm," Ai said, eating.

"You sure? You shouldn’t be eating so much?" asked Aisha.

"So? I need my energy." Ai looks at her as she eats another piece of bread.

"Come on," Rethusa said. "Your rides are all set."

Elsewhere within the camp.

"Ah, Kalion! I knew you would be here!" said Bell.

"Hm, Lady Artemis asked me, so, of course, I would come and help," Kalion said.

"You're also not wearing your disguise?" said Welf.

"There is no need. The reputation of the Artemis Familia allows me some leeway with it. Oh, speaking of which, one of our kind members wishes to meet with you, Bell Cranel."

"Do they?" Bell said, surprised. "It’s not Weine right?"

"No, this Xeno is… well, his name is Asterius, and he is a bit different from any other Xeno you met."

"I see…"

"We're moving." Said Artemis. "Sorry for cutting your conversation, Kalion, Bell."

"Not at all, Lady Artemis!" Bell said.

"It’s fine, Lady Artemis. I bid you a temporary farewell, Bell Cranel." Kalion bends down, and both Ai and Artemis get on.

They all traveled for the entire day, reaching the secret passage by late afternoon. They go through it to find themselves in a large forest.

"The smell Sniff, sniff… ashy?" said Haruhime.

"Hold on." Artemis pulls out a flare gun and fires a flare into the sky.

A bit passes, and a familiar black figure could be seen approaching at high speeds.



With a single flap of its wings, the dust of its landing was blown away.

Before them was a black dragon. Its black scales were lustrous in the light of day. They could see vein-like lines across its scales and in between them. Her eyes brings back memories of the Knossos.

"Lady Artemis."

Her voice was pleasant to hear.

"Fafnir," Ai said, walking up. "Where is he?"

"Master is in the chamber; I can bring you to him. You as well, Goddess Hestia."

"Y-yes, I’ll go," Hestia said a bit timidly around Fafnir.

"Hm, quickly travel to the city. The citizens of Olympia should be alerted. I will bring them over and come back." She said as she holds her hand down for them to get on.

"C-could I bring my child?" Hestia asked.

"… No, should any of the Prometheus Familia come, this group will need every hand they can. They have a foe who can match master."

"U-um by master, do you mean…" asked Ryuu.

"Cirrus, Yes. So I suggest you go with extreme caution, and if you should find a white and red great sword, hide it and inform me."

"What’s so special about it?" Welf asked.

"That god there will tell you if you find it. Now come, we do not have all the time in the world."

Artemis and Ai get on, followed by Hestia grabbing Artemis’s hand.

"Oy!" shouted Aisha. "Why can’t we ride on your back!?"

"Only master is allowed to ride me, and Lady Artemis and Ai are far too precious to risk falling off my back."

Her wings spread open, and with a single flap, she was high in the air, and another, they were already gone.

"We should get moving," Rethusa said. "Daylight is burning."

They got a move on.

Great Temple.

A handful of minutes later.



Artemis, Ai, and Hesta get off Fafnir.

"Sandro will lead you." Fafnir then took off again, heading to where the rest could be.

Hestia walks up a bit to see the city of Olympia. She could see construction going on and a familiar deity in the city.

"Ah!! Lady Artemis!! Lady Ai!!" said Sandro. "It has been so long!"

"Sandro." They both said.

Hestia turned to see a handsome man with long, blonde hair.

"Which Familia are you from?" Hestia asks.

"Oh, I am one of Lady Aphrodite’s children! I am sorry she couldn’t be here, but she is helping with the construction of the city at the moment."

"Ah… okay?"

"Well, follow me. It is a bit away, but Fafnir shortened it as much as she could."

 "Um, why do I feel I’m being watched?" Hestia looked around.

"Oh, Lady Malion is monitoring the city from up there." He points up to a wooden tower, where they could see a dark elf sitting down with her bow in hand.

Her eyes gaze down, and there is a look of exhaustion and determination in her eyes.

"That is Hera’s child." Said Artemis. "No need to worry. I can tell her skill with the bow is good."

As Artemis and Ai follow Sandro, Hestia quickly follows behind.

"… Hurry, goddess of the hearth," Malion said, watching from above.

Olympia wilds.

"So Lord Hermes." Said Welf. "Do you know anything about the weapon that the dragon talked about?"

"I can’t say. I need to see it to tell you anything," Hermes said.

"…" Bell glanced around the wilderness.

"What’s wrong, Bell?" Hermes looked at Bell, who was concerned. "Worried about your goddess?"

"A bit, but… I’m more concerned about who could fight and match Cirrus?"

"It is impossible to think someone outside of Orario could match him." Said, Lili.

"I agree," said Ryuu. "He is someone who has fought a variety of strong foes."

"And that is why it is so concerning." Said Asfi.

"U-um Sir Kalion." Said Haruhime. "Do you perchance know of that dragon?" she said, nervously.

"I do not. Lord Cirrus has his own secrets that I am not privy to, but I can assure you that the dragon, known as Fafnir, is not purely a monster. Its existence, I would say, is a species closer to a combination of monster and Spirit."

"!!" Many of them have their ears perked up.

"I… see." Said Haruhime.



Landing before them was Fafnir.

"Who is your slowest? We can’t have them slowing you down or even having them be used as leverage." Fafnir said, looking at all of them.

By the time they arrived, it was already night.

"Welcome to Olympia!" shouted Aphrodite. "Um sorry, it’s a mess. It got really banged up during the seizing of the city."

The city was more or less rebuilt, but several buildings were still cracked from Cirrus and Epimetheus fighting.

"Seems your time in Yamato has stuck with you, huh? I didn’t think you could capture and defend humanity’s first city so well." Hermes said.

"Well, while you were off being a scummy snake oil seller, I was bettering myself and truly becoming a beautiful, unique goddess!"

While they were talking, many of her children came and helped them.

"Ah, Bell." Said Ais, carrying some stuff.

"Ais!" said Bell, walking up to her. "How did you get here!?"

"I followed Lady Hera and Fafnir… then Hera just took me along since I already chased after them for a while."

"Oh… have you met the person who matches Cirrus?"

Ais’s eyes widen a bit, and she nods.

"Yes… A man with tan skin and blue hair. Extremely dangerous, his skills with the blade are better than mine. I could only hold him back due to my support and my magic to fend him off."

Somewhere in the mountainside.

"Oooh!! I found it!!" said a guard of Olympia as he looked down at the divine weapon embedded into the cliffside. "I must tell Lord Epimetheus!"

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